Back to school?

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Dec 8, 2006
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I was accepted to AZPOD 3 years ago, but withdrew before classes started. I chose no to go through with it because I was scared of the loans and some of the negative comments I had heard. I worked for a miserable pod who said I was a saint for wanting to do it. Also met another attending that thought I was crazy for wanting to go into podiatry now. After all this I still have the urge to go to pod school, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. My current job pays 60K/year and will top out at 100k or so, and its dead easy (I work in neurosurgery as a tech). I'd appreciate any opinions.

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I was accepted to AZPOD 3 years ago, but withdrew before classes started. I chose no to go through with it because I was scared of the loans and some of the negative comments I had heard. I worked for a miserable pod who said I was a saint for wanting to do it. Also met another attending that thought I was crazy for wanting to go into podiatry now. After all this I still have the urge to go to pod school, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. My current job pays 60K/year and will top out at 100k or so, and its dead easy (I work in neurosurgery as a tech). I'd appreciate any opinions.

If I have learned one thing in my, it is do what makes you happy. That is the bottom line. If you would be happy as a pod, do it. If not, don't. Deciding what makes you happy is not always that easy, but in the end, if you don't like what you do it will affect your entire life (family, social etc.)
Good luck.
(p.s. It took me a long time to decide what I wanted to do, but when my primary goal was what would make me and my family happy, podiatry was a good fit)
I was accepted to AZPOD 3 years ago, but withdrew before classes started. I chose no to go through with it because I was scared of the loans and some of the negative comments I had heard. I worked for a miserable pod who said I was a saint for wanting to do it. Also met another attending that thought I was crazy for wanting to go into podiatry now. After all this I still have the urge to go to pod school, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. My current job pays 60K/year and will top out at 100k or so, and its dead easy (I work in neurosurgery as a tech). I'd appreciate any opinions.

I really have no idea but I would assume that the pods that you have spoken with 1) have been around for a while, and 2) have a low level of training. It also sounds as if they are quite stagnant and are not aware of the leaps and bounds that podiatric medicine has made. If I had to juggle an office/finances all in the name of clipping nails and trimming calluses, I would be very unhappy. But I know pods that just do that and are very happy. I would enquire about their training.

I'm currently in a 3 year surgical residency program. I can tell you that pods that do well in school and receive good training have plenty of options, do financially well, and generally enjoy their careers. Having said that, no career path is perfect and everyone will always gripe about something. But I know that the large number of pods that I work with are very happy.

I agree with Gangrene. Do what makes you happy. Someone will always be willing to knock the profession that you choose because there are unhappy people out there. Fortunately for us, we don't have to please them!!!