DSM panel members received more than $14M from industry

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Still Kickin'
10+ Year Member
Jul 27, 2010
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Obviously, not a shock to anyone on this board. But, I figured it was worth posting.

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Obviously, not a shock to anyone on this board. But, I figured it was worth posting.
Reading through this, they neglect to say where the money is coming from which I find interesting. Maybe they don’t want to risk upsetting their advertisers too much. I assume it’s mainly from pharmaceutical companies.
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Hey now, it's not like receiving benefits/compensation/etc from industry leads to measurable behavior change, right? I mean, it's not like there are studies out there showing changes in prescribing patterns that coincide with pharma benefits....oh...wait...
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Actually, I am quite surprised by the task force and how little they received. Then again, browsing the article, it seems like research (which was not previously disclosed) constituted the bulk of the money. So, they were trying not to show it, but (oops) the disclosure changed. Guess we will have to see what was not disclosed here.
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