Dude, please advise

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I started a portfolio and a savings account (linked to my checking account) but getting enough money is seemingly impossible. Standard and Poors has these online lectures through which I'm learning how to manage money, and they have sound and everything. Too bad there's no income supporting it.:horns:

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Read like crazy so when you do have money to invest you'll know what to do with it.

The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need-Andrew Tobias
The Coffeehouse Investor-Bill Schultheis
Personal Finance for Dummies-Eric Tyson
The Boglehead's Guide to Investing-Larimore et al

These are all great places to start.
I'll look them up when I get a chance!
I hate telling you this but if you're a medstudent or resident--this is the norm.

You're probably a smart guy or girl, will have a 6 figure salary and have big plans on what to do with it, but you got nothing to work with for the time being.

You could of course to some practice trading--which isn't as fun, and if you make a lot of fake money, you get this empty feeling on what could've been a real profit--but its only play money.