East coast winter storm?? Jan MCAT

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May 27, 2015
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Anyone else freaking out about the East Coast winter storm Jonas thats about to hit the North East hard on Friday night...signed up for the MCAT on Saturday...hope that it doesn't get cancelled.

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Anyone else freaking out about the East Coast winter storm Jonas thats about to hit the North East hard on Friday night...signed up for the MCAT on Saturday...hope that it doesn't get cancelled.
Ya idk what's going on. It's still ways away, but as of now it looks as though the storm will most likely hit the east coast. According to Mcat essentials, "most testing centers will be open in the case of inclement weather." Now idk what their definition of "inclement" means, but I hope it includes possible 10+ inches of snow and wind speeds gusting to 50 mph. :/
In the same boat, AAMC just uploaded this google doc though where they plan to update any closures.
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If this test gets cancelled, I'm in some big trouble as I'm currently a second year PT student and the other exams are either during finals week for us or while I'm on a clinical rotation... Definitely not ideal! When do you guys think they would let us know of a closure?
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i'm screwed beyond belief if it gets canceled as well. Really hoping AAMC either just keeps the centers open for Saturday or reschedules; cancelling would be absolutely disastrous.

Never really understood why AAMC has a huge gap in their testing dates in the first place tbh. Why can't they just do it like the SAT and have dates scattered everywhere? grumble grumble grumble
my MCAT was in a mandatory evacuation zone for a hurricane and they STILL didn't cancel until like 24hrs before, even though it was very obvious there was going to be a problem. They did offer a previously unscheduled makeup date though 4wks later for those who had had it cancelled. Hope it works out for you.
My location is on the list now and when i look at my registration info it says my testing center is no longer in action, but I haven't received an email about rescheduling. I can't do the 3rd because I have a job, and I am wondering what locations I'm able to reschedule to.
The AAMC has said they will offer "rain days" for those affected by the storm. It's not ideal, but since you can't do anything about it I would not stress about it. Stay in contact with the AAMC and stay on your plan to take the test this week until you are told otherwise. If you know you are one of those who will be postponed, adjust your studies accordingly (take your AAAMC practice tests the week of your re-scheduled test date).

Good luck!