Does anyone need any OAT study material?


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May 5, 2005
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I just took the OAT yesterday and I never want to look at the OAT stuff I have EVER EVER again..

I have all the Kaplan OAT material - flash cards, lesson book, fat book, all the subject tests (25 total), and the 3 exams and even another random study prep book(Lippincott book).

PM me and make me an offer if you are interested. I paid over 200 bucks for them.

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Hi ,

I was just wandering if u still have the Kaplan course material .
An early reply will be truly appreciated .

Devna Malik
I have the kaplan stuff already but i was wondering how much you would want for all the subject tests (25 total), and the 3 exams and even another random study prep book(Lippincott book).
let me know..those are all i am missing and i heard the Lippincott book is really helpful..