BU OHS vs. Marquette BMPD Program

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Jun 25, 2020
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I got into the masters program at BU and also the post bacc at Marquette. I am not sure which program is better.
I can't receive financial aid with Marquette but the tuition for BU is double that of Marquette. With BU OHS, I would receive a master's degree. In addition, the Marquette program has a guaranteed interview with their dental school granted I do well during the summer classes.

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I think you can get federal graduate loans for BU but for Marquette you'd have to apply for private loans. Don't know much about the Marquette post-bacc, but BU is very academically focused and you will not get much clinical experience out of it. It does have a really strong support system and the class size isn't too big. So you can build relationships with the professors and the dental school faculty. I know the dean of admissions there also writes you a letter of recommendation if you are applying to dental schools so I think that's a plus. And BU does accept a lot of their OHS students into the dental school. I also got into BU OHS but I am going for the Tufts MBS because of their dental school linkage. Also, Boston is super expensive so that might be another thing to consider.
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I got into the masters program at BU and also the post bacc at Marquette. I am not sure which program is better.
I can't receive financial aid with Marquette but the tuition for BU is double that of Marquette. With BU OHS, I would receive a master's degree. In addition, the Marquette program has a guaranteed interview with their dental school granted I do well during the summer classes.
I would recommend the MS, but you should look at Roseman's MBS program. It has had a very high success rate with getting people into the 3-year dental school program.

Edit: you can also do the program online so living at home would save some $$$ (program costs around $30k)