Ga-PCOM Class of 2013!!!

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2nd year is systems.

3rd term first year is neuro. I like neuro because we get a lot of injury stuff, and a lot of Penney, who I love, but probably isn't for everybody.

I also liked CMBM, which was second-term.

First-term (SPOM) was actually my least-favorite, by far.

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Today, I found out that the USPS "missent" my health history form. 5 weeks and 4 trips to my GP and it gets lost in the mail. FML.
dang, that sucks man. I hope you remembered to make photo copies? here, is our schedule from this term that some of you have been asking for.


  • Schedule M1T3 2008-2009.pdf
    47.4 KB · Views: 248
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dang, that sucks man. I hope you remembered to make photo copies? here, is our schedule from this term that some of you have been asking for.

Hi, JWalker,

Do you have a schedule from Winter term (CMBM)? I already have one from SPOM (1st Term), and this one you just posted from 2nd term, but would love to see how 2nd term looks.

It's a doozy!


  • Schedule M1T2 2008-2009.pdf
    151.3 KB · Views: 240
So is grading in the major courses done on a curve, or do they scale the grades based on the highest test scores, etc? Or is your grade strictly based on your own numeric score?
If you guys are having any problems with your health history form, Monica at the Philly office was very helpful! You can reach her at 215-871-6420. BTW, you can scan and email/fax your form so it doesn't get lost in the mail like mine!
So is grading in the major courses done on a curve, or do they scale the grades based on the highest test scores, etc? Or is your grade strictly based on your own numeric score?
Depending on how everyone does, they may curve at the end of the course. They gave us like 1 point in SPOM. Nothing with CMBM, but we had like 5 free attendance points, and extra credit quizzes, and easy grades for these presentations we had to do, and things along those lines.

I think neuro will end up being the same way. The averages aren't that great on the exams, but we've got some clinical correlate that I think is worth a lot, and I can't imagine it being anything but free points. Then again, you never know...
I was hoping some of you current students could tell me whether or not GA-PCOM sends out book list we're supposed to have or is it jus by recommendation?
They will send you the required book list. I can't remember when, but they do send it. But nothing on there is actually necessary.

I have yet to purchase a textbook, and I am doing fine. Between BRS and similar books, and the lecture packets, you'll get everything you need to know.

And if you join the EM interest group, all your wildest dreams will come true.
They will send you the required book list. I can't remember when, but they do send it. But nothing on there is actually necessary.

I have yet to purchase a textbook, and I am doing fine. Between BRS and similar books, and the lecture packets, you'll get everything you need to know.

And if you join the EM interest group, all your wildest dreams will come true.

YES!!! I was waiting for some gradiose promises. I like it, I'm in for sure
My financial aid award is up on Banner. You can access this by clicking on the "Award by Aid Year" link at the bottom right hand corner of your nucleus homepage.
My financial aid award is up on Banner. You can access this by clicking on the "Award by Aid Year" link at the bottom right hand corner of your nucleus homepage.

When were youi accepted? I was accepted in late January, and wonder if they are processing financial aid in order of acceptance or in order of paperwork submission. I had my paperwork turned in very early after acceptance, but my award info is not on Banner yet.
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My financial aid award is up on Banner. You can access this by clicking on the "Award by Aid Year" link at the bottom right hand corner of your nucleus homepage.

Laurel from Financial Aid said that they will begin awarding the "August" students AFTER they award all of the "June 1st" students... who are the June 1st students??? These aren't the biomed students right?
could be 1 of 2 things. 1) could be students who have to remediate during the summer? Dont know how that works, but i assume you have to pay for it. 2) more likely its the 3rd and 4th years who are on rotations. i think they get there money at different times since they are now on year round schooling.
My financial aid package is up on banner too, just got it today. :)
This may have already been asked but is GA-PCOM's pharmacy school opening up anytime soon? Will they be sharing the same building as us (same lecture halls?) or are they extending the building? Just curious.
The first pharm class will start at the beginning of your second year (fall of 2010). The building design is changing on the inside so the lecture halls will not be shared. From what I have heard, the area by the anatomy lab will house the Pharm students.
This may have already been asked but is GA-PCOM's pharmacy school opening up anytime soon? Will they be sharing the same building as us (same lecture halls?) or are they extending the building? Just curious.

