Medical Degree path to choose as a non trad.

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SDN Chief Administrator
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Sep 30, 2008
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Hello, I'm a middle aged software engineer and veteran working on completing my associates and then bachelors degree while completing prereqs. I've been trying to find a good program for transfer at a 4 year school. I've accumulated a lot of credit hours over the years that don't transfer to many programs. I could do a software engineer / computer science program which would take me 3+ years, or I could transfer to something like this which is "University Studies", which I assume is similar to a general studies or custom degree plan. That would obviously be much faster and cheaper which obviously matters at my age and position in life. Would choosing something like "University Studies" hurt me in the application process? Thanks!
Honestly I don't think the name of the degree matters so much as your grades and MCAT score. There are similarly plenty of "pre med majors" that are completely worthless if you don't actually go to med school.

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