For Future Jeffersonians-Class of 2009

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Wow! Thanks for the info on the e-mail. I was wondering why it wasn't working. Changed my password, and now I finally can get into my e-mail. It is awesome!

can't wait to start school! :)

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Ok i'm such a nerd... i've been walking around philly all day... wanted a place to sit down so i came to the Jeff Library... and my key and password worked to get on the computers... I feel like a student already :) Like I said, I'm a nerd...

Anyway, the people here have been amazing. I went out to this bar "monks" with some M1's last night... great atmosphere... I'm getting soooooo excited!!
thats tight!
monks is a great bar - over 80 different types of beers....

phillz is my hometown - also the'll have a blast at jeff...

sad i won't be joining you..

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i just withdrew from the last of my schools. so... i guess this means i'm going to jefferson for sure. it's a little scary. i've been pretty sure i was going to jefferson for the past week or so, but actually writing that letter and withdrawing gives me this strange melodramatic feeling of a door slamming shut in my life forever. my mom says i have a 'fear of commitment' and that it pervades all aspects of my life. but, i guess proximity to slopes for snowboarding wasn't a good enough reason to go to BU. especially since I liked Jeff better.

but it looks like i'll be seeing you guys for sure in August! now if i can find that housing form...
hey lightnk102... I SNOWBOARD TOO! :) I've not been able to go in New Orleans (no snow no mountains) but I've usually managed to go over winter break and to me, Philly is close to some (not fabulous but only a day trip away) slopes... :) Maybe we'll make a couple of trips this winter! :)

Congrats on finalizing your plans!! :)

Are the Poconos okay for snowboarding? How far are they from Philly? My board is sitting in Denver collecting dust. After living in warm flat places for four years, maybe I'll finally get to get it out again! Anyone have a car? :)
I don't know about hte Poconos... I do have a car... not sure if i'm bringing it up to philly but I'll probably park it in annapolis, md if i don't and that's only a short train ride away...

Where are the best places to go nearby philly?
Hey guys! I'll be at Jeff next year with you and although Im not boarder, I do ski. There are some decent slopes in the Allentown area if you dying to get out and thats a little over an hour away. You could always go a lil farther for more variety. Slopes in PA certainly are not Colorado or Vermont Slopes but they satisfy much needed snow fixes. Im going to keep my car outside the city at my uncles house so maybe we can hook up to go.
Sounds great! :)

Anyone know how to accept our fin aid package and stuff?? I have my award on pulse but I don't know what to do now. Do I do anything?

Sorry, new to all of this fin aid crap.
Day-trips to the slopes sound like good stress relievers. No car here =(. Just a brand spanking new snowboard that I want to start breaking in. I'm not that great at boarding, but I'm thinking that I'll have to improve now that I'm financially vested.

I think the closest Poconos slope is Blue Mountain. The only caveat about skiing/boarding on the East coast is that its usually pretty icy. I hear Camelback is supposed to be a little better, but it's also further away (I think 2.5 hours?).

Financial aid: they do send you a paper packet that you have to sign to 'accept' it and then send back.

I haven't decided yet whether I want to live in on-campus housing or find my own housing. Any ideas?
a quick tip for anyone with divorced parents who may not have filed your financial aid stuff yet - you only need to list one parent as custodial and, therefore, to be considered contributory towards your education. My parents won't be (directly) paying a dime for my time in med school, and I'm sure many of you are in my shoes, so you just pick the parent with the smaller income. My Mom pulls in around 60G's per year and with my meager income included our EFC was only about $3000 - Jefferson financial aid was very good to me.

oh yeah, is anybody going to be rushing a frat this weekend?

No i can't because I have graduation on Saturday, but I went up and visited Phi Delta Epsilon (the co-ed one) last weekend ... I had some time off cuz my finals ended earlier than most of my friends' ... THEY WERE SOOOOO NICE! I really liked the people and the house was cool! I won't figure out if I get to live there yet ... I find out when yall do (I guess the evening of Sat the 21st?) ... but GOOD LUCK to ya! :) I'm sure it's nothing intimidating! :)
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krebse said:
oh yeah, is anybody going to be rushing a frat this weekend?


I have a wedding to attend :) . I was thinking of going to the pre-Rush party on Friday night though. Anyone going?
lightnk102 said:
I have a wedding to attend :) . I was thinking of going to the pre-Rush party on Friday night though. Anyone going?
I'll likely be there - I fly in Friday afternoon and one of the guys from PDE said we would stop by the party and then go tour Philly

I went down this past weekend for the co-ed frat...I enjoyed myself but I dont know how well I sold myself. So we'll see. Im sure theres a lot of interest so Im not getting my hopes up. But good luck to those going.
Hello to all of you. I am going to Jeff this August. I am doing the summer reading and I have decided to live at The St. James and I was wondering if any of you out there are going to live there. Nice to meet all of you.
I am getting a two bedroom two bathroom at the Cosmopolitan, a doorman building on 12th and Locust. There's washer and dryer in the apartment and great light. It's a great location--just one block from Jefferson Alumni Hall. Anyone interested in living with me? E-mail me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from you!
hey guys, ive just been looking around for apartments and I was wondering what areas are near the school....should I be looking at center city? and tova, i think I saw your ad on teh classified adn I emailed your jefferson email...i was wondering how much it would be, i'd def be interested in teh cosmo, i was there before and it was nice. i just need to know the price per person.

and I havent heard of st. james that campus housing? how much is it?

im looking for an apartment and roomate(s), if anyone is interested please let me know!