they is no "extending the building"
If you're going there in the near future, do yourself a favor and peek behind the doors inthe rear of the building and the left of the building if you're facing the back.
What you'll find is HUGE empty space. HUGE. I'm talking a couple of football fields of total unused space.

As former founder and president of the athletics club (TheKirk's own horn goes beep beep) We tried to put up basketball goals at one point but were shot down. And we were kicked out of the area for throwing football and at one point we brought our gloves and threw the baseball around during "study breaks." It's a huge area, is my point, and they have plenty of room for several other "schools."

But while it's on my mind, I should also forewarn you that I used to jumprope everyday and used the open space in the huge space near the exercise room (the floor in the exercise room is either carpet or padding so not good for jumproping) and after a month or so, I was informed that I was breaking fire code by doing so and had to cease and desist. (I was never informed how this was a fire code violation - maybe if there was a fire I might hit someone with my rope who is fleeing....but I like to think it was because I jumprope SO good they were afraid I might burst into flames.)

Anyway, I got kicked out to the parking lot, and a week later was informed that I couldn't do that for safety reasons as well.

So, they discrminate against boxers is my point.

Wait, what were we talking about again? Oh right, dont' go to class.
cool, thanks guys.

haha, thats hilarious kirk. they wouldn't let you jump rope in the parking lot?? geez... where do you jump rope now?

i didn't know there was an athletics club! ive played soccer all my life and played in intramural and YMCA basketball leagues at my college. do you guys meet every week to play a sport? i have no idea how it works.
Hey everyone just got back in the counry a couple days ago and saw that my financial aid award package was updated (don't know when it was done though). Had a quick question regarding it though. First, will we also recieve snail mail regarding this info and forms to accept the given award sometime in the near future? Also, for anybody that has applied for Grad PLUS loans was that on your award package already because it was not on mine and I was approved a while back from my lending company? I was wondering when for sure we would hear about these amounts and our approval by the school reagarding these loans. thanks everyone. Its getting closer to day one!
cool, thanks guys.

haha, thats hilarious kirk. they wouldn't let you jump rope in the parking lot?? geez... where do you jump rope now?

i didn't know there was an athletics club! ive played soccer all my life and played in intramural and YMCA basketball leagues at my college. do you guys meet every week to play a sport? i have no idea how it works.

Well, the club was intially created by us to handle ALL the athletic and exercise interests of the school. We were one class with no upper or lower classmen, so the original constitution stated we were to organize teams of various sports into local leagues until the day the school was running at full capacity, THEN we would be the governing body that organized and oversaw intramurals.

Once we left the school on clinicals, I think the next few folks who were in charge kinda lost the direction of this club and I have no idea if they do this or not.

Sad. We had a vision back then....
Hey everyone just got back in the counry a couple days ago and saw that my financial aid award package was updated (don't know when it was done though). Had a quick question regarding it though. First, will we also recieve snail mail regarding this info and forms to accept the given award sometime in the near future? Also, for anybody that has applied for Grad PLUS loans was that on your award package already because it was not on mine and I was approved a while back from my lending company? I was wondering when for sure we would hear about these amounts and our approval by the school reagarding these loans. thanks everyone. Its getting closer to day one!

