Consensus on "Anything Else" Secondary Question

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Sep 7, 2015
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My pre-med office has said that if a secondary does not otherwise have a "why our school?" question, you should use the "anything else you'd like to add?" question to address that...I'm not sure if I buy this, however.

What're your guys' thoughts on this?

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@gonnif I've also seen people suggest using it as a way to explain how they would bring diversity to the medical school when the secondary doesn't have an explicit "How do you bring diversity?" prompt. What are your thoughts on this?
If you have substantial and worthwhile points to make why this specific school that not have been been clearly addressed elsewhere in the secondary that it might be justified. But I would make sure that it is specific and that in someway it may connect earlier in the application (either primary or secondary).

For example, if you discussed a global health experience in your PS or MM and did not expand on that in the secondary, you could make the short Anything Else something like:

In addition to the fine medical education I would get at SCHOOL X, I am most interested in your DEPT or PROGRAM on Global Health. That had a large impact on my motivation and commitment to be a physician and I discussed at length in my primary application . (You could add a fact or two about the program but a few sentence is all)
Hi Gonnif. Are you saying it is okay to reference or primary or should that be done indirectly? I was under the impression that those that read the secondaries didn't necessarily read the primary.

I thought this prompt was meant for describing grade discrepancies? What are other appropriate topics besides that and 'why us'?

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