[email protected]
wends said:
hey guys, ive just been looking around for apartments and I was wondering what areas are near the school....should I be looking at center city? and tova, i think I saw your ad on teh classified adn I emailed your jefferson email...i was wondering how much it would be, i'd def be interested in teh cosmo, i was there before and it was nice. i just need to know the price per person.

and I havent heard of st. james that campus housing? how much is it?

im looking for an apartment and roomate(s), if anyone is interested please let me know!

[email protected]

Jefferson is in the Washington Square area. Philadelphia is set up like a grid. There are numerical streets, and then going across them are streets named after trees. From South to North, the major streets are named:

etc. etc.

There are a few little streets between those.

Jefferson lies between 8th and 10th street, from spruce to walnut (I think that's the general area, i might be leaving out a building or two). If you're from NY, the numbered streets are longer blocks than they are in Manhattan. If you want to be a 5 minute - 10 minute walk from campus, staying below Broad Street (Broad St = 14th St) is a safe bet.

If you look on Craig's List, you should be able to get a general idea of how expensive apartments are in the Jefferson area. It's a pretty good area and decently inexpensive to live in. Last time I checked, the neighborhood rents ran along the same lines as the Barringer rents, except neighborhood rents rarely include free internet so you can count on paying a little more off- campus for utilities and such.

Last week I also finally made my decision and decided on Jefferson. I am planning to go up for Rush day so if any of you go I will see you there!
hey all - the book we are supposed to read "the spirit catches you and you fall down" was on the buy 2 get 1 free table at borders today! thought other book dorks like me out there might take advantage.
Hey everyone...just wanted to add my name to the thread. I got in today!! I'm so excited!!!

What are you guys going to do about parking/bringing a car down??
I'm planning on leaving mine in Maryland until 3rd and 4th years... parking seems to be somewhat of a difficult situation...
kgoods5 said:
What are you guys going to do about parking/bringing a car down??
Congratulations...parking will run you around $300/month I've been told, but there are places you can park it for free if you're not skittish about leaving it in a kind of sketch neighborhood. Regardless, Philly seems like a really good walking city, and the public trans will get you most places you'd ever need to go.

Anyone hear from any of the medical fraternities yet?
I haven't heard anything. For some reason, I had the impression they were deciding fast, but I didn't go to Rush (dropped by on Friday night instead, where I met the lovely Krebse), so I didn't hear the official rules and such. Did they mention when they'd be notifying people by? When I didn't get a call by last night, I assumed I didn't make the cut.
it was lovely to meet you as well lightnk - they haven't made all of their decisions yet as they didn't get the interest from the boys that they wanted. There was a really low guy turn-out for all the frats this year. I don't know if this means they'll still be taking more gals or not, all they told me was that they're still working things out.

hey guys......does anyone know when the health form, physical checkup thing is due?? I still need to get my physical done.....also, when do you think is a good time to head down to phili? Leases start at teh beginning of teh month so I guess most people are moving down around July 1st?

me and another girl are looking for 1 or 2 more people to share an apartment with if anyone is interested. We're really cool people! lol. ;) :cool:

email me at [email protected]
lightnk102 said:
Jefferson is in the Washington Square area. Philadelphia is set up like a grid. There are numerical streets, and then going across them are streets named after trees. From South to North, the major streets are named:

etc. etc.

There are a few little streets between those.

Jefferson lies between 8th and 10th street, from spruce to walnut (I think that's the general area, i might be leaving out a building or two). If you're from NY, the numbered streets are longer blocks than they are in Manhattan. If you want to be a 5 minute - 10 minute walk from campus, staying below Broad Street (Broad St = 14th St) is a safe bet.

If you look on Craig's List, you should be able to get a general idea of how expensive apartments are in the Jefferson area. It's a pretty good area and decently inexpensive to live in. Last time I checked, the neighborhood rents ran along the same lines as the Barringer rents, except neighborhood rents rarely include free internet so you can count on paying a little more off- campus for utilities and such.

wow thanks for the info lightnik! Didnt see that till really glad to be in the same class as people like you guys, you all seem really nice and down to earth!
I haven't gotten my packet yet...does anyone know the dates of orientation? Thanks!
kgoods5 said:
I haven't gotten my packet yet...does anyone know the dates of orientation? Thanks!
start 8/1, white coat ceremony is 8/5 - go to the admissions site and click on matriculating students

Well I didnt get a spot in the frat...oh well....I hope someone else on here had more luck. :)
afr0dite01 said:
Well I didnt get a spot in the frat...oh well....I hope someone else on here had more luck. :)

How were you notified? I haven't heard a thing :confused: . I started looking at apartments today in Philadelphia because I assumed no call = rejection from frats. Are they sending out official rejection notices?