I was wondering the same thing. Calling Laurel would be the best solution. Do you have to apply for a grad plus loan every year?
As far as I know you do have to sign up every year for Grad PLUS. When I filled out the loan app I could only do it for a 12 month period so I guess so. I just hope I have everything in order with the loan...kinda scared me when I did not see it on the fin aid packet as of now.
Hey all,

I am a third year leaving for rotations in June so I thought I would post where I'm living on here. I rent from a really nice landlord and the place is perfect for school. I am not making any money on passing this on I just want some one to have a nice place. It's a two bedroom two and a half bath. It's really nice for students because each bedroom has it's own bathroom. She is charging 975 per month. I am also selling my couches if anyone is interested, they are from Ashley furniture and they are red and about 2 years old. They are in perfect shape.

I lived at the Reserve at Sugarloaf my first year and enjoyed it and lived here my second year. I liked the townhome more because it is so close to school. I could go home for lunch and let my dog out and not waste a lot of time.
Located at Garrison Square Townhomes. E-mail me at [email protected] if you want the flyer I made up. For some reason I can't post it on here.

Anyhow, let me know if you are interested or call me at 423-534-3068.

Thanks, Christian
As far as I know you do have to sign up every year for Grad PLUS. When I filled out the loan app I could only do it for a 12 month period so I guess so. I just hope I have everything in order with the loan...kinda scared me when I did not see it on the fin aid packet as of now.


i don't think you need to worry if you've already been approved. maybe they process and post the stafford loans first and then grad plus later. i haven't even applied for grad plus yet. but if you're really concerned just call or email laurel. shes very helpful.
Its easy just rent an apartment at 5375 Sugarloaf Parkway and mention that Tiffany Sanders referred you and I will make you a little richer:) I have lived here for 4 years and will be moving out in July for residency, but I have enjoyed this place. Check out the website for more info or look at my previous post on the subject. Feel free to PM if needed..and lastly if you decide to lease here and did mention my name let me know so I can follow up on things:) Good Luck!
Sorry if this has already been covered. A few of my friends at allo schools just finished up their first years and they had to take shelf exams in each subject. I think they are part of the NBME. Do we have these type of exams at GA-PCOM?
no, we dont have shelf exams. we have an exam after each rotation written by the school or something, but we dont take the shelf exams.
Yo. I'm pretty sure they still refer to them as shelf exams though.

Hey everyone i'm a 2nd year at Georgia PCOM, woah it feels good to say that. if you have any questions you can PM me, I havn't been on in awhile but I do check my e-mail a lot. I know its very exciting, so please have as much fun as you possible can this summer, and don't freak out too much :) - Andrea Melonakos OMS II :rolleyes::D:D:)
Hey guys, I need some help. I have to apply for grad plus and I want to make sure that I'm doing this correctly and that I'm not taking out too much or too little.

In the binder, it says that I'll be spending...
$37,509 for tuition (is this amt staying the same for this year?)
$1800 for books and supplies
$1000 for instruments and equipment
$2600 for health insurance
$225 for class dues
(are those pretty accurate?)

Total of $43,134.

Now, I've estimated that I'll spend about $15,480 for rent (living by myself), utilities, internet, food, and gas. So, my entire spending for the first year will be ~$58,614.

Does that sound about right? Am I overestimating or underestimating?
Thanks guys.
Hello everybody. Congrats on being accepted. I am going to begin my first year at pcom as well. I was looking for roomates for a place near pcom. If anybody is interested feel free to email me at [email protected].
Penney writes the exam for the EM clerkship. Supposedly, it is much harder than a normal shelf exam. But is that really surprising to anyone?
Penney writes the exam for the EM clerkship. Supposedly, it is much harder than a normal shelf exam. But is that really surprising to anyone?

"Which of the following true statements is the least false?.........."

Good luck, y'all.
Are the first two years pass/fail? or do we get letter grades? If its pass/fail, how do they determine class rank?
Hi Everyone.
Congrats on your acceptances. I'm starting this fall as well and I'm eager to meet everyone! Just had a question about the required instruments that we needed for the first year. Does anybody have an idea? Also, which books are required and which recommended?
Hi Everyone.
Congrats on your acceptances. I'm starting this fall as well and I'm eager to meet everyone! Just had a question about the required instruments that we needed for the first year. Does anybody have an idea? Also, which books are required and which recommended?

