Already accepted to Pharmd but wanna try again???

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last chance

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10+ Year Member
Jun 8, 2010
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Hi all,

I hope someone can save me from major mental breakdown.

I just got my bachelor's at Purdue.
GPA=3.2 PCAT= 70
Various shadowing experience
no pharm-related experience
some volunteer experience
1 sem researching with Nobel-prized prof
1 sem researching with chemistry theorist

I only applied to two pharm schools: chicago state university and univ. of Hawaii at Hilo. (both accepted)

I was actually hesitating to apply this year b/c I couldn't make up my mind on whether I want a pharmd or phd. So I was super late in the application cycle and I just chose the above two school where I thought I had chances.

I decided to go to CSU, until very recent..

I have been told that where you graduate from doesn't matter as long as you pass the pharm licensure exam. but now I'm hearing different stories saying that actually the school's so-called NAME VALUE DOES MATTER with the less availability in the job field. Also, I was told that it influences your opportunity of getting residency...

My friends who are going into the similar path can't understand my idea.. but I'm considering an option of re-applying for 2012 cycle.

I already know a pharmacist and professor who promised to offer me a pharm tech position and research position. I'll be taking couple classes this summer and fall to raise my gpa (by 0.2~3 I think..) and will add some more volunteer experience as well. (of course only if I choose to go next year...) So I'm actually making myself a better applicant...

If I choose to apply again next year, I wanna try Purdue(anyway...), UIC, U of Cincinnati, Albany, and couple back up schools. I'll also have more time since I graduated, so I can submit my application by early october at the latest..

What do you guys think? I'm about 50%/50% between the two choices.
I really appreciate your honest opinions on this :thumbup:

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Hi all,

I hope someone can save me from major mental breakdown.

I just got my bachelor's at Purdue.
GPA=3.2 PCAT= 70
Various shadowing experience
no pharm-related experience
some volunteer experience
1 sem researching with Nobel-prized prof
1 sem researching with chemistry theorist

I only applied to two pharm schools: chicago state university and univ. of Hawaii at Hilo. (both accepted)

I was actually hesitating to apply this year b/c I couldn't make up my mind on whether I want a pharmd or phd. So I was super late in the application cycle and I just chose the above two school where I thought I had chances.

I decided to go to CSU, until very recent..

I have been told that where you graduate from doesn't matter as long as you pass the pharm licensure exam. but now I'm hearing different stories saying that actually the school's so-called NAME VALUE DOES MATTER with the less availability in the job field. Also, I was told that it influences your opportunity of getting residency...

My friends who are going into the similar path can't understand my idea.. but I'm considering an option of re-applying for 2012 cycle.

I already know a pharmacist and professor who promised to offer me a pharm tech position and research position. I'll be taking couple classes this summer and fall to raise my gpa (by 0.2~3 I think..) and will add some more volunteer experience as well. (of course only if I choose to go next year...) So I'm actually making myself a better applicant...

If I choose to apply again next year, I wanna try Purdue(anyway...), UIC, U of Cincinnati, Albany, and couple back up schools. I'll also have more time since I graduated, so I can submit my application by early october at the latest..

What do you guys think? I'm about 50%/50% between the two choices.
I really appreciate your honest opinions on this :thumbup:

I actually was in your boat few months ago before I was accepted into my top choice school. I imagined of not getting accepted into any other schools I applied to and only got accepted into a "back-up" school. What would I have done?

Personally, I think I would have reapplied only under the conditions that I will be shooting for only the top and most interested pharmacy schools. I would not be applying for a back up school at all.

From my own experience, I would say that it is best to attend a school that you truly enjoy and can proudly say that you graduated from that school in decades to come. By choosing this path, however, you will be "behind" your friends by a year, but you will potentially be happy for a lifetime.

Do choose wisely as it is a very difficult decision to make. I wish you the best of luck in whichever path you choose!
I disagree. If you work in commercial pharmaceutical and pass your boards, it really doesn't matter. When it comes down to it, I'm sure you will find a good job.

You already probably spent so much money already applying and going to interviews. You're willing to give up a solid acceptance over something that seems like a vanity of the school's name?

