Any one ever think this is a safe......

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da me ka don

Not in your P.I.'s lab!
15+ Year Member
Jul 19, 2007
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I mean...I always feel like this forum is a safe place to express yourself without fear of getting chewed up by them haters.

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I mean...I always feel like this forum is a safe place to express yourself without fear of getting chewed up by them haters.

Haha, that's why I like this forum too. Sometimes I feel like there must be a sign on my forehead saying "I am black, feel free to attack" in the Pre-Allo forum. :laugh:
Haha, that's why I like this forum too. Sometimes I feel like there must be a sign on my forehead saying "I am black, feel free to attack" in the Pre-Allo forum. :laugh:


That's exactly, in large part, why I stopped posting there. Whether it was about the whole URM thing or not, I couldn't tell anybody anything. It was almost as if I didn't have any personal experience or something!
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I was just reading over the (latest) Affirmative Action thread, and I couldn't stop laughing. Even when LizzyM offered a nice little mathematical observation about the fact that even if NO URM students were enrolled in med schools - and that includes the HBCU's - 86% of applicants would still not get in anywhere...somehow, everyone on that thread missed that post...

Ah yes, and there are the folks that condemn the black student with the "subpar" GPA, but encourage "other" applicants to take additional classes, apply early, broadly, and smartly. Fascinating...

just thoughts...
I don't know why so many people have the desire to attack me and my accomplishments. If they feel that my success is due to affirmative action, cool. But why they feel the need to kick me down by saying inappropriate stuff, I really don't know.

Anyways, I really do love this forum. Everyone here seems so humble and genuine. I hope my M1 class is like this.
I don't know why so many people have the desire to attack me and my accomplishments. If they feel that my success is due to affirmative action, cool. But why they feel the need to kick me down by saying inappropriate stuff, I really don't know.

Honestly, people bring you down because in reality, they are bitter about the fact that they couldn't accomplish what you could, or feel like you had an easier road as a minority. There are just some things they will never understand, even if it is something as small as getting looked at a little more closely in a store, or as big as being 1 of only 5 black guys in your class of >160 (we all damn well know that AA males make up more than 3% of this country, and sadly this is better than some places for med school too). Just know that in some way, shape or form, you likely got accepted to med school with more hardship than they did, and you are being rewarded for it, as you DESERVE to be here!

I also find it so funny how so many of them think that a couple of undergrad biology and chemistry courses and the MCATs suddenly make them a more qualified physician if they get better scores, while others are not if they didnt do as well. NEWS FLASH, patients dont care. They dont care what you got in college, how you did in medical school, what your USMLEs were like...if you've passed your specialty boards, they already think youre smart enough to take care of them, and you probably are. Are you good enough to TALK to them though? Not as many of them are as good at taking a patient history as they would think, and ironically 70% of your diagnoses come from it. I know, that pesky little part of medicine where talking to and relating to people, maybe trying to understand them a little may help in an accurate diagnosis? But what do I know, I'm some black guy with terrible scores in everything I touched that shouldn't be here.

Sometimes, I wish all the minority physicians and med students would take a one month vacation, while those with these attitudes of superiority could be dumped into the EDs (Emergency Departments) of schools like mine, Hopkins, Temple, most of the NYC schools, Cook County, etc. to see how well they do with those patients. I think they would realize the value we add to the field by relating to many of the inner city poor that come through the hospital doors, among other things.

There will always be those with such an air of entitlement, so all you can do is be yourself, work hard, be proud of your accomplishments, and pull others up with you whenever you can. You have done well for yourself and I hope you continue to do well. I'm proud of all you guys!!!
There are plenty of awesome people in this field, both minorities and non-minorities who arent all about the numbers, and if anything like affirmative action and realize by sheer numbers and %'s it didnt keep them from any position. Its just a few bad apples that stink up the place is all, fortunately I think most of them are on SDN!

