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Sep 7, 2020
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Your friend, Mia, can be quite blunt and doesn't always realize that she may come across as offensive. Your other friend, Albert, confesses that he is dyslexic. Mia jokes that he is illiterate; Albert laughs it off but you can tell he is hurt by her comment.​

  1. What do you say to Mia?
  2. What if Albert tells you not to get involved and that he can stand up for himself?
  3. Talk about a time where you smoothed over a tense situation.

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This scenario is from, the free peer-to-peer CASPer preparation platform that allows you to practice hundreds of scenarios for free. PrepMatch is a non-profit partnered up with organizations such as the Student Doctor Network that aims to make the admission process more equitable.

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  1. It is important to gather more information. I would pull Mia aside in a private area and in a nonjudgemental manner ask why Mia called Alex illiterate. If Mia said she was only joking, I would let her know that although she is joking, she needs to ensure it did not hurt Albert’s feelings. One is unsure of others insecurities, and ,as a result, must be careful when joking about such. I would suggest Mia to approach Albert and ensure no feelings were hurt or apologies needed. If Mia was being malicious, I would let her know that she might have hurt Albert’s feelings and needs to apologize. I would enforce that name calling is never the answer. I would inform her that illiterate and dyslexia are not the same things, and perhaps Mia did not know. In the end, name calling should never be an action performed as it can lead to great harm to many.
  2. I would like to gather more information as well. I would pull aside albert and ask in a nonjudgementla tone why he does not want me to stand up for him. If Albert saw the joke as harmless, then there is no issues. If Albert does not want others to view him negatively if I stood up for him, then I would respect this. I would let Albert know that I will always support him and that if things continue, I could always talk to Mia. Moreover, I would let him know if violence becomes a concern or bullying, I may have to report such to someone, such as a teacher, for Albert’s safety. In the end, I want to respect albert’s wishes but also ensure albert is safe.
  3. I once had my roommates argue about paying for electricity. One roommate was gone for a trip while the other was in the apartment. One on vacation believed she did not need to pay while the other believed she did. I got both sides beliefs as a middle man and explained to the one who was on vacation that her stuff was still her in the fridge and ac but also explained to the other one that the roommate was not here to use much electricity. Therefore, as a middle person, i helped come to a compromise of allowing the one on vacation to pay less this month but still pay