Dreading the start of internship?

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The closer we get to the start of this, the more I find myself wondering just how I'm going to survive 30-hour calls Q4 for eight months. Jesus, it's gonna be murder. However, misery loves company, so let's hear your tales of upcoming woe.

At least it's just one year and then anesthesiology kicks in.

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Realize that 30 hour calls are usually just really long work days combined with a few hours of lost sleep at the end. They are exhausting but you get used to it. Sometimes it's a lot of fun, sometimes it sucks, but it's definately nothing to be afraid of.

Remember how so many people were scared of medical school? It's just new. Internship is tough. Sometimes you will hate it, but it goes by really fast and pretty soon you're already a resident and you don't even know where the time went.

Also those 30 hour calls are a really good time to get to know your fellow interns. You'll find yourself doing the most ridiculous things at 4 am - racing chairs, daring each other to drink Barium, ordering pizza from an ambulance, etc.

Don't fret: good times are there to be had.
Originally posted by ryanbeckworth
The closer we get to the start of this, the more I find myself wondering just how I'm going to survive 30-hour calls Q4 for eight months. Jesus, it's gonna be murder. However, misery loves company, so let's hear your tales of upcoming woe.

At least it's just one year and then anesthesiology kicks in.

Hi there,
It's going to be worse than you could ever imagine but better than you think it will be. You'll survive. I did General Surgery internship under the old non-80-hr system and lived to tell about it. Glad internship and most of second year is over. The busier you are, the faster the time flies.:)
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Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I do appreciate it!

Don't worry - all your fellow interns, world-wide feel exactly the same. Heck, I'm scared about 4th year coming up! :D

You DO actually get used to the hours (even those of us who lived in the pre-80 hr week managed to do it) and as has been mentioned above, sometimes its fun. A great bonding experience with your colleagues and there's lots of learn when you have some degree of independence.

Try not to be too scared - and remember everyone else is in the same boat. It will go by fast.
Thanks, Kimberli. Best of luck to you on your fourth year of surgery!
You guys are great! Thanks for the positive spin on the internship and residency thing....
I'm just glad that they have a senior resident with us the first 2 months.

Its normal to worry. I myself have (much against my better judgement) picked up my OB book and started reading again... this time however without the worries of the shelf exam and assistance of ETOH it seems more enjoyable.

Good luck!
"4 words; Thank God for nightfloat!"

Thanks, jackass.
Originally posted by ryanbeckworth
"4 words; Thank God for nightfloat!"

Thanks, jackass.

What's wrong with nightfloat? I think that it's a great idea. Anyways, count me among the nervous about starting internship year. I like the extra autonomy, but I'm definitely not looking forward to the extra responsibility. I miss the old "oh, he's just a med student. that's why he didn't know/screwed up/showed up late/gets to go home early." I don't remember ever really being blamed for anything as a med student, it's always just "so you know in the future". Plus the prospect of getting sued! Bleah. If you want to read something scary, do a search for the "hopkins intern sued for central line placement thread". :scared:
Nothing's wrong with nightfloat. In fact, most of us, certainly myself included, would like to have one. However, for someone to post in a way as to taunt those who don't, you've got to be a bit of a *****. Sure, we're glad you've got it, but don't flaunt it on this thread. Seems like common sense, but I digress.
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The closer we get to the start of this, the more I find myself wondering just how I'm going to survive 30-hour calls Q4 for eight months. Jesus, it's gonna be murder. However, misery loves company, so let's hear your tales of upcoming woe.

Just be glad in ain't 30 years ago when you would do 36 on 12 off form months in a row.
36 on/12 off sounds really rough.

Let's not forget the payscale back then and the small amount of student loans, red tape etc.

I agree it may not be worth the trade, but when I hear old-timers complain about the 80-hour rule, I have to wonder how much they want brought up about the days when MDs ruled the hospital.
Originally posted by Kalel

What's wrong with nightfloat?

