Do medical school care where i take human anatomy?

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7+ Year Member
May 15, 2016
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I have already graduated from University and i've been wondering if medical schools care about prerequisite courses/recommendation courses from community college because i am not able to take the followings:
- Microbiology
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Biology of Cancer
- Endocrinology
- Genetics
- Molecular Biology

The reason I cannot take aforementioned courses is because I am a non-degree seeking student and have the least privilege to sign up for these courses. So the only way i can take these courses is at the community college. I know some medical schools won't accept prerequisite courses such as Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry from community college.

The most generic prerequisite courses are Gen Bio, Gen Chem, Gen Physics, Organic Chem I & II, Math, English. I have taken all of them except Organic Chemistry. My advisor recommended me to take Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Human Anatomy and Physiology because med schools want to see if i could handle upper level science courses.

I want to take Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Human Anatomy and Physiology. But, I cannot. because University I go to/went to do not offer aforementioned courses in the Fall 2016. So I am thinking about taking Microbiology and Human Anatomy and Physiology from the community college since they offer it in the Fall. My main concern is how would Medical schools look at it even if i get A's in these classes. Would they care if i take these classes from community college? or should i must take it from University?

Help, please

Thank you
Very respectfully

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Contact the professors directly. Most schools have systems that professors can circumvent to allow you into your desired courses. In-person works best for this type of assistance but good luck no matter how you try to reach out.
I got into my choice of places without having ever taken any one of those courses. And I don't think I'm in a minority; the pre reqs are pre reqs for a reason. Everything else is optional (unless you specifically need to do sGPA repair I guess).
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First, your advisors recommendations are not prerequisites. Med schools choose their own prerequisites and for most schools that's still just physics, bio, Chem, organic and maybe biochem. As a prior poster mentioned, most people in med school won't have taken many of the courses listed, and if they did it was because their major required it, not the med school. Second, a lot of places don't really ask for a lot of the courses you listed because frankly there's some benefit to learning things "right", at the med school level rather than superficially at the college level. Third, if the goal is to see if you can handle upper level courses, maybe taking them at the community college defeats that purpose, because the level of competition is part of what makes hard classes hard. Finally, not every school looks at cc courses favorably, so you'd really need to check school by school. In short, you probably need none of these courses, they aren't actually prerequisites, so whether you can take them at a cc is kind of a moot concern.
I've talked to professors and they told me either wait or go to CC and take it. I really do not want to risk and play game. I'd like to save money and go to CC and take human anatomy and physiology. I've talked to Organic chemistry profs at University and he put me in it for the Fall. So i will be done with prerequisite. However, I think i'd have to take those recommendation classes at University level however they don't offer it in fall but in Spring. I do not know if Med schools look at my applications and assume that i went to CC to take human anatomy and other courses just bc they think they're easier.
Will I be able to get into medical school with just taking prerequisite courses? I have majored in Mathematics and graduated last year 2015.
My GPA was 3.23 overall
Last time I checked my science GPA without Organic Chemistry was 3.05. If I get an A in organic chemistry I & II then my science GPA will be 3.19.

The followings are the courses I took in undergrad. Pre-Med Courses.
Gen Chem I: A
Gen Chem II: B
Gen Physics I: B-
Gen Physics II: B+
Gen Biology I: C+
Gen Biology II: B
Organic Chemistry I: N/A
Organic Chemistry II: N/A
English Writing About Medicine: B
English Writing About Food: A-
Calculus I: A-
Calculus II: B
Calculus III: A
Calculus IV: A
Statistics : A
Intro to Psychology: B
I have taken Cellular Biology (C+) as well.

- Volunteered at a local clinic as a pharmacy technician and as a medical screener. I have volunteered for 150hrs.
- Worked with a Mohs Surgeon for 3 years as a Mohs Histotechnician
- Internship at dermatology center for 1 year
-CPR Certified for 3 years

Campus Involvement and Leadership
- President of Honor Mathematics Society
- Secretary of Honor Mathematics Society
- Lead, Statistic Analysis Project
- Associate of Pre-Med
- Associate of Latino Student Association
- Club Soccer

I've taken those aforementioned courses about 3-4 years ago. I took them while I was in college. I know that i need to repair my GPA and i want to. i want to take upper level science courses at University. But i will not be able to take upper level science courses because they do not offer it in the Fall. They only offer them in the Spring. So I am thinking about taking human anatomy and physiology at CC and microbiology in the fall at CC since they offer it. I will be taking Organic Chemistry at University (Thank god my profs put me in it for the Fall) and then I will be done with all of my prerequisites.

Is taking human anatomy and physiology at CC a bad idea? or should i not worry about taking aforementioned courses at all and just finish prerequisite and do well on MCAT?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you so much