Dont be afraid to come to me for questions, or a rational med student opinion on this stuff :) Its seriously bedtime now, studying Personality Disorders has changed me into an angry, ranting person for the night :laugh:
It's nice to know I'm not alone in my experiences. People attack me all the time because of my accomplishments, too. At the end of the day, knowing that I have people who will accept me because of who I am no matter what is priceless. I can only pray that people like you guys will be in my med school class.
I never go to the pre-allo forum because I'm a pre-dent, but I saw the thread title when I logged in and was compelled to take a peek. I wasn't surprised at the responses I saw but I still couldn't help but be disgusted at some people's ignorance. And why they argue to death about it is beyond me. Instead of putting their energy into that, they could be working on bettering their applications or working on their interview skills so that they won't have to come on here spewing their nonsense. Those are all of the people I hope to SHUT DOWN when my time comes. What's sad is that though sdn is only an internet forum, I do believe that it is a microcosm, representative of many people's feelings. I observed this mentality in undergrad and it really bothers me to see strangers attack the accomplishments of others. I would be lying if I didn't admit that it kinda pisses me off, especially when they have absolutely no idea about another's personal situation. Let me stop...

Wooo...I had to vent a bit lol. But anyways, really feeling this area of sdn. It's so :love:
A growing theme in the culture of the United States is that if one cannot accomplish something, it is because of someone other the the person themselves. All of us know that affirmative action is meaningless in today's climate and that there are so few African-Americans even applying to medical school let alone getting accepted, that then no one is "stealing" anything from anyone else.

I look at the literally thousands (total now is about 15,000) of applications that came into my schools (both private) and fewer than 50 were from people who identified themselves as African-American or Latino. Granted my schools are private but the numbers of people of color who are even attempting to do this are quite low compared to others.

The second thing is that averages are just that, average. That means that some folks are above and some folks are below. Any statistical criterion falls flat when you are talking about individuals. Every person is unique and it is the uniqueness of each applicant that we take into consideration. An applicant may have a lower uGPA but a high MCAT or a high MCAT but a lower GPA or both high, or both low. In the end, those numbers are averaged and the averages tell nothing about the "quality" of the complete application as they are but one part of the application.

The other thing to consider is that admission to medical school has nothing to do with performance in medical school or graduation from medical school. Most medical schools look for something in an application that shows that the application can navigate the curriculum and excel. If that "something" is not there or if the application is poorly written etc, that person is not going to get in. I can't tell you how many personal statements I have read that looked like they were written by someone in junior high school. Supposedly these documents were written by people who have (or will have) a bachelor's degree from a university. If communication skills are poor, if LORs are ho-hum, you are not going to get an invitation let alone an acceptance.

There is a sense of entitlement among many people. For whatever reason, they believe that medical school is a reward for having a high GPA/MCAT and that is not true. The entire application is considered within the context of the rest of the applicants. I can't tell you how many mediocre applications are submitted with high GPA/MCAT scores and we are not interested in these people. Other schools may want them but we don't.

I always come back to the story of the son of one of my colleagues. This young man had a 42 MCAT and an uGPA of 3.87. His father was the chairman of one of the departments in medical school. He was 21 years old and received 2 interview invitations and no acceptances. He was very immature and interviewed poorly. His father was incensed but the kid couldn't cut it. He entered the Peace Corps, came back two years later and was accepted into medical school. He simply needed to grow up.

Everyone here who has been successful in gaining acceptance into medical school had to jump through the "hoops". Everyone ground out those labs in O-Chem, those papers for English etc. Nothing was "handed" to us because of the way that we looked. I studied my "buns" off in medical school and have the grades and board scores to show for my hard work. I answered everyone of those thousands of pages and performed those thousands of cases that I needed in order to get where I am today. In short, nothing gets handed to anyone today and it's juvenile to believe that anyone who achieves does so at the expense of another. It just doesn't happen.
This is insane, I can't believe you guys get so much flak. I can't imagine having to try and succeed in such a hostile environment.

Like I said in pre-allo I think AA is far from a perfect system that has some pretty perverse outcomes at times, one of which is the engendering of intense racial hostility but also seemingly paying too little heed to SES in favor of the easier categorization of race. This isn't to minimize the importance of racial categorization, which be ridiculous for anyone with any sense of historical and present race relations. In my opinion AA is a stop-gap, inexpensive cop out by the government to address what are really broad complex social issues.

