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Apr 22, 2007
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This Lt. Col. just sacrificed his $2 million military pension by posting this video. Whether you agree with him or not, I do agree with him, He showed courage and bravery in posting the video. He served for 17 years and was willing to lose his pension over his moral convictions.
He has since resigned from the Marines.

How many of us would have the same courage to sacrifice everything we worked for over 17 years to post the truth on social media? Would you have been brave enough?

I hope this officer gets re-instated and has his full military pension granted by Congress. He deserves no less from us.

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I understand and agree with his sentiments. Posting that on youtube/social media was a mistake. He knew exactly what he was getting into and essentially knew exactly what would happen once the video was out there. I disagree with posting the video like that. I believe that a man of that conviction could have done more for the Marines and the country by fighting for accountability within the infrastructure of the DoD.
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This Lt. Col. just sacrificed his $2 million military pension by posting this video. Whether you agree with him or not, I do agree with him, He showed courage and bravery in posting the video. He served for 17 years and was willing to lose his pension over his moral convictions.
He has since resigned from the Marines.

How many of us would have the same courage to sacrifice everything we worked for over 17 years to post the truth on social media? Would you have been brave enough?

I hope this officer gets re-instated and has his full military pension granted by Congress. He deserves no less from us.

Yea no way this guy is nuts. Posting an 8 minute rant from a broken down bus in the woods with sharpie all over the walls and going on about how dangerous you are and pledging allegiance to some weird secret society multilevel marketing scheme of billionaires called the bellwhether alliance and claiming you’re going to take the whole system down. Nothing weird or extreme about that…
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Shouldn’t have posted the video, but yes I agree with him
Yea no way this guy is nuts. Posting an 8 minute rant from a broken down bus in the woods with sharpie all over the walls and going on about how dangerous you are and pledging allegiance to some weird secret society multilevel marketing scheme of billionaires called the bellwhether alliance and claiming you’re going to take the whole system down. Nothing weird or extreme about that…

I am pretty sure 45%-50% of this nation stands with Lt. Col Scheller in his statements about accountability. The death of 13 marines may have caused some mental issues/PTSD to surface but his core statements about honor and accountability remain. Read the comments section to see the broad support he gets from Fox News viewers.

This evacuation from Afghanistan was the worst in American history and caused the death of 13 marines. Someone needed to speak out and demand accountability for those marines.
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I. We must commit to achieve excellence while maintaining integrity, honesty, trust and respect.​

II. We shall adhere to a higher moral and ethical code that exceeds the minimum requirements set forth by our local and federal laws.​

III. We must demonstrate a clear priority for affecting positive change over the accumulation of wealth.​

IV. We shall strive to contribute towards a higher level of education that promotes free thinking without oppression.​

V. We must always treat others with respect and honor, free from discrimination, regardless of their race, gender, religion, national origin, or physical condition.​

VI. We shall be generous with our own time and resources in order to contribute to the positive progression of humanity.​

VII. We will give our fellow man the benefit of the doubt, free from judgment, to strengthen and promote trust within our social and business communities.​

VIII. We must be willing to graciously accept the mistakes of others.​

IX. We shall teach and mentor others in the principles of this credo.​

X. Above all, we must practice the golden rule and show love and respect for our fellow man.​

I can't see how some things fall under the "whistleblower" protection and others don't. And I am more talking about the media outlets all screaming for protection more than I am talking about legal protection. The military is obviously a different situation where you can't undermine authority and command through majority, but him calling for accountability seems appropriate. I would say his message for accountability goes for the whole country starting from the top.

My cynical side wonders if there is ulterior motives and gameplan (e.g- Prince Harry and his whole deal. No way he does that without financial windfall waiting as a safety net)

I. We must commit to achieve excellence while maintaining integrity, honesty, trust and respect.​

II. We shall adhere to a higher moral and ethical code that exceeds the minimum requirements set forth by our local and federal laws.​

III. We must demonstrate a clear priority for affecting positive change over the accumulation of wealth.​

IV. We shall strive to contribute towards a higher level of education that promotes free thinking without oppression.​

V. We must always treat others with respect and honor, free from discrimination, regardless of their race, gender, religion, national origin, or physical condition.​

VI. We shall be generous with our own time and resources in order to contribute to the positive progression of humanity.​

VII. We will give our fellow man the benefit of the doubt, free from judgment, to strengthen and promote trust within our social and business communities.​

VIII. We must be willing to graciously accept the mistakes of others.​

IX. We shall teach and mentor others in the principles of this credo.​

X. Above all, we must practice the golden rule and show love and respect for our fellow man.​

Good place to start.

My go to question for people tearing down something is to ask "What are you supporting instead?". Spoiler- it is usually something that is worse (and occasionally a system where they have the control)
Yea no way this guy is nuts. Posting an 8 minute rant from a broken down bus in the woods with sharpie all over the walls and going on about how dangerous you are and pledging allegiance to some weird secret society multilevel marketing scheme of billionaires called the bellwhether alliance and claiming you’re going to take the whole system down. Nothing weird or extreme about that…
He even had a chess board showing that he is going to sacrifice his wise bishop to weaken the king side. “Thinking two steps ahead”. Lol.
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Good place to start.

My go to question for people tearing down something is to ask "What are you supporting instead?". Spoiler- it is usually something that is worse (and occasionally a system where they have the control)
I agree. I mean it should be absolutely transparent here what Faux news and the followers of the orange Fuhrer are doing, trying to use this situation to throw mud at Biden. There was never going to be a clean exit from this quagmire. Not saying that it went perfectly, but what did we expect, especially when the previous administration had already negotiated and telegraphed our exit.

