computerized oat


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Aug 23, 2005
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Hi everyone! I'm taking the computerized OAT on sept 1 and im a bit nervous about how the format is going to be. Will there be an option to skip around?? or to flag questions? If you've already taken the oat, is there anything i should keep in mind while taking the test....ive only been taking practice tests on paper so i dont know how much different it'll be. also, how is the environment...were there lots of other test takers there and was it distracting with all the typing noises? any advice is welcomed.....thanx

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buddy1 said:
Hi everyone! I'm taking the computerized OAT on sept 1 and im a bit nervous about how the format is going to be. Will there be an option to skip around?? or to flag questions? If you've already taken the oat, is there anything i should keep in mind while taking the test....ive only been taking practice tests on paper so i dont know how much different it'll be. also, how is the environment...were there lots of other test takers there and was it distracting with all the typing noises? any advice is welcomed.....thanx

Hello! Don't be concerned about the format of the test...i I took the test on Aug. 13, and it is very easy to navigate through. Each screen gives you the option to go to the previous question, flag it, or next. Once you have completed each section, if you have time, you can go back to review all the q's, just the marked ones, or the incomplete ones. I guess the environment will be different at every centre, but there were six computers at my centre. They have headphones too that you can wear to block out the sound if you feel like it...I didn't even bother doing that. Also, if you haven't already, download the examinee guide from At the end of the guide it shows you pictures of exactly how the screens will look and how to navigate through everything. The tutorial before the test will show you the EXACT same thing. Good luck!
pre_opt_sku said:
Hello! Don't be concerned about the format of the test...i I took the test on Aug. 13, and it is very easy to navigate through. Each screen gives you the option to go to the previous question, flag it, or next. Once you have completed each section, if you have time, you can go back to review all the q's, just the marked ones, or the incomplete ones. I guess the environment will be different at every centre, but there were six computers at my centre. They have headphones too that you can wear to block out the sound if you feel like it...I didn't even bother doing that. Also, if you haven't already, download the examinee guide from At the end of the guide it shows you pictures of exactly how the screens will look and how to navigate through everything. The tutorial before the test will show you the EXACT same thing. Good luck!

I remember reading for the written test we needed passport photos of ourselves. Is this true for the computerized version too? I can't read anything about that in the examinee guide.
3eb4me said:
I remember reading for the written test we needed passport photos of ourselves. Is this true for the computerized version too? I can't read anything about that in the examinee guide.

Ummm...I'm not 100 % sure. I think you need to have two pieces of ID and one of them has to be photo.. I just took my passport and driver's license to my test...
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I just wrote my exam last saturday (20th), they actually took your picture there and also a thumb print. They accepted my School ID and my Drivers license.

The test format is very easy to navagate threw, and the sections are sperated. So you'll know once your done bio, chem, etc.

They even have a little timer at the top right hand corner, so you can check howmuch time has actually elpased. But if you go over, the exam will automatically stop you.
i have another question about the computerized oat set-up.

how is the reading portion set up? is the passage connected to the question so that you have to scroll down for each question or is it on a separation window?
buddy1 said:
i have another question about the computerized oat set-up.

how is the reading portion set up? is the passage connected to the question so that you have to scroll down for each question or is it on a separation window?

For reading you can read through the whole passage first on the full screen. Once you click to go onto the next screen, the screen will split into two. The top part has the questions, and the bottom part has the passage.