I can understand why you would not want to post in pre-allo as much, but I want to remind everyone those attacking you are in the minority and the ones who demonstrate ideations of racial superiority are even fewer. Don't let a bunch of fools splinter our community. Building bridges, integrating and supporting each other is something we should all aim for, regardless of background. I realize that doing so is probably a lot tougher for those in the hot seat than it is for me, but I don't think I'm alone in feeling this way.
i feel the same way....

and even if you disagree with ppl on totally un related subjects on other forums they still throw in personal attacks and it always goes back to...

well u don't agree with me...and by the only got into med school because you are black...

and i have no idea why ppl feel like its okay to say these things...

its weird because i haven't been in undergrad for three years and have been working as a nurse and i haven't really encountered this in so makes me sad that these are the ppl i will be going to school with..but i guess it also makes me want to work harder...

i was listing my interviews in the beginning of this to one of the doctors i work with...and he said...when ppl tell you that you only succeeded because you are black...tell them to kiss your A** ...i thought he was just being too paranoid...but apparently i was just being naive to think that we wouldn't have to go through this... but oh well...

i wonder how many ppl will say these things to us in class... my guess is not many... i think most ppl are just frustrated because they aren't as successful as they want to be...and its easier to blame others than themselves...
i wonder how many ppl will say these things to us in class... my guess is not many... i think most ppl are just frustrated because they aren't as successful as they want to be...and its easier to blame others than themselves...
Word. I really didn't experience this racist BS until I joined this site. The premeds at my school are so busy trying to make it that we are very humble and supportive of each other. Unfortunately, some SDNers are different.
Just remember that many of these people will be your classmates...comforting huh? :). I encourage everyone that wants to get into AA conversations in pre-allo to either:

1) not say anything
2) only post factual information like graphs or charts

If its only anti-AA or malignant posters who are posting in the thread, it will die quicker. I've been on SDN for a little while, and the AA threads are a staple...I've learned to either ignore them, or post a fact here and there. People will have their sterotypical view of you regardless of your MCAT score or GPA. If they think you are inherently stupid, no internet conversation will change that. Just work hard (as you have been doing), and be sucessful.
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Just remember that many of these people will be your classmates...comforting huh? :). I encourage everyone that wants to get into AA conversations in pre-allo to either:

1) not say anything
2) only post factual information like graphs or charts

If its only anti-AA or malignant posters who are posting in the thread, it will die quicker. I've been on SDN for a little while, and the AA threads are a staple...I've learned to either ignore them, or post a fact here and there. People will have their sterotypical view of you regardless of your MCAT score or GPA. If they think you are inherently stupid, no internet conversation will change that. Just work hard (as you have been doing), and be sucessful.

Yeah, the creepy part is that I actually figured out who one of the people in that thread is because we've got a common acceptance. I will admit, it's one thing to know that *someone* you might be going to school with has these strong viewpoints, but quite another thing to know EXACTLY who that is.

But you're right, if anti-AA-ers have no one to fight against, the thread will die more quickly. I find when URMs do post in that thread, it only adds fuel to the fire, so I do agree with what you said about how to get involved in those threads. And while it may be difficult, definitely refrain from personally attacking anyone who does the same to you.

I would also advise you all to sometimes take a look at a persons post history before responding to their comments. There are certain posters who write those kinds of inflammatory posts regularly (on any subject), and in such a case, it probably wouldn't be worth it to respond to them because they're just going to ignore you and keep right at it. Then there are other posters who disappear for a while, then all of a sudden make an appearance in AA threads or the URM forum and make a scene. Probably isn't worth it to respond to them either.
Has it never occurred to any of you that the reason why you are being targeted is *because* you are successful? A few people who are not successful and who are looking for someone else to blame look at you and are reminded of their own failure. You represent to them what they wish they could be but are not. It is difficult for all of us to face up to the fact that if we have not achieved our goal, the one person we ought to be angry with is the one we see every day in the mirror. As long as you are successful, there will be less successful people who are jealous of your accomplishments and who want to put you down to try to bring themselves up. Just go about your business and keep succeeding. Stay away from your classmates who constantly complain or put everything and everybody down. In the end, bemoaning the unfairness of life only brings all of us down instead of inspiring us to go further.
It roughly translates into:


An parallel saying in the U.S. might be:

"Sticks and stones may break my bones... but I'm going to medical school. :cool:"

Keep your eye on the prize everyone.


