application help!

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May 3, 1999
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Still working on that personal statement? Not quite the english major you thought you were?Having trouble getting started?

Let someone with experience, creativity, and editing skills help.

Contact: [email protected]

Note: fee for service offer

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Though I'm not a med school applicant, just now taking my prereqs (best to get that upfront, lest one be accused of being a troll!!) but curious as to what qualifies you to help edit personal statements. I ask this in all sincerity, as I'm a good year or two from applying and I'm already tossing around rough ideas for my essay.

How do we know our essays won't wind up floating all over the internet, or distributed to other pre-meds? This is a good idea, but we need more info, please!
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You don't. Anything sent over the web can wind up all over the web. Caveat emptor.
1.nothing is redistributed...EDITING involves taking the original work and POLISHING it..EDITING does not equate with actually writing the piece..that is not my job--that is yours..

2.the service is private and nothing ends up floating around on the internet..

3.qualifications include service on several admissions boards as well as prior experience with other agencies.

4. if you are interested in finding out more information on my service, please contact me at [email protected] will be happy to send you a copy of the service as well as a contract.

good luck all!

spang--never too early to start working on probably the toughest part of the app..
I did not think that advertising was allowed on this forum. It is for premedical discussion, not solicitation.
I'm w/Tigger...letting people know about free services or other pages is one thing, suggesting a fee-for-service item is another. Any comments from OMD?