Application Tips with Apply Point: Common Secondary Prompts

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Below, we've provided a few more common secondary essay prompts (along with insight into how to approach your responses) so that you can start to brainstorm and document related experiences. As we’ve mentioned, don’t hesitate to re-use content. You will—and should—recycle some secondary answers for different schools and use aspects of your secondary drafts for your super-short answers too.

Remember, you'll want to submit your final essays within two weeks of receipt.

How do qualities you have relate to our mission statement?

Mission alignment matters to schools. They want to know that you share their values and goals. Will you be a valuable member of their community? Schools often hit similar themes: innovation, collaboration, servant leadership, and health equity and social justice. Even if you're not drafting this answer yet, think about experiences you've had that involve those things and jot down some notes.

If this question isn't in the secondaries mix, you should be looking to reflect the mission statement back to the school in your other secondaries. For example, if a school especially values collegiality, you might include a story about how you collaborated on a class project in one of your answers. (This is another example of show don't tell.)

While you 100% should be researching schools individually to learn other specifics, AAMC has a convenient document that rounds up all allopathic schools' mission statements in one place.

What will you be doing until matriculation or what have you done since graduating from college?

You may have mentioned some of this elsewhere in the application. While you don't have to max out the word or character count, it is important (and fun!) to account for all your time, even if some of it won't be spent prepping for medical school. Check out this example: "Since graduating from Large Private University, I became a clinical research assistant at Near-My-Hometown Children's Hospital, coordinating 10 studies. I collected and analyzed study data for an academic paper on pediatric asthma and was asked to draft a section of it. It will be published this fall in Impressive Kiddo Journal, and I will be credited as a co-author. I will continue my work at Near-My-Hometown Children's Hospital until matriculation. On Saturdays this summer, I'll be volunteering at an organic farm. Nutrition matters to me, and I love to spend time outdoors. In August, I'll take a two-week trip to Europe (my first time abroad!), visiting relatives in Denmark and Sweden."

Have you applied to our program before? If, so how has your candidacy improved since your last application?

This one is self-explanatory. Even if you have no idea why you were rejected last time, you do know that you've gained more clinical experience, maybe some overall workplace experience, earned a Master's, and have matured since your last application. If none of those things are true, then perhaps you should be applying next year instead.

Review our blog post for additional insight into common secondary essay prompts.

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