I was just reading over the (latest) Affirmative Action thread, and I couldn't stop laughing. Even when LizzyM offered a nice little mathematical observation about the fact that even if NO URM students were enrolled in med schools - and that includes the HBCU's - 86% of applicants would still not get in anywhere...

Just feeling the need to make a small correction to the above... 86% of those who do not matriculate anywhere still would not have a spot.

The idea that "a URM took my spot" just does not stand up to scrutiny.
Yeah, the creepy part is that I actually figured out who one of the people in that thread is because we've got a common acceptance. I will admit, it's one thing to know that *someone* you might be going to school with has these strong viewpoints, but quite another thing to know EXACTLY who that is. will even be creepier, when you find out that they are in the same class as you...or even funnier in your anatomy lab group.:scared:
In general I find the pre-allo forum to have a tone that's rude and condescending that goes beyond race. It's shocking something when I remember that some of these people will be doctors.

I really can't believe some of the posts I've been reading lately. It is really scary that some of these people will be our future colleagues. I definitely took my MdApps link off my profile because of the mean comments. But, there's no reason for me to be ashamed, or feel less proud, of my application success just because of some strangers on the internet, so I put it back on.

If you do get to meet some of these mean sdn members on revisits, I hope they have a big apology ready to give you.
I really can't believe some of the posts I've been reading lately. It is really scary that some of these people will be our future colleagues. I definitely took my MdApps link off my profile because of the means comments. But, there's no reason for me to be ashamed, or feel less proud, of my application success just because of some strangers on the internet, so I put it back on.

If you do get to meet some of these mean sdn members on revisits, I hope they have a big apology ready to give you.
I promise you all, that during orientation week at my medical school, I met some true juvenile delinquents. They quieted down after the first couple of days of lectures and they were definitely quiet after that first round of applications. When the AOA inductees were announced, they were shocked to see my name listed there because I just kept my nose to the grindstone and helped every person that I could. I can't tell you how hard the road ahead is but it's very hard. There is something about that hard work that tends to quiet some of those voices. Fast forward four years and those same juvenile delinquents are now colleagues to whom I would not hesitate to send my patients.

Keep doing your work and achieving. The course ahead is pretty leveling and in the end, your classmates will be your colleagues and they WILL grow up. What you are about to do is not easy but trust me on this one, no one is "handed" a seat in any medical college in this country. You have all earned what you have accomplished and there is more to come and more to do. Keep moving forward.
Lately just going onto the Pre-allo forum has been depressing. I am starting to dread starting med school and having to interact and (gasp!) work with these people...

Some support SDN is! :thumbdown: (except this forum! :thumbup:)
I am definitely feeling the same way. After the past few weeks with all of the URM/AA stuff i just dont even want to look at pre-allo ever again. I hate the idea that my future classmates may be that un-supportive.
Someome mentioned that they will grow up in medical school...that's great if they actually keep their eyes open and realize how closed minded they're being...but grown-up racists scare me a lot more than immature ones, to be honest.
Lately just going onto the Pre-allo forum has been depressing. I am starting to dread starting med school and having to interact and (gasp!) work with these people...

Some support SDN is! :thumbdown: (except this forum! :thumbup:)
You will have to work with a lot of people who you don't particularly care for, and that's just the way it is. On the bright side, you don't have to be best friends with everyone in your class, and you can still learn something from each of them, even if they don't think they can learn anything from you. Just do your best for the sake of the patients and the team, keep your sense of humor, and stay as far away as you can from negative classmates or others who just want to complain about things. You all can do this. There will be resources at your school to help you if you run into trouble with school or professionalism issues; all you have to do if you need help is be humble enough to ask for it. :)
You will have to work with a lot of people who you don't particularly care for, and that's just the way it is. On the bright side, you don't have to be best friends with everyone in your class, and you can still learn something from each of them, even if they don't think they can learn anything from you. Just do your best for the sake of the patients and the team, keep your sense of humor, and stay as far away as you can from negative classmates or others who just want to complain about things. You all can do this. There will be resources at your school to help you if you run into trouble with school or professionalism issues; all you have to do if you need help is be humble enough to ask for it. :)

