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Chile here I come!!!

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Jun 8, 2001
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I am so excited that I just have to tell everyone :)

I was actually chosen to go on a Gift of Sight Mission with LensCrafters! I get to go to Chile to distibute recycled glasses for two weeks in April. Not only does the company pay my way there and back, but I get paid to go !!!

Of course now I have to email my chem prof for next semester too see if this will pose any problems with the class, since a few profs don't have "excused absences". But hopefully I will still be able to do both.


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Sounds AMAZING Cassandra.. congratulations!! I'm very jealous. When do you leave? I hope everything works out with chem so you get to go.. I don't know many profs that would have you turn down such an opportunity.. unless they're just total cold hearted b@$$t@rds.
CONGRATS AGAIN! Very very cool! :D :D :D
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That's really cool :)
The dates are April 15th-27th. So I have about 4 months to brush up on my spanish, and get my passport :)

I really didn't think I would actually get asked to go. But man...you got to admit that this is something that will not only be spiritually rewarding, but something that will look awesome on my opt school apps :)

I am hoping it won't be a problem with Chem, but if it is, I will just take Physics instead through our local junior college that is designed for working adults :)


Thanks you all :)
Well it looks like I won't be able to take Chemistry after all. The professor was not too happy about missing a full two weeks of classes, and now I just found out my brother is getting married in March, so I would miss another couple of classes since the wedding is in another state.

I am going to investigate taking physics at one of the local community colleges to see if I run into the same sort of troubles. It just really bums me out since I had several friends who were taking Chemistry this semester and had this mice little network of study partners in mind.

I know the opportunity to go to Chile is too important to miss. Not many people get to do this in their life, and I am really looking forward to the renewal it will bring. Two weeks away from everything and devoting myself to helping others. Thinking about the conditions those pople live in everday almost makes this setback seem like a small one.

I don't know Cassandra. I think I would opt for taking the Chemistry class and forgeting about Chile.
Most, if not all, OD schools have SVOSH, (student volunteers in Optometric Service to Humanity) a student organization that takes students and volunteer OD's to underprivileged countries each year. At SCO they went to Coata Rica...Belieze, Canas, Coronado, Ecuador, Limon, Naranjo, Puntarenas, Quesanda, and Turrialba. I assume other schools go other places?? These trips are, I think, at no or little cost to the student.

Or course, it is your choice entirely but I do think that the sooner you get into OD school the happier you would be.

Just my humble, unsolicited opinion. :D
Cassandra, if you are more or less of traditional college age, don't give a second thought to sitting out even a whole semester from college to go to Chile. Heck, turn it into a whole two and a half years and join the Peace Corps or some important NGO! Relax, explore, grow.
Well Stephen I am not of traditional college age. I am 29 and have a five year old son. I just have four more classes to take and then I will have all my pre-reqs done. The problems that always arise is time and money.

It wasn't just my trip to Chile that threw things off for me. My brother is getting married in Utah in March. Not only is my presence requested at the ceremony, I am also to plan the reception he is having here in Indiana as well. Due to the dates they have picked out, I would miss two weeks of classes just on this one cause. And my boyfriend's sister maybe getting married this spring as well. And that will be in Seattle.

Even if it was just Chile, I wouldn't give up this opportunity. I know I would always regret it.
I can not think of a time when I turn something like this away. It is my nature to give as much as I can possibly give, and I have always gained much in return. I know this trip will change my life and it will be a change for the better. Talking to others I know who have gone on similar trips, hearing the stories of people waiting for days, lining up for miles to receive an exam. People being truly grateful for the service you provide them, and knowing how much we take it for granted.

And while I maybe setting myself back another semester, I know that the experience will be far more rewarding. I thrive on that feeling of knowing that I made a difference. That I went somewhere that I was needed in and gave everything that I had. I need that sense of renewal to not only remind me of things that shouldn't be taken for granted, but to motivate me to do my best and realize how lucky I am.

This is part of the reason why I didn't stick to my orginal major of molecular biology all those years ago. At the time I didn't know that I could use it to enter optometry school or anything of that like. I was being ushered towards research, and I didn't want to spend my life in a lab where I couldn't see how my work was affecting the people it was intended for. I need that reassurance that I did my job well by seeing people happy and content with my work. I really respect the people who don't need that. But it is also that need that drives me towards optometry, cause I like what I currently do and I ain't afraid to say that I am damn good at it. I may complain occasionaly that they always send the problems to me, but I take pride in the fact that I am seen as a knowledgeable troubleshooter who can solve the problem 99% of the time.

I maybe taking a bit longer of a road to get there, but believe you me, I will get there!

I believe that at 29 you most certainly have time to take a semester off.
I would have to agree with Tom. If I were you, I would try to begin my OD schooling as soon as possible, but I understand that you have other things going on besides the trip to Chile. I'm 32 and just started at OSU this fall, and I just want to let you know that is was VERY difficult to go back to school at this stage of my life, especially a rigorous program like optometry. I don't think I could have done it if I waited much longer, and I questioned my decision at times during that first qtr. One guy in my class is 47 and another is 50, and I admire them b/c I know that there is NO WAY I could have done it at that age. I'm not married and I have to children, and it is still difficult. Just some advice from my experience- the sooner you start the better. Good luck whatever you do & I hope you get in somewhere (esp your first choice).

Ohio State University College of Optometry