First semester grades...

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Aug 25, 2004
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It's that time of year for many of us... So, how were your first semester grades? You don't have to share details of course, but how did they compare to what you thought you'd get? or how did they compare to your undergrad grades?

Mine aren't all posted yet, but so far I'm actually doing much better than I had expected going into pharmacy school. I think I'm a better student now than when I was an undergrad.

Do they share class averages with your class?

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I think I may have gotten my first "D." The sad thing is that I really had to fight for it. I think I am still going to make the Dean's list though. Nine classes are just too many. Nothing but sleeping, video games, and egg nog for me for the next month off.
It did alright. I passed.............I hope.

But all I know is know joining LO CHI! woop. :thumbup:
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Unless by some statistical anomoly I made a B+ instead of a B in pathophysiology I missed making the Dean's List by 0.0125 points. The good part was that I had my goal set at a C average so I came out way ahead.
is there a gpa that you must maintain in order to stay in pharmacy school?
I'm still waiting for my final grades. The only class that issued an official grade so far is Pharmacology. I got a B and I am extremely happy with it. I'm pretty sure I also got a B in med chem and a B in pharmacotherapy. I'm still waiting on Dose Ops (pharmacokinetics) and Med Use Process. I kind of blew off those two classes, so I'll most likely get a C in both. Practicum is an automatic A, but it's only worth one credit so I don't really count it.

Imperial Frog - my first semester GPA was 3.34 (B in PBD), but I made the Deans List in semester two. It is a little easier than semester one. Good going on your first semester. :)
babieblueazn said:
is there a gpa that you must maintain in order to stay in pharmacy school?

I think our school has it set at 2.3.
I got exactly a 3.0. I'm sort of happy since term 1 of year 1 is even by P-4's dubbed "the most difficult term in pharmacy school". I would like to do better next term, though. I want to apply to my schools MPH program to get a combined degree, and I'm sure they prefer to see a GPA above a 3.0.
I'm very pleased with my first semester. I got a B in Pathophysiology, B in Biochem, B+ in Dosage Forms (a damn 89.25), A in Practicum, A in Pharm Sys and Resources, and A in Med Chem. I really wanted an A in Dosage Forms but I'm happy overall. My overall GPA is 3.3 so I'm pleased with that!
imperial frog said:
Unless by some statistical anomoly I made a B+ instead of a B in pathophysiology I missed making the Dean's List by 0.0125 points. The good part was that I had my goal set at a C average so I came out way ahead.

Is the cutoff for your dean's list a 3.25 or 3.5? Ours is 3.25, so I did make the dean's list with my 3.3, which is probably lower than your GPA. :oops:
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It's 3.5. The anomoly didn't come thru though. Wound up with Bs in Pathophysiology and Biochem which are 5 and 4 credits so they account for more than half the credits in the first semester.
I have to say I'm extremely thrilled about my first semester grades. I prepared myself for the possibility of making a C average once I got here. At the beginning of the semester all of the P2's-P4's scared the crap out of us saying that we would never see an A again. I've never been one for grades, but I was able to pull off a 4.0 :D .
Now for a much needed break...although we only have two weeks :( .
Take it easy and take advantage of all the vacation you have, I know I need it!

Which Pharmacy school you teach at?
emogrrrrl said:
I have to say I'm extremely thrilled about my first semester grades. I prepared myself for the possibility of making a C average once I got here. At the beginning of the semester all of the P2's-P4's scared the crap out of us saying that we would never see an A again. I've never been one for grades, but I was able to pull off a 4.0 :D .
Now for a much needed break...although we only have two weeks :( .
Take it easy and take advantage of all the vacation you have, I know I need it!

Actually the first few years are just basic review courses.For the most part, I think the difficult courses come in P3. P2 tends to be the same as P1, just in over drive and with a lot more work. Good luck.
gdk420 said:
Actually the first few years are just basic review courses.For the most part, I think the difficult courses come in P3. P2 tends to be the same as P1, just in over drive and with a lot more work. Good luck.

Not true at UF. The first year is partial review if you have a biology degree, but all new if you do not. Almost all the pharmacy diadetic course work is in year two. It is an extremely heavy course load. By P3 year, all the hard courses are over and then you start rotations in your second semester, continue through the summer and on into your 4th year.

The Dean's list for year two is about 1/8 the size of year one. Almost everyone makes it for year three & four.
pharmacology said:
All of my 116 students passed my class. :D I was too nice :p :p

There is no such thing as too nice. :D
Phew! 2 Bs, 7 As = 3.68....not bad, not bad. My new motto...Aim LOW, Score High :thumbup: I was just hoping to pass starting Pharmacy School, now...I want my As! I keep telling myself grades don't matter...but after you put all that hard work into studying, you want that good grade to show for it.
gdk420 said:
Actually the first few years are just basic review courses.For the most part, I think the difficult courses come in P3. P2 tends to be the same as P1, just in over drive and with a lot more work. Good luck.