True... many people have done it before us, so I'm sure we can do it. I go to an HBCU, so I really have never had to deal with that type of stuff on a college level. I did encounter stuff in high school and out in the real world so I'm not completely sheltered from it... I know enough about it to know that I am not looking forward to dealing with it in medical school. :rolleyes:
To be honest, maybe I'm just not paying enough attention, but it seems that once people get into med school, all this talk dies down, and pretty hard. There may be a few who are jealous that they didnt get into a better school, but they are pretty silent. Despite the fact that people will be on both sides of the argument of Affirmative Action, once they are in medical school, they got what they want so they can no longer blame anyone else for their failures. That's because they got into medical school. So they didnt fail.

njbmd speaks the truth. Most will mature as they get along in their professional careers. A few will never cease to be pre-meds, but most will grow up. I can tell you for certain, I'm pretty sure no one in my class thinks any minority doesnt deserve to be here; we show everyone through every avenue that we know our stuff and know it damn well. Whenever I stay late at school to study, I see most of "us" there, still working. Trust me, I dont think any of the URMs here are losing sleep at night wondering if we stack up to our classmates :laugh:

You all will be excellent physicians, so dont concern yourselves with these attitudes on SDN. Actually, do yourselves a favor and whenever you see one of those AA threads, just laugh and know that you got into med school, and they are insecure and crapping themselves! They deserve their anxiety if they look to put down another group of students for merely trying to exist and do well for their future patients.
that is all.

No, actually, that's not all. Why the hell do people need to label for everything? Why can't you just call someone by their name? Why would someone feel the need to refer to me on a thread i'm not even participating on as "black ivy-leauge lesbian"? isn't aaj shorter? easier? more convinient even?
Dude's an idiot. Don't even trip. Your ballin in the app process, keep doing you.
Dude's an idiot. Don't even trip. Your ballin in the app process, keep doing you.
Thanks...I know i shouldn't let people that stupid bother me...I've just been having a really tough time emotionally/psychologically lately, and i guess i need to get far away from pre-allo before i can start working on that. Surprisingly a large percentage of the negative comments on my MDapps have stopped, and now they're mostly all gay-bashing rather than racially oriented. What i find really funny about the whole situation is that people assume these things because i do LGBT peer education and pride alliance, and things like that, which are full of allies. My avatar is a pic of my being kissed by a GUY. I've never once actually announced my sexual preferences on pre-allo. But that is how i'm labeled.
People are just idiots and cannot justify why YOU are doing so well this cycle and they are not. Only thing they can do is attack. Unfortunately, it is easier for some to attack based on race or sexual preference on this site because they have not met you before. In real life, they'd attack you on just about anything.

Just keep kickin' ass everyone, you are already stealing the show. Why? Because you have earned it based off your accomplishments, not your race.
Yeah, I saw that comment and wondered, ever so briefly, about its origin...

I'm sure that you already know this, but we live in a society where people define themselves in opposition - and you, with your acceptances and great attention from med schools, are someone that they are not. It's hard enough for them to really understand why schools aren't paying attention to them, and seeing your success is just a further reminder of what they don't have and who they are not. It's far easier to tear someone else down (especially when that person's perceived race and/or perceived sexuality make for such "easy" targets) than it is to look inside ourselves and think about how to build and convey a better person.

Girl, just keep on keepin' on...but maybe not in pre-allo ;)

just thoughts...
Thanks...I know i shouldn't let people that stupid bother me...I've just been having a really tough time emotionally/psychologically lately, and i guess i need to get far away from pre-allo before i can start working on that. Surprisingly a large percentage of the negative comments on my MDapps have stopped, and now they're mostly all gay-bashing rather than racially oriented. What i find really funny about the whole situation is that people assume these things because i do LGBT peer education and pride alliance, and things like that, which are full of allies. My avatar is a pic of my being kissed by a GUY. I've never once actually announced my sexual preferences on pre-allo. But that is how i'm labeled.
My advice is to delete the mean comments and don't waste your time or energy responding. You don't have to approve a comment just because someone left it on your profile. Deleting rude comments without posting them is exactly the kind of nonresponse that they deserve. It will take all the fun out of making those comments if they can't get a reaction out of you.

