Dismissed from dental school. Advice needed

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Will your school not let you retake 2nd year instead of dismissing you? That seems harsh.
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I can't tell you which school I go to, but I would like to get some advice on my situation..
The people I know that failed multiple classes, were given the option to repeat the year. Perhaps talk to a lawyer? My class has two students from the year ahead of us that failed multiple classes and were given the option to repeat the year. We have original class mates that failed two classes and are still with us, after summer remediation.

So your case sounds a bit odd.
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I agree that it sounds odd. At our school, you would remediate in the summer or repeat the year.
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Did you fail two clinical courses...If so it makes things more difficult...However, if you failed one or none it will really help you build a case.
No, just regular classes.

Then you should be able to successfully apeal this - they may just be testing your desire to continue - some schools have a built in policy to dismiss students that have failed 2 or more clinical courses..but this is not your situation. I wish you all the best, really fight for this!
How many classes did you fail? How many classes total? Why did you fail them? It makes no sense for a school to dismiss you because there would be 1 empty spot for the next 3 years not bringing in tuition money for them.

I got dismissed from my dental school recently (I am a D2) due to academic reason. I finished my first year successfully. But this semester has been difficult for me, but I feel confident that if I am given a second chance, I can pass the 2nd year and pass the NBDE Part I.
I still want to pursue dentistry, so I am going to appeal and looking for transfer option. I have been looking around, but it looks like not many schools accept transfer students.
I understand that it is very difficult for both scenarios, but if anyone has any information regarding transfer option, please let me know.

Thank you.
Sorry about the situation you're in. Usually the first year is the difficult year, and you passed it so, i'm not sure why they wouldn't give you a second chance at making up some classes in the first semester of second year. Which classes did you fail? Do they not have remedial sessions for these classes?
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You don't by any chance go to Howard? They're the only school I know that doesn't make it easy for students to remediate.

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I can't tell you which school I go to, but I would like to get some advice on my situation..
OK well I ask about NYU in particular because they are known to mercilessly kick students out for failing just one course. My bad
OK well I ask about NYU in particular because they are known to mercilessly kick students out for failing just one course. My bad

You can fail 3 and re-mediate them in the summer. If you fail more then you repeat the year. Idk what it takes to be kicked out.
You can fail 3 and re-mediate them in the summer. If you fail more then you repeat the year. Idk what it takes to be kicked out.
I've heard much much worse and some upperclassmen told me they don't show any leniency. But I might have just misheard.
I am sorry about that, but do fight this!
Don't let a one year slip cause losing your dreams and work for all these years.

You deserve a second chance, tell them that!
When a student fails, it's partly on him and partly on them.
They are your parents; parents should not kick their kids if they make one mistake one time.
Tell them exactly that!
Email anyone who is in control, tell them you messed up, your personal issues any thing that caused that, tell them you are good student who deserves a second chance to redeem yourself. Educators don't kick students for one mistake, they give them a chance.
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Get a lawyer now. Avoid any advice from this site. No one here has any good advice and anything you write in an email to administration, dean, professors can be used against you. Get good legal representation. That is the only way this may pan out in your favor.
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You can fail 3 and re-mediate them in the summer. If you fail more then you repeat the year. Idk what it takes to be kicked out.

Failing the same year twice gets you kicked out of NYU usually. Although I know one guy that did his D2 year three times, so... idk. It's not really all that easy to get kicked out of NYU.
Failing the same year twice gets you kicked out of NYU usually. Although I know one guy that did his D2 year three times, so... idk. It's not really all that easy to get kicked out of NYU.
Why is not that easy to get kicked out of NYU?
yeah, if you get kicked out of NYU it's probably because:

1. you didn't try hard enough/you were inefficient-they give you tutors and stuff if you're not doing well, you have the opportunity to remediate, even repeat the year if necessary

2. you just don't have the hand skills-again, they give you 1 on 1 tutoring if you mess up, and they really try to help you out. i know people who shouldn't be within 10ft. of a dental handpiece yet they are 4th years

3. you cheated and you got caught-self explanatory.
I am siding with those advising against legal counsel. There should be a formal appeals process, or something you can personally do before you resort to hiring someone.

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What does your student handbook say about getting kicked/appealing?

It should be written in very strict terms

That said, if you're looking to transfer your best bet is to talk to an admission director at programs you're interested I would imagine.
Does everyone not know about the NJ student who sucessfully sued and was awarded $$. It happens. Doing it on your own is a mistake. It's like trying to do your own root canal. Lawyers know more about this, and a consultation is not a lawsuit, FYI. If there is nothing to proceed with, then at least the matter has been handled professionally.
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Does everyone not know about the NJ student who sucessfully sued and was awarded $$. It happens. Doing it on your own is a mistake. It's like trying to do your own root canal. Lawyers know more about this, and a consultation is not a lawsuit, FYI. If there is nothing to proceed with, then at least the matter has been handled professionally.
Heck that same student still frequents this board. Saw him advertise on sdn about his special crash course for pre-dent. Said he will help students with their hand skills before even starting school in exchange for a few thousand dollars XD. Now that's a guy that knows a thing or two about getting his money's worth
Get a lawyer now. Avoid any advice from this site. No one here has any good advice and anything you write in an email to administration, dean, professors can be used against you. Get good legal representation. That is the only way this may pan out in your favor.
I agree. What's the worse that can happen? He gets kicked out again? For all you know the school is not complying.
Lawyers are a necessary evil (sorry to any attorneys reading this). An attorney MAY help you stay on your path to dentistry.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember reading somewhere that almost all dental schools WILL NOT accept any student that has failed out of a US accredited dental school. try the appeals process, it'll show you are very dedicated and interested in becoming a dentist and that might be all they need to let you back in the program. And if that doesn't work, your next option could be going overseas to study dentistry then coming back as an International Dentist and applying for an IDP program. just a thought!

I got dismissed from my dental school recently (I am a D2) due to academic reason. I finished my first year successfully. But this semester has been difficult for me, but I feel confident that if I am given a second chance, I can pass the 2nd year and pass the NBDE Part I.
I still want to pursue dentistry, so I am going to appeal and looking for transfer option. I have been looking around, but it looks like not many schools accept transfer students.
I understand that it is very difficult for both scenarios, but if anyone has any information regarding transfer option, please let me know.

Thank you.

Follow your school's appeal process and stop writing about this on the internet.
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appeal, but also look to places you can transfer. I would also apply to dental school again and get letters from from dental school professors. I know its late for this cycle but some schools have Feb 1 deadlines so its an option