Completed my internship today....

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Actually, I am working until Friday but I had my final presentation this morning :D in front of the CEO, President and other senior management. :thumbup: Boy, was I in the hot seat? 3rd year experience with resident and attending "pimping" definitely helped. Got three hours of sleep last night and too tired to do any more work.....

Overall, it was good experience. I got great exposure to and experience with the payer/provider side of health care- contract negotiations with physicians and hospitals, pay for performance/quality assurance initiatives (my main project), consumer web-based tools, consumer directed health plans, general mgmt in a highly centralized health insurance company.

Comparison with medicine- payer/provider space is more like Internal medicine i.e. a slow process with many DDx, potential solutions, great need for consensus, analysis paralysis stuff. For someone, like me, with more of a surgeon mindset, it was at times frustrating.

Plus I worked about 80-100 hours/week, past 2 weeks worked about 120 hrs/wk, BUT made about 50% of a fourth year resident's annual salary in 10 weeks (undoubtably the best thing about the internship).

Now, I am going to update my resume and in true b-school sense, I will state a 1 min conversation with the division head about his incompetent secretary who ended up getting fired the following week as.... " a strategic intervention to streamline the operations and processes of the division. Saved the company over $40,000/yr in excess operations and administrative costs". ;)

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Congrats on finishing...what now?

I am you think that companies would like to hire MD/MBA students just for a summer internship even if they have no interest in working for that company in the future?
Well immediately, I get to hangout for about 3 weeks. School does not start till Sept. I am going to spend those weeks on an intense workout regimen. :)

Then, I will finish my 2nd year in b-school which will be light. Right now I am networking and trying to meet some orthopods here and get some clinical research going during the year. The great thing is the faculty here are very MBA friendly and some have business related projects.

About companies hiring people who don't want to work fulltime.... my situation is not normal. I had to chase them down and convince them through a high ranking alum to give me a chance. They don't even hire MDs without significant clinical experience and/or business experience. I was very proactive but once you engage them, they are willing to give you a chance.

My boss actually told me that if they had hired external consultants to do the work that I did, they would have paid $300-$500/hr!! So there is also an economic benefit for them.
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ortho-mdmba said:
My boss actually told me that if they had hired external consultants to do the work that I did, they would have paid $300-$500/hr!! So there is also an economic benefit for them.

not bad for your boss when he gets to take a "0" off what he's paying someone...
Wished I knew that though when I was negotiating my pay. Would have twisted his arm a little bit for more $$$ but I guess they were helping me out as well.
I'm off to vacation (THE MAN just gave me the rest of the week off paid)

This is my last post on SDN, until post residency match 2006 :) , when I'll have more to add about my experiences. Unlike some of my colleagues, I'll actually be going through the residency match process including sub-Is as an MBA. Will keep you posted on how I handled this.

Will check my PMs periodically. Its been real.

Cheers :D
what kind of money are md/mba's making?
Depends on what they do. ;)

Seriously, as an FP, you could make as little as you want (pick your hours). As a VC with years of prior experience (a few years in consulting or management of a biotech/pharma), well, let's just say that there's more upside than even being a successful surgeon.

Hey Ortho,
Congrats on finishing the mighty internship. Might I ask what your situation is for med/b school? i.e. Are you in a joint MD/MBA program, and if so, what year?