You can also report posts that call you out; I didn't see the one you mentioned previously. But if people are bashing you in the PA forum, hit the little triangle "report post" button, and the mods of that forum will take care of it.
Thanks...I know i shouldn't let people that stupid bother me...I've just been having a really tough time emotionally/psychologically lately, and i guess i need to get far away from pre-allo before i can start working on that. Surprisingly a large percentage of the negative comments on my MDapps have stopped, and now they're mostly all gay-bashing rather than racially oriented. What i find really funny about the whole situation is that people assume these things because i do LGBT peer education and pride alliance, and things like that, which are full of allies. My avatar is a pic of my being kissed by a GUY. I've never once actually announced my sexual preferences on pre-allo. But that is how i'm labeled.

Dont let them get you down. A lot of the people in the pre-allo forum are just super bitter. They arent getting into the schools that they want and they want to blame minorities. I know its hard to hear but just laugh at them because they will probably be reapplying for the next few years whereas you'll be on your way.

Good luck aaj. Keep your head up!
Thanks...I know i shouldn't let people that stupid bother me...I've just been having a really tough time emotionally/psychologically lately, and i guess i need to get far away from pre-allo before i can start working on that. Surprisingly a large percentage of the negative comments on my MDapps have stopped, and now they're mostly all gay-bashing rather than racially oriented. What i find really funny about the whole situation is that people assume these things because i do LGBT peer education and pride alliance, and things like that, which are full of allies. My avatar is a pic of my being kissed by a GUY. I've never once actually announced my sexual preferences on pre-allo. But that is how i'm labeled.

you don't have to explain yourself to anyone...this is the internet...these ppl would never say these things to you in person...its comforting to sit in iowa and judge someone who is all the way on the east takes their mind off of how they are doing right now...hmmm they could either worry about having ro reapply or why they haven't heard anything from tufts, stony brook, cornell...or they can make fun of you or make you feel bad about who u r...

i know its easy for us to say this...and whenever someone comments on me being a urm it makes me mad made a great response to him and now let it doesn't help you to let it really bother you and creep into your life any more...congrats on everything...

mean ppl suck! hahaha i had that t-shirt in highschool...i think it still applies!

p.s. no offense to ppl from iowa:)
I'm feeling much better this morning. I just needed some bad telivision, good food, and some time to relax.
QofQ, it was actually on the pre-allo board, not my MDapps...i never accept the negative comments on my MDapps, if i did i'd have well over 300 comments, as i delete about three negative ones a day. By the time i got home and went to actually press the warning button, he'd been banned. So thanks to whoever did press the little button for me. I appreciate that.
haha so i know this thread kinda died, but i got a particularly strange MDapps comment today i thought i should share. It said "YOU'RE a racist you fat b***ch" (without the stars). I haven't been on SDN in at least two days, and i have never posted anything that i could possibly understand to be taken as racist except maybe the thing about how i felt uncomfortable at tufts about two months ago? But more importantly, how does this person know i'm fat? haha i prefer the term chubby. I wish people would leave more details in their cryptic ridiculous posts.
haha so i know this thread kinda died, but i got a particularly strange MDapps comment today i thought i should share. It said "YOU'RE a racist you fat b***ch" (without the stars). I haven't been on SDN in at least two days, and i have never posted anything that i could possibly understand to be taken as racist except maybe the thing about how i felt uncomfortable at tufts about two months ago? But more importantly, how does this person know i'm fat? haha i prefer the term chubby. I wish people would leave more details in their cryptic ridiculous posts.

Yeah, you'll be working with extremely compassionate people who all want the best for their patients :rolleyes:
haha so i know this thread kinda died, but i got a particularly strange MDapps comment today i thought i should share. It said "YOU'RE a racist you fat b***ch" (without the stars). I haven't been on SDN in at least two days, and i have never posted anything that i could possibly understand to be taken as racist except maybe the thing about how i felt uncomfortable at tufts about two months ago? But more importantly, how does this person know i'm fat? haha i prefer the term chubby. I wish people would leave more details in their cryptic ridiculous posts.

It's hurtful when someone posts something derogatory directed at you. The best thing that you can do is ignore them. The old Army Air Corps saying is "If you are feeling flak, you MUST be over the target". There is another that says, "If you feel someone's foot in your rear-end, you are definitely in FRONT of them". I keep both of them on my desk at all times.

