Applying to two fields, question

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10+ Year Member
Mar 1, 2010
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So I have put some thought into this and think i'm a pretty good candidate for urology, but not a lock by any means. I have a second field I really love. I dont love it as much as urology, but I am certain I would not feel unhappy at all if I went into that second field... I just like urology even more.

So with that said I sent out all of my urology residency applications today. Im about to start sending out all the apps for the second field and a question occurred to me. Would it be bad to apply to the same places for both departments? Would the departments talk and catch on and screw me over for urology (or both?).

I will pick urology over the other field every time... but if I didnt get a uro spot it would be awesome to be able to be a good candidate for those same hospitals. Any advice on this?

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So with that said I sent out all of my urology residency applications today. Im about to start sending out all the apps for the second field and a question occurred to me. Would it be bad to apply to the same places for both departments? Would the departments talk and catch on and screw me over for urology (or both?).

It's a definite possibility, but I doubt departments go through their lists looking for duplicates. It might be awkward to run into one of the faculty from specialty 1 while interviewing for specialty 2, for example.

The real downside, in my opinion, is having to interview for both specialties. You've essentially doubled your interview time, expenses, etc. Interview season was brutal, and I was glad to be done. I'd hate to have to start all over again for another specialty.
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What I have heard just from conversations with other people is that you should not apply to two different fields in the same hospital, especially if its within similar specialties(i.e. Ortho with a gen surg backup) because they WILL find out. If its Uro versus say PM&R, I don't think anyone is gonna find out. Personally I don't think you should. Better to be safe than sorry.
It's possible the departments will talk, but it's also probably pretty obvious from your application you applied to urology, at least if your application is competitive for urology. How are you going to explain those away rotations, that urology research, etc? You could lie at interviews and say you changed your mind or something, but it's generally a bad idea to lie about anything. If your second choice finds out, it hurts you because no one wants to be second choice, and they don't want to waste interview spots on someone who will be matching to another field. If GU finds out, it also doesn't look good, as it shows you are not fully committed. Second choices are a difficult decision with a lot of downside.

I would advise you to talk to your urology chair about your chances of matching. If you have a pretty decent shot, you are better off applying to your first choice only. Backup plans are still possible via the scramble or also through doing research or a prelim year while reapplying to urology, which, by the way, is the right answer when a urology attending asks you what you will do in the event of not matching.