Saw a nice little 2 BR today at 13th and Pine :) . Does anyone know if we can get into Barringer or Orlowitz to take a look at what on-campus housing looks like?
I just got the call from Dr. Callahan. I will most definately be attending. See you guys in August!!!
lightnk102 said:
How were you notified? I haven't heard a thing :confused: . I started looking at apartments today in Philadelphia because I assumed no call = rejection from frats. Are they sending out official rejection notices?

Saw a nice little 2 BR today at 13th and Pine :) . Does anyone know if we can get into Barringer or Orlowitz to take a look at what on-campus housing looks like?

I emailed since I wasnt there for rush weekend and that was my main contact. So since I didnt hear I emailed. She told me that she was going to email me tonight anyway so maybe youll hear tonight. Good luck!

I also remember hearing that people got to check out the on campus stuff if you go and ask the front desk at those buildings.
sstache1 said:
I just got the call from Dr. Callahan. I will most definately be attending. See you guys in August!!!

Has anyone else had trouble logging into Jeff's system with their campus key? I tried changing my password before I ever logged in (which was stupid)...and now neither the old nor the new passwords will work. :mad:
get in touch with IT, they'll walk you through fixing it, everything's been fine for me

Hey guys,

Anyone planning on living off campus next year? I'm moving the the art museum area next month and I just wanted to see if there is anyone else interested in the area or if there is anyone actually living there or in another part of Philly right now.

Let me know if you can.

Have a safe and happy holiday weekend everybody.
sstache1 said:
Hey guys,

Anyone planning on living off campus next year? I'm moving the the art museum area next month and I just wanted to see if there is anyone else interested in the area or if there is anyone actually living there or in another part of Philly right now.

Let me know if you can.

Have a safe and happy holiday weekend everybody.

I'm considering living off-campus, but I'd like to live within walking distance of campus. I'm looking in the Washington Square West area. I haven't made up my mind yet though. I'm only moving off-campus if I find a place that's cheaper than the on-campus housing, which I'm currently signed up for.

Does anyone know if we get server space at Jefferson? i.e. for webpages and file storage?
sstache1 said:
Hey guys,

Anyone planning on living off campus next year? I'm moving the the art museum area next month and I just wanted to see if there is anyone else interested in the area or if there is anyone actually living there or in another part of Philly right now.

Let me know if you can.

Have a safe and happy holiday weekend everybody.

I lived in the Art Museum area for several years, though I live in Chestnut Hill now. I can answer any questions you have about the art museum area--just give me a PM...
So i'm thinking of applying to Jefferson. I saw on last year's secondary that they want LOR from physics, chem, bio, and humanities profs, 1 each! Do they really want all of those? It kind of freaked me out. Any comments?
Congrats to all of you who were accepted!! :thumbup:
themach said:
So i'm thinking of applying to Jefferson. I saw on last year's secondary that they want LOR from physics, chem, bio, and humanities profs, 1 each! Do they really want all of those? It kind of freaked me out. Any comments?
Congrats to all of you who were accepted!! :thumbup:

Most people apply to medical school using a committee letter (a committee at your school takes your individual LORs and condenses them into a single letter from your undergrad institution). They generally recommend at least three science LORs (preferably from different areas of science) and one humanities LOR. All of my sciences letters were from Biology profs, but I had done research with one and had been a TA for two others, so I felt the repetition was justified. As for Jefferson, I don't remember anything about physics, chem, bio, or humanities LORs on their secondary. From what I remember it was online and took all of 10 minutes to complete. Good luck with your applications.
Hi everyone,

I'll be attending Jefferson this Fall and I'm trying to determine which cell phone carrier has the best reception and service in the Jefferson/Center City area. During my interview day, I tried using my Verizon cell phone and noticed that the reception was pretty bad. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance. :)
I have cingular and last time i was up there visiting I had no problems. Hope that helps!! :)

Looking forward to meetin' ya!
Hey everyone,

I just got an apartment on The Ben infront of the hospital. I was wondering if any of you are going to be living there. I am moving July 1st and would love to meet you guys before August 1st. Hope all of you had a great weekend.
I know that cingular has good reception there and I think that Nextel and T-Mobile do as well.

I'm hoping to get a 1BR place in Orlowitz. Does anyone know when we hear from housing for sure?
i have verizon and i haven't had any problems in the philadelphia area. my mom works at jefferson and her verizon phone doesn't have problems either. i think you'd be okay with any cell phone carrier you opt for.

i'd like to find out about housing soon as well. i've been collecting used furniture off of craig's list.