anyone apply to med school too?

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will it hurt one's chances if one applies to medical school in addition to pharm school?

has anyone on this forum done this, and did they rip you apart in the interviews?

i dont see any way to hide this fact, since the applications i am filling out ask me specifically if i am applying to any other health fields. and for me, lying is out of the question.

and fyi, this is not because i view pharm school as a backup....

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>will it hurt one's chances if one applies to medical school in addition to pharm school?i dont see any way to hide this fact, since the applications i am filling out ask me specifically if i am applying to any other health fields. and for me, lying is out of the question.

Ok, if the applications you are filling out REQUIRE you to divulge the information (eg it is not optional), then I would say that it could likely strongly hurt your chances of getting into medical school and likely pharmacy school. Medical school is often very difficult to get in to begin with, often requiring some luck. As there are so many people wanting to enter medical school, these schools make sure that the people who are accepted REALLY want to be there. I have heard many stories of schools rejecting applicants, only to see if they will reapply next year. Indecission about career choices is a major no no when applying. For example, I was personally told by the number 2 man on the admissions committee at my school that an aplicant (who had a killer gpa and 36 on the MCAT (a fantastic score)) was asked "What would you do if you are not accepted." (A good answer would be along the lines of "I would try again.") The student with the amazing MCAT replied "I think I would become an actor." He received a rejection letter very quickly. Whether good or not, med schools will look VERY unfavorably upon these two seperate applications.

I can give you some tips on how to lessen this blow. First, if you actually were applying to pharmacy school as a backup in order to strengthen you as an applicant or to prepare yourself more fully for medical school, then the schools would not view it quite so harshly. Additionally, if you were applying for familial reasons (eg to shut your pharmacist grandmother up) then it might not be viewed so bad. Also, if asked "If accepted to both what would you do?" the answer MUST be a very quick, emphatic "Come to medical school." If there is uncertainty in your answer, then the slot will be available for another student.

>and fyi, this is not because i view pharm school as a backup....

Why are you applying to pharmacy school, as the answer certainly has some bearing.

Let me know if I can answer any other questions,
let say you get into med, dental, and pharm school. which one would you pick?
Could you fill out the med school application first, perhaps "not intending" on applying to any other health fields, and then have "a moment of weakness" a couple of weeks later and apply to pharmacy school after-the-fact? It doesn't seems like a fair question to ask on an application, but I've never applied to med school. Is this the norm? One of my pharmacy school apps asked where else I was applying, but they have no real way of checking and I really don't see the point. How would that affect my chances at that particular school?