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Nov 5, 2003
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If I don't get into medical school what can I do? Are their any options? Can I work in the field doing something in medicine? or is a post back worthless for finding work?

Will Salas

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Maybe try applying to some pharm schools, if they're any less competitive. Also, EMT/Paramedic is an option, as well as NP/RN work.
My personal plan if I don't get into medical school when I apply this summer coming up is doing a program at Drexel Med called the IMS (interdepartmental medical science) program. Directly from the site... "The IMS program is an interdepartmental graduate program based in the Drexel University College of Medicine. It was established in 1981. Applicants include students who are late in their decision to apply to medical school, students interested in improving their academic record before applying or re-applying, and students who would like a year in a medical school setting before deciding whether medicine is the career for them."

Here is the main link...

one of my best friends is at Drexel, MS1. She told me that those who do the IMS program have very high rates of scoring honors both years at drexel (after they apply and are admitted). Its something to consider. I am, at least... Hope this helps!:)
Er... I meant get honors the first two years of the curriculum! Sorry...