Congrats on your acceptance! I've heard that the list of books won't be available to us until a couple of weeks before school starts. I believe a few of the graduated students are trying to sell their books (I've seen some here on SDN and on facebook), so you may want to look into that if you're interested. As for the required instruments, some of the upperclassmen on here could probably help us out.
Are the first two years pass/fail? or do we get letter grades? If its pass/fail, how do they determine class rank?

1st two years you get a grade but it won't be a letter grade but graded on a numerical scale. In the clinical years, the grading structure is Honors Pass, High Pass, and Pass.
Hi Everyone.
Congrats on your acceptances. I'm starting this fall as well and I'm eager to meet everyone! Just had a question about the required instruments that we needed for the first year. Does anybody have an idea? Also, which books are required and which recommended?

Someone from SGA will send you guys an email about the instruments. Usually a sales rep will come in during the orientation week and will tell you what you should get. It costed me closed to $1000.

For the 1st term, I didn't really use a book other than the Netter's Atlas and you get free netters when you join SOMA (Student Osteopathic Medical Association). You have to pay for the membership but most students join because you get free netter's Atlas. However, they are getting new anatomy professors so depending on how great they are and their powerpoints, you might need a book. Book list may change so I would wait on that but we have been using Clinically oriented anatomy by moore (we used the 5th edition but there is a new edition out now) I didn't even buy embryo, histo books and the book list may change depending on the professors so I would wait for the book list.
Someone from SGA will send you guys an email about the instruments. Usually a sales rep will come in during the orientation week and will tell you what you should get. It costed me closed to $1000.

For the 1st term, I didn't really use a book other than the Netter's Atlas and you get free netters when you join SOMA (Student Osteopathic Medical Association). You have to pay for the membership but most students join because you get free netter's Atlas. However, they are getting new anatomy professors so depending on how great they are and their powerpoints, you might need a book. Book list may change so I would wait on that but we have been using Clinically oriented anatomy by moore (we used the 5th edition but there is a new edition out now) I didn't even buy embryo, histo books and the book list may change depending on the professors so I would wait for the book list.

Thanks for the info.
Someone from SGA will send you guys an email about the instruments. Usually a sales rep will come in during the orientation week and will tell you what you should get. It costed me closed to $1000.

For the 1st term, I didn't really use a book other than the Netter's Atlas and you get free netters when you join SOMA (Student Osteopathic Medical Association). You have to pay for the membership but most students join because you get free netter's Atlas. However, they are getting new anatomy professors so depending on how great they are and their powerpoints, you might need a book. Book list may change so I would wait on that but we have been using Clinically oriented anatomy by moore (we used the 5th edition but there is a new edition out now) I didn't even buy embryo, histo books and the book list may change depending on the professors so I would wait for the book list.

Just a note about the Netter's Atlas: I asked about the free atlas, and was told that, due to budget cuts, SOMA would no longer give away the Netter's, but would have a "gift" of some type for joining SOMA. So you might want to plan on getting Netter's yourself. This info supposedly came from the current SOMA leadership at GA-PCOM, but my apologies if it's inaccurate.
Just a note about the Netter's Atlas: I asked about the free atlas, and was told that, due to budget cuts, SOMA would no longer give away the Netter's, but would have a "gift" of some type for joining SOMA. So you might want to plan on getting Netter's yourself. This info supposedly came from the current SOMA leadership at GA-PCOM, but my apologies if it's inaccurate.

I heard the same thing...
I'm not sure it is completely decided yet, but I do believe the plan is no more free netter's.
I was just curious if anyone has found out what the schedule will be for this fall?
They said detailed schedule to come during orientation. Scroll back through this thread to find the 2012 first year schedule for an idea...
So do they require attendance now, or are you guys still free to actually learn?

There better not be! That's one reason why I chose GA-PCOM over LECOM. and... because of LECOM's lame dress code. ;)