Does applying to MD/PHD make getting in harder?

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20+ Year Member
Oct 24, 2001
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So i'm intrested in doing an MD/PhD but I'm worried that if I apply for it at all of the schools that I'm applying to that have them, I will make my overall acceptance into any program at thsoe schools that much harder. When I asked the advisor of one program he said taht if oyu were a good PhD canidate their commitie would out in a good word for you. But if you were not they wouldn't mention anything
Please Help

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I don't understand. The vast majority of schools do not offer you a PhD position if you are rejected from the MD/PhD program. Instead, they will almost definitely consider you without bias for the MD program. Applying MD/PhD doesn't make it any harder to get into an MD program.
what about delaying the MD application? like if one group of people consider you for MD/PhD, and you are sent back to the MD pool, won't a lot of the MD pool have filled up already? because if that's true, applying MD/PhD can hurt your chances of MD just by delaying your app...
Members don't see this ad :)'s possible, but I think effectively countered by the fact that simply by applying MD/PhD more seats are open to you.
It depends on how late you apply. If you do it reasonably early then there shouldn't be any problem. If you are committed to the MD/PhD track, then apply. Don't stress about the MD admissions; if you aren't accepted initially to MD/PhD then you will be considered for MD admissions. So in a way your application gets a double-look over by the school.