Let's say you do give it up. All your money goes to waste. Next year you have to spend money applying again to all your top schools and most likely some "back-up" schools and then more money going to the interviews. It is called "competitive" for a reason. There may be people next year with better GPAs, Higher PCAT scores, more work experiences, higher level of studies, and researched with even more prestigious professors who decided to enter this field and apply next year. There's no assurance you will get in to your top school next year. If you don't you just wasted a lot of money and time.

Will try again then until you get into your top school? If you, It's possibility by the time you get in and start, you would have started P3 and could have graduated in the next year.
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1. It doesn't matter where you graduate, while you're doing your rotations you can make a good impression and get the residency program of your choice.

2. PharmD. is PharmD. it's a pre-req to get your RPh. again doesn't matter where the degree is cept if the school you applied to a non-acpe accredited school. then you might have problems passing and getting your RPh.

3. I doubt you'll get 0.2 -0.3 increase in gpa over summer more of .02-.05. doesn't make sense for 9 credit hours *max hours taken over the summer to make that much of a difference if you already have at least 120 hours of coursework assuming that you are stating the truth about finishing your undergrad.
Factually speaking, nothing may matter too much once you get your PharmD and as mentioned repeatedly by other posts, a RPh is a RPh.

However, I believe that this is a personal preference matter as opposed to a more "logical" perspective. In this case, the OP has expressed concerns and doubts about attending the school he is accepted to due to the fact that he knows (or may know) that he can do better. Do you not think he will continue to express such concerns while attending (if he chooses) CSU? Also, by having doubts and dissatisfied feelings about the attending school, he may unknowingly compromise his experience and ultimately his education there. On the other hand, his feelings may change for the better when he does attend CSU. It is ultimately a personal preference for the OP.

As an aside, I have heard opposing views about the impact of the school one graduated from. For the most part, the ones that graduated from "high-ranked" pharmacy schools say that the reputation of the school matters for future career goals. The ones that graduated from "mediocre" schools say that reputation does not matter. Notice the irony.

Again, perhaps it is just a matter of opinion :)
Thanks to all who gave me their advises. I really appreciate them.

Like LightRx3 said, I have a feeling that I could get into better school if I had a chance. But of course, I can't be certain or 100% confident that I will next year. So I try to earn that chance by making the most logical argument I can think of, which obviously some of us diagree with.

I also have some financial issues that I didn't explain in the original post. In short, I'm not eligible for student loan this year, but will be next year. So if i choose to go this year, I'll have to get private loan. There's a big possibility that I will be able to get the private loan as I'm already talking to my bank about this, but.. all of us probably agree that we want to avoid borrowing private loan as much as possible. CSU allows students 1 year deferral, so if I request this and get approved, I can avoid the worst situation like try next year and fail to get in anywhere.

I know that the decision will be eventually made by me and I have to be responsible for my choice, but reading your advises and opinions is really helpful in decision making. Thanks again guys, and I'm still open for more!
I think your eligibility for student loans next year could make a big difference in the affordability of the education, depending on what rate the private loans are offered at.

Don't forget to factor cost into your decision. Purdue is a very expensive school. I don't know if you're in state or out of state, but either way, there are definitely less expensive, higher ranked pharmacy schools out there.

Ranking doesn't matter...except when it does. Don't discount the value added by a strong alumni network. I know an Rph is an Rph is an Rph, but to take an example from undergraduate education, when an employer sees a resume from no-name, low-budget, small state school vs a resume that says Stanford, they're likely to take a longer look at the resume from the Stanford graduate.

I realize pharmacists should be less biased when hiring and look solely at individual qualifications, but do you think they always are? I sort of doubt it, especially when 50+ new grad pharmacists are competing for the same job. What really sets these new grads apart? Experience and "brand name" of school would be my guesses.

Also, consider where you want to work and the saturation level of where you'll go to school. We've all heard Chicago is currently a terrible market for Rphs. It might be a better idea to go to school in a less saturated market so you can use your references gained on rotations to (hopefully) secure a local job.
I was in the same boat as you are. Overall, schools may be ranked better for certain reasons. I realized that the schools I would want to apply to next year would give me the same opportunities as the schools I had already been accepted to.

Think specifically about what you want out of pharmacy school. If you really think that other schools can give you more benefit than where you are now then it might be a good idea to wait.

Don't forget that you aren't a shoe in just because you've been accepted this year. Those schools next year could all deny you just as easily as the next person, leaving you in a worse position than you are in now. It's a risk vs. reward type of decision.