That's definitely not the case at my school.
emogrrrrl said:
That's definitely not the case at my school.

It was for me and my friends. Immunology, physiology, anatomy,biochemistry, microbiology,pharmacuetical calculations (review of basic algebra), even pharmacuetics (a basic review of pka) were all review classes for most biology and biochemistry majors. There were some differences such as OTC and pharmcare, but for the most part, I never saw med chem or pharmacology until I hit the second half of P2 and the clinical stuff didn't really roll around until P3.
DrPharm said:
Phew! 2 Bs, 7 As = 3.68....not bad, not bad. My new motto...Aim LOW, Score High :thumbup: I was just hoping to pass starting Pharmacy School, now...I want my As! I keep telling myself grades don't matter...but after you put all that hard work into studying, you want that good grade to show for it.

Just a quick reminder:

When you get out in the real world, grades don't matter unless you are trying to get a residency. Most employer already assume you are intelligent. So, enjoy your time and study less for the tests and keep a respectable 3.0. Just another perspective. I have learned this through experience with other jobs. You don't get extra money for a higher GPA. SO RELAX!!
PHARMD Maybe?,

Higher GPA will not give you extra money, but it will make you compititive applicant(for job).

...AND you get scholarships with high GPA's.
letjin said:
...AND you get scholarships with high GPA's.

There are very few academic scholarships for professional schools. The ones I've seen require a 3.2 GPA and financial need.

There's nothing wrong with getting A's. Everyone should try their best. It won't make any difference when you're job hunting. I would think that being an officer in an organization would make a bigger difference.
We all just love NOVA's grading system. A, B, C, and then below 70% = F.

Not that I would have needed a D this semester, but I came pretty darn close in a course...

Happy Holidays to all. :)
We have med chem the first year. And the first term teacher is notoriously tough.
did okay, but not as good as I would have liked in my biostats course. Ended with a cumulative of 3.53.

hopefully, I can survive next quarter...
I didn't do as well as undergrad but I am not complaining about my grades. I ended up with a 3.53 gpa. Most of the students in my class are doing pretty well.

If you've been out of school for a while, your grades will probably not meet your expectations. I felt the same way after my first quarter. Anyway, my suggestion is to study hard as well as play hard . The key is time management! Life as a P2 was pretty tough last quarter with all the projects, dinners, and meetings we had to plan for you guys (see how much we love you!), but thanks to a lot of caffeine and late nights, I managed to do pretty well in my coursework as well as do a whole lot of extra currics.
My grades are finally up. I made my first C. :(
It was in Dose Optimization. I totally panicked during the final, ended up getting a 63% which counted for 50% of my grade. At least it was only a 2 credit hour course. My cumulative GPA has dropped to 3.24
dgroulx said:
There are very few academic scholarships for professional schools. The ones I've seen require a 3.2 GPA and financial need.

There's nothing wrong with getting A's. Everyone should try their best. It won't make any difference when you're job hunting. I would think that being an officer in an organization would make a bigger difference. school gives $2500 to P1-P4's with 3.2 GPA, financial need don't matter, and no limit as to how many people get it. Plus there are scholarships available for people w/ highest GPA from each class, highest grade in organic & biochemistry, etc, in addition to financial need awards.

Enough motivation for me to get down and study :thumbup:
and it gets worse and worse. i just missed the dean's list but i am happy that i wasn't one of the people who failed and got kicked out.
dgroulx said:
My grades are finally up. I made my first C. :(

I had to read that a few times before it made sense what you were saying. At first I thought you meant that your grades had improved and you got your first C. Ouch.
GravyRPH said:
I had to read that a few times before it made sense what you were saying. At first I thought you meant that your grades had improved and you got your first C. Ouch.

Yeah, I meant posted. If I just got my first C, I would have been kicked out last year. :eek:
neonam11 said:

If you've been out of school for a while, your grades will probably not meet your expectations. I felt the same way after my first quarter. Anyway, my suggestion is to study hard as well as play hard . The key is time management! Life as a P2 was pretty tough last quarter with all the projects, dinners, and meetings we had to plan for you guys (see how much we love you!), but thanks to a lot of caffeine and late nights, I managed to do pretty well in my coursework as well as do a whole lot of extra currics.

