C- in a class after i got accepted?

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May 23, 2020
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Hi everyone,
I recently got into Wayne state pharmacy school and am currently in the process of finishing up my last pre-requisite courses. I currently am taking orgo-lab but I am scared of the fact of getting a C- in the course. I do currently have a B but my professor has not put in much of our assignments and was wondering, what happens if you get a C- in a course and retake it the following semester? will they revoke my acceptance? I realize I am most definitely overthinking the whole situation but it does a raise a slight concern on the possibility of getting my acceptance taken away. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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Ask them directly. There is no blanket rule, but if you "fail" a pre-req, you might have to retake it until you pass with a C or they waive it. Depends how sticky your school is.
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what happens if you get a C- in a course and retake it the following semester? will they revoke my acceptance?

Most programs expect all of your prerequisites finished and passed by the end of spring semester / term. Unless they were specific on your contingent acceptance on grade submission due dates, they may very easily hold your acceptance until the end of the following semester.

That said, it is in your best interest to contact the admissions office sooner rather than later if such an event occurs.
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As long as you don’t lose your pulse and still qualify for $200k+ in student loans you will not have your acceptance rescinded.
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Don't worry they will still take your $200,000.
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