Bottom line: Plenty of very immature folks are jealous of you and your success at something that they would like to do. Their lashing out at you is a reflection of their insecurity. They don't know you and you don't know them thus anything that anyone has to say on an anonymous message board doesn't matter in your life in any way. Put an end to your concerns and get back to the important stuff such "where are you going next year?" :thumbup:

"Chubby" or not, you are living your dream and they are not. Savor the positive folks here, appreciate the loads of wonderful friends that you have and keep doing the positive things that I know you are doing in terms of fellowship and good will.
Yeah, you'll be working with extremely compassionate people who all want the best for their patients :rolleyes:

That person probably didn't get the chance to "want the best for their patients" this cycle, hence the comment. Jealousy makes you do stupid things...
wow........ i didn't even know this forum existed:)
That person probably didn't get the chance to "want the best for their patients" this cycle, hence the comment. Jealousy makes you do stupid things...

My apologies, I was being sarcastic...doesn't always come through on these forums, lol

If you are a an under-represented minority and pre-medical student living in the Northeast region, it is IMPERATIVE that you read below:

This is a reminder that the Annual Conference for the Minority Association of Premedical Students (MAPS) is only four weeks away! It will be February 9 at Drexel University College of Medicine.

The weekend will begin with a kick-off party and game night on Friday, followed by an event-filled conference on Saturday. We will have workshops, a practice MCAT, a luncheon and key note presentation, a recruitment fair and bone marrow drive. Be sure to stick around for the after party on Saturday night!

The conference, entitled "Striving for Success, Reaching Up, Reaching Out, Reaching You" will be the perfect opportunity for pre-health and post-baccalaureate students to network, educate themselves, and have a good time.

Attached is the registration form that you can send to the Region 8 (Northeast Region) MAPS Liaison, Amber Johnson, at [email protected]. If you have any questions/comments/concerns, please do not hesitate to ask me, Felecia Singh, at [email protected].

Hope to see you there!

Felecia Singh
D.O. Candidate - c/o '11


  • Reg Form Region 8 Conference.doc
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My apologies, I was being sarcastic...doesn't always come through on these forums, lol

No need to apologize, the sarcasm came through :D Maybe my wording didn't convey my point very well lol. I was just trying to say that the person that left her that ridiculous comment was probably hot because they didn't get in that's all...
Haha, that's why I like this forum too. Sometimes I feel like there must be a sign on my forehead saying "I am black, feel free to attack" in the Pre-Allo forum. :laugh:

Is that you in your avatar?

If so, you are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry but I just had to get that off my chest
My $.02: I don't know if it's a good or bad thing, but I grew up in just this type of environment. The people with the worst/loudest opinions were definitely in the minority, but it didn't bother me any less. Many of the things said are out of pure ignorance. If I got (get) in purely because of my own hard work and merits, great, if I got a boost in an effort for a school to try to right some prior injustice, that's cool too. What's important to me is what I do with the opportunity. I'm going to take what I've learned and help those around me, and if I'm lucky inspire someone else to do the same. Either way we all take the same tests, and I'm still going to do my best.

What I did learn from my experiences is that many of these people don't have the chutzpa to say many of these things to your face. Which is why many will go "undetected" within your class, job, church, wherever. I seek comfort in knowing that their opinions do not define me, and much like relationships only those experiencing it can really know what happened, everything else is just speculation. The anonymity afforded many SDNers is what gives them the courage to say what they say, and in many cases (which is most unfortunate) these are lessons learned at home from an early age. Many of the people don't know or have the opportunity to form their own opinions before someone else is imparting their thoughts, feelings, history on an (initially) innocent person.

At an age when many of these people will be charged with taking care of the same types of individuals they scorn, one would hope they open their minds. Like NJBMD said many of them do, and it happens at different times for everyone. We have all been forced in many ways to open our minds to exist in the work or academic environments we are in to both survive and succeed; a skill that will prove to be useful in our studies and our careers as physicians.

Comments and situations like these that bring us (all URMs) closer together as a community, even if we aren't at the same school or in the same state for that matter. I wouldn't trade that for anything. There's something comforting in embarking on a journey and looking around and seeing/meeting someone like you (even you there's only 2). Revel in your uniqueness and know that you make wherever you are that much more interesting!