We love you guys too. Now sell us your books! :laugh:
Lexian said:
We love you guys too. Now sell us your books! :laugh:
Sure, I got a histo book that has P1 eagerness to learn highlighted all over it.
neonam11 said:

If you've been out of school for a while, your grades will probably not meet your expectations. I felt the same way after my first quarter. Anyway, my suggestion is to study hard as well as play hard . The key is time management! Life as a P2 was pretty tough last quarter with all the projects, dinners, and meetings we had to plan for you guys (see how much we love you!), but thanks to a lot of caffeine and late nights, I managed to do pretty well in my coursework as well as do a whole lot of extra currics.

Thanks! So many of you P2's did an AMAZING job of keeping up the facade that you were really having a great time keeping us entertained (and sane!!) THANKS from all of us- and like OneDay said, it's never to early for y'all to sell us your books! (spread the word! I'm' still checking my ps email and know that there will be little dilly-dally time to get everything in order before our first midterms come up! :scared: )
We have a lot to live up to as P2s next year, that's for sure!

as for my grades, I don't really understand what they did with biostats, but i did better than i had hoped (i was going in with a high C,) which was nice. since we didn't get our finals back, i don't know that we'll ever know.... as for how much all of this matters, a classmate once casually said 'Even C's get Degrees,' and at this point, I think that a lot of us are very much just happy to be *in* p-school! (I am!)
That said, Shal is right, it does seem that the class averages are really high in most of the classes, so a lot of people seem to be doing SuperFantastically Well. :cool:
Apteka said:
Thanks! So many of you P2's did an AMAZING job of keeping up the facade that you were really having a great time keeping us entertained (and sane!!) THANKS from all of us- and like OneDay said, it's never to early for y'all to sell us your books! (spread the word! I'm' still checking my ps email and know that there will be little dilly-dally time to get everything in order before our first midterms come up! :scared: )
We have a lot to live up to as P2s next year, that's for sure!

as for my grades, I don't really understand what they did with biostats, but i did better than i had hoped (i was going in with a high C,) which was nice. since we didn't get our finals back, i don't know that we'll ever know.... as for how much all of this matters, a classmate once casually said 'Even C's get Degrees,' and at this point, I think that a lot of us are very much just happy to be *in* p-school! (I am!)
That said, Shal is right, it does seem that the class averages are really high in most of the classes, so a lot of people seem to be doing SuperFantastically Well. :cool:

Hahaha, Apteka, we did enjoy entertaining you P1's. It was just that afterwards some of my friends and I would think to ourselves,"Gosh, we spent x days preparing for x event, with no studying done. What the hell were we thinking about?"" But it was all worth it. I think with with a good GPA and extra currics, it will be competitive against any person with a 4.0 who hardly does anything except study. Yeah, if you have your health and you are in pharmacy school, especially UCSF, you have a lot to be thankful for this season. Peace!
pharmagirl said:
It's that time of year for many of us... So, how were your first semester grades? You don't have to share details of course, but how did they compare to what you thought you'd get? or how did they compare to your undergrad grades?

Mine aren't all posted yet, but so far I'm actually doing much better than I had expected going into pharmacy school. I think I'm a better student now than when I was an undergrad.

Do they share class averages with your class?

I don't know about the other Pharmacy schools, but at UOP, 1st semester was a total joke.
Super Glue said:
I don't know about the other Pharmacy schools, but at UOP, 1st semester was a total joke.

Hi Super Glue. Can you elaborate on this comment?

I am looking at the programs at different schools in CA, UOP included, and would appreciate any insight you can give me.
I am currently applying to pharmacy school. Just to clarify from what I've picked up from your posts: so after pharm school, employers don't really look at the gpa you obtained in pharm school??? This was always a question lingering in my mind. Thanks!
kayjay said:
I am currently applying to pharmacy school. Just to clarify from what I've picked up from your posts: so after pharm school, employers don't really look at the gpa you obtained in pharm school??? This was always a question lingering in my mind. Thanks!

I think it depends on where you will be applying. The pharmacists I work with in a "popular" retail setting have told me that the place never cared about their GPA's, only their license number.

I'm guessing that if you will be doing clinical work in a more competitive type position that the GPA would be factored in. (as well as residencies)
kayjay said:
I am currently applying to pharmacy school. Just to clarify from what I've picked up from your posts: so after pharm school, employers don't really look at the gpa you obtained in pharm school??? This was always a question lingering in my mind. Thanks!

Gpa is important if you want to work for a hospital in the sense that it would help with residency, it is important if you want to work in industry in the sense that it would help with obtaining fellowships, it is important if you want to go into other programs such as an MPH. For retail, no, as long as you pass the board exams, that is all that matters. Good luck with school and board exams.