It may work well for some specialties but the major objection to night float amongst specialties like Surgery, Anesthesia and even some procedure based fields like GI, is the lack of procedures when on night float. No one here wants to go to a night float system and miss 3 months of operating save for an occasional appy that comes in overnight.
I'm not worried about my internship. But, the patients should be... : )
I have recently read "the house of god" and from then on, I have been scared sh*tless of internship year...
Originally posted by ryanbeckworth
"4 words; Thank God for nightfloat!"

Thanks, jackass.


No one forced you to go to a residency program without it, man.
YoungFaithful said:
I have recently read "the house of god" and from then on, I have been scared sh*tless of internship year...

In that case I definitely would not suggest you to read "Intern Blues" by Robert Marion... hehehe.. (though a great book)
One of my friend's who trained in the 70s had horror stories. The hospital that had a FP residency would literally shut down and 4 interns/residents ran the floors, labor decks, ER and everything else. The staff OB would come in from home, if necessary, but everyone else would do phone advise only. As he put it....I learned alot at the expense of others.

Glad medical education is changing.
Night float is great- UNTIL YOU'RE THE NIGHTFLOAT!!!!!! :eek:

You'll be fine.
The Anatomy of Hope by Jerome Groopman

Internship is going to be long and hard no doubt, but this book makes you think about why you're doing it in the first place. Instead of reading House of God and getting depressed, i think you try something that will get you motivated.

And plus, didn't people tell you how miserable OBGYN and surgery rotations during med school would be? They were tough, but not half as bad as people made it out to be.

Oh, and we don't have nightfloat either.

I was really scared prior to my internship. I survived. So will you. It is just a phase, initially it will be painful and you will feel like you should have done something else. BUT it does get a lot better. I am almost done with 2nd year in IM, and my 2nd year has been great. During internship I had 11 call months, but in the end things were a lot easier.

Bottomline is: it lasts 1 year, and then someone else will take your job. Keep that in mind and you'll do just fine.

good luck to you all
I myself am a little nervous ( :eek: ) because 4th year was cake. I had all these really easy electives so that I could take nice long vacations. The last time I did anything with a patient in my specialty was last fall.

I was told repeatedly to make the most of 4th year, because it's the best, most relaxing year you'll ever have, but . . . I'm still a little nervous jumping into residency so cold.

:eek: :eek:
Try not to stress too much. It won't make you feel any better and at this point there's no turning back anyway. Just know that the first couple of months will be stressful but then you'll settle in and by the middle of the year you'll be running the place! ;)
well, I just got my intern rotation schedule and needless to say I am a little disappointed. 3 months medicine, 2 months MICU, 1 month STICU, 1 month CCU, 1 ER, 1 Radiology, 1 Anesthesia, 1 ENT, and 1 Pulmonology. Now, granted that I will be doing an anesthesiology residency, it is still no excuse to just pummel us with damn ICU months. And this seems to be universal about increasing ICU months for anesthesia residents. Now I am really going to be scared about starting internship. Last time I took care of a patient was...... damn can't even remember. Maybe I will go to the temple today and pray for my patients. :scared:
The best thing about reading House of God, is that when things get tough during your intern year, you can think to yourself "Well it could be worse - at least it's not as bad as House of God" :D
Damn Lonestar, 4 ICU months? :eek:

I got my schedule last week, I start out with ICU, then have CCU in October.

Oh well, at least it's out of the way early! :laugh:
I'm just pre-med and I'm already deathly afraid of being an intern.

Does it get better after that first year?
Halcyon440 said:
I'm just pre-med and I'm already deathly afraid of being an intern.

Does it get better after that first year?

Now that depends entirely on what residency you choose. Some residencies are more painful than others after the intern year is done. I'm prelim medicine heading for radiation oncology (come on July 1!), and I'll never sleep in the hospital ever again (May was my last call month). :thumbup: