Atlantic Bridge Medical and Dental programs

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Jan 25, 2018
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Hi guys!

I'm really thinking about pursuing med school or dental school in Ireland. I'm still in university working towards completing my undergraduate studies so I can earn my degree. I have about one more year left so if anything, I would be hopefully entering during the 2019 application time.

I'm from Canada and I want to go to Trinity for medical because it offers the 4 year or 5 year(MCAT not required) but for dentistry, I want to go to either Trinity or UCC for the 5 year program.

During the next year, I'll be working on increasing my GPA even more but I don't know what their cut off is and if GPA is even the most important thing they look at.

Is there anyone currently in one of these programs that are Canadians who know more about what they want to be considered for admission? Do they show importance on any volunteering or dental/hospital experience that you have?

I also had a look at the application documents that are required and they need specifically two letter of recommendations or a committee letter. When I first enrolled into university, for the first two years I was majoring in Biology but then switched to Science and Technology Studies (still a BSc degree). So I have taken many pure science courses. I talk to many STS professors who could perhaps be willing to write a letter on my behalf but I'm just wondering do the admissions board show more prevalence to people with individual letters of recommendation from two pure science professors?

I apologize for the lengthy thread! There's just soo many questions that I have and I've been doing my own research to find the answers but I would really appreciate getting responses from people currently studying in Ireland or just know anything from personal experience!

Thank you!

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Hey, I know this is late but I'm from Toronto studying in Trinity College Dublin Medicine. If you still want to chat please let me know!
Hey, I know this is late but I'm from Toronto studying in Trinity College Dublin Medicine. If you still want to chat please let me know!


Thank you responding to my thread! I really appreciate it.

Could you tell me how the application process was for you and what things I should be looking out for?
Hey there Im at Trinity studying Dent- just finished my second year, you are more than welcome to message me any dent specific questions. In terms of letters of recommendation I honestly think people underestimate its contribution to your application. I had a thesis supervisor write one and I worked at 3M as a research and development scientist, I had my boss from there write me one as well. Not strictly academic but I think the one from 3M was more influential.