Anyone from Goucher?!

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Aug 20, 2003
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Hello. I am looking in to Goucher's post bac program, and was wondering if anyone could share their experiences with us. They claim to have a 100% med acceptance rate, so I'm assuming it's one of the better programs. Well, I hope to hear from someone soon. Thanks!

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they ONLY look for premed students, not dentistry, optometry, etc.
I would also be interested in what GPA and GRE criteria they are looking for in their applicants. I've heard it's just as competitive as medical school (3.5+) with great standarized tests scores. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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I emailed the admissions office at Goucher to get an idea of what they were looking for and if they were open to nontraditional students. She was somewhat dismissive and noted that they would not even consider anyone who did not have a 3.5 GPA or higher. She defined their applicant pool as "very successful liberal arts majors with little to no science background who decide to pursue a medical career." It's sounds like a fairly niche program that is highly concerned with their "placement stats."
3.5 or higher GPA... 1100 minimum on SAT
I went to the program and it went very well. I have gained acceptances to 4 medschool already and had 8 interviews. So the program is great for the end goal ... it's teachers and curriculum are very good and look out for their students. They do look for students who have not taken many science courses, but that should not hold anyone back ... but if you are looking for better grades in sciences courses you've already had I would say go and do a masters program. Any other questions just post 'em.
sucks they only admit pre-med students... I really think highly of their program. Me being a pre-dent doesnt help :( .
Hey everyone-

I applied to Goucher in 1996 and was quickly rejected. Glad I didn't give up though... Went to UMBC on a "do-it-yourself" post-bacc, spent a FRACTION of the cost, found the environment exceedingly supportive, got great grades and made my way to UMD for med school. I'm about to graduate from UMD and am applying for ER residencies. Getting lots of interviews and excellent feedback. My point is....

You don't need Goucher to get the job done. I still have the rejection letter from Goucher. I plan to mail it back to them with a shrunken copy of my diploma from UMD SOM and a check for $14,000 with a big VOID written across it. No, I'm not bitter.;)

Did you do the Life Sciences in the Evening program at UMD? I was looking into doing this as well. What did you think of it? Any way to get around paying out-of-state tuition if you are a DC resident?
Sorry, CDH, but I've never heard of this program. It must be new-or at least developed since I did my stint at UMBC. I have no info on the program.

Is this program at UMBC or College Park?

In my opinion, as long as you're taking the pre-reqs, it doesn't really matter when the classes are offered.


If you don't mind, can you post your GPA/test scores? Also, what was your major? What is the admissions committee like? I'm a sociology major at UCLA w/ a 3.5 gpa. I'm taking the GRE in mid january. Thanks....
If you know you want something, you can do what you can to get there.

My undergraduate GPA was a 2.67... very humiliating, but I had a great time in college!

I argued with the director of the Rutgers University Post-bacc program that if I were incapable of doing well in my first semester of coursework, that I would gladly drop out. I'm proving her wrong and am hoping to matriculate in 2004. I believe my chances at getting in are pretty solid.

Earned something like a 3.7 post-bacc gpa with A's in both semesters of Organic. I think if you're ready to take on the responsibility, you can do just about anything. Proof will be observed in your actions.
if anybody has questions about it feel free to send me a private message.