Comlex 1 Preparation Advice

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May 30, 2022
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I am a first year DO student and am doing quite well in my blocks so far. :)

I would like to get some tips and advice on preparing for Comlex 1 next year.

Specifically my questions are -

1. What is the best set of recommended prep courses/materials that will help with Comlex 1? I am seeing so many options like TrueLearn (Combank), Comquest, Uworld, Amboss etc. I am not sure which ones are most effective or should I get all of them?

2. The Comlex test site mentions Comsae can be taken individually. Our School will also give us one next year prior to Comlex 1. Is it worth taking Comsae test individually prior to the one administered by the school? If so when and how many times should one take this practice test?

3. The Comlex test site also mentions another prep test called WelCOM. Is that worth taking? If so when and how many times should one take this practice test

4. In general, is this a test that one should start prepping for many months prior or closer in to the test date?

Any other general advice on preparing for the test, timing of the test with respect to blocks etc would be most welcome.

Apologies if this has been discussed earlier, but being a newbie I wanted to hear from the veterans on this site.


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1. UWorld and Amboss are the best overall. TrueLearn mostly sucks but is good for OMM.
2. If your school requires a minimum score to pass Comsae then yea I would recommend taking a different version a week or 2 before.
3. I've never heard of that so it's probably not worth it.
4. You should be prepping for Comlex many months prior. Our board prep professor, who is amazing, had us doing practice questions every day the first half of M2 and then in January we really ramped things up by hitting content review and increasing our question load all in prep for Comlex in May or June