Best Oat Tactics


15+ Year Member
Jun 15, 2005
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Am kinda new to this forum, so i wanted to know what are the best books and study methods optometry students use to get high scores on the OAT exam. you can also add your score if you feel comfortable. Tnxs, it'll help alot.

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Zagaza said:
Am kinda new to this forum, so i wanted to know what are the best books and study methods optometry students use to get high scores on the OAT exam. you can also add your score if you feel comfortable. Tnxs, it'll help alot.

if you majored in a life science, i highly suggest that you look through your old lecture notes. most of what is covered on the OATs are on those pages. review the material for a few weeks before you write the exam.

if you're studying from scratch, an OAT, MCAT, DAT, or PCAT review book might be useful. i've heard good things about the ones that kaplan puts out. since you're not familiar with the material, you should expect to spend more time (2-3 months) to learn them.

the OAT is a straight-forward exam. if you know your stuff, then you will do well. take your time to understand all of the concepts. and make sure you remember those kinematic formulas. don't jam all the information into your brain during the last week.
Zagaza said:
thans alot. have you taken the exam yet? if so what was your score.

i took it in oct '03 (wow, seems like a long time ago)...

since there isn't much information about the OAT on the internet or in bookstores, i wanted to take it as a "practice test" to see its format and content. this is without studying at all. i managed to get a 330. i planned to retake it to have a more competitive score, but ICO's admissions committee didn't think it was necessary.

when i took the exam, i was a senior pursuing a cell/structural biology degree. i probably would've done better if i studied. that's why i suggested that life science majors review their old lecture notes.
I would recommend the Kaplan books and a book called Complete Preparation for the OAT. The one that I studied off of was from 2001, but it still worked really well. I would definately recommend the latter if you don't have much time to study or are cramming. Old notes and textbooks are good too.