May God bless these young people whose lives were taken from them by the evil in this world. Every war we ever have in this country after World War II seems to be about good American men and women paying the ultimate sacrifice for political gamesmanship on the part of whoever the ruling party may be at the time. How about we remember all of the good American men and women who have lost their lives or been injured in Iraq/Afghanistan, not just these 13.
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I hope this officer gets re-instated and has his full military pension granted by Congress. He deserves no less from us.
Well, he resigned, so there is nothing to reinstate.

And I’m pretty sure he does deserve less than his full military pension, because he resigned and didn’t serve his 20 years. So he deserves exactly what I got for my service of less than 20 years. Nothing.
Unless you count VA benefits for legitimate service connected injuries.

If he is granted a pension, I would like mine as well, they can even prorate it for my 8 years. I served honorably too, and didn’t call out all the crazy crap I had to survive on the way out.

Don’t cry for him, I’m sure his book deal advance is already cashed and the local Republican committee is fundraising for his congressional run.
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Clickbait...This is like me posting a thread titled, "Perseverance", and then talking about how the 'Fast & Furious' franchise keeps pumping out sequels. But, it got me to click on this, even though I didn't watch the video.
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Don’t forget to

watch the second part.
This is where things go a little sideways.
And he seems to be violating his credo, specifically I, VII and VIII

Don’t forget to watch the second part.
This is where things go a little sideways.
And he seems to be violating his credo, specifically I, VII and VIII.

Please Name one General or leader who apologized for this mess. Name one person who stood up for the soldiers and marines about a proper withdrawal. This marine is demanding accountability before forgiveness. A good leader protects his men above all.

This thread isn’t about Trump who also wanted to leave Afghanistan. It’s about leadership and trust in those in charge of our military, civilians abroad as well as our allies. Our leaders let them all down and left us all in a worse position in the world. Our enemies now have 87 billion dollars of US equipment to kill us with.
The only one who needs to apologize is the one the gave the order. And maybe the general(s) that approved the mentally diminished plan to remove the troops before removing the civilians and allies that we promised to take with us.
I think heads will roll for this and sleepy Joe’s will be one of them.
I wonder if Kamalas been quiet because she’s been prepping for a promotion?
I assume all the gear left there was for the Afghan Military to have. However, since Biden’s own people said that the government would likely fall, that was a poor decision as well. It was going to fail no matter what, but they’ll try to shift blame on to Trump. At the end of the day, creepy joe let this go down on his watch, and he’s been in the big boy chair for 7 months now. Plenty of time to conclude the plan was faulty and take corrective action.
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I wonder which president should be held “accountable” after 20 years. I’ve never heard of a war where nobody has ever died. Who is accountable for all the deaths prior to the ones who recently died or are we just going to conveniently forget about them now?
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He's going to land on his feet. His private consulting fees to military contractors and private military companies alone will make whatever pension he had coming look like choir practice. Not even taking into account his f/t corporate gig(s).

Looks like (for now anyway) he has too much integrity to enter politics.
I thought the whole “join me and we will take the whole f’ing system down!” was his announcement that he’s running for public office. Either that or he wants to lead an actual insurrection?

He will be fine though, I’m sure the members of the Bellend Alliance will take care of him…

My wife had an interesting thought. The US should have spent the last 20 years educating and training their women to lead and fight because when we eventually pulled out, the men have little to lose by a return of the Taliban and Sharia law. They’re not fighting to the death for their rights. They just pledge allegiance to the new corrupt leadership and go back to work on Monday.
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I thought the whole “join me and we will take the whole f’ing system down!” was his announcement that he’s running for public office. Either that or he wants to lead an actual insurrection?

He will be fine though, I’m sure the members of the Bellend Alliance will take care of him…

My wife had an interesting thought. The US should have spent the last 20 years educating and training their women to lead and fight because when we eventually pulled out, the men have little to lose by a return of the Taliban and Sharia law. They’re not fighting to the death for their rights. They just pledge allegiance to the new corrupt leadership and go back to work on Monday.

Or get beat down and killed.
This thread, if nothing else, shows us how effective far right propaganda has become. For being so action-oriented what does holding Biden accountable look like? Should we court martial him? A firing squad? Reinstate Trump? Impeach and remove him? The worst withdraw in us history is that for real?
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This thread, if nothing else, shows us how effective far right propaganda has become. For being so action-oriented what does holding Biden accountable look like? Should we court martial him? A firing squad? Reinstate Trump? Impeach and remove him? The worst withdraw in us history is that for real?

Was any of that mentioned? Those marine lives and civilians killed yesterday must mean very little to a far leftist like yourself.
I get whiplash from all the inconsistent reactions and responses from both sides. Can someone point me to the party that is bold and willing to have a fair, logical response that is consistent across parties? (Hopefully I can make both sides upset with one statement)
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I get whiplash from all the inconsistent reactions and responses from both sides. Can someone point me to the party that is bold and willing to have a fair, logical response that is consistent across parties? (Hopefully I can make both sides upset with one statement)

From what i've read and seen from both sides of the media they are giving Biden hell over his lack of leadership and incompetence on this issue. Nothing will be done about it but im sure republicans will waste time and money trying to get an impeachment on the table.
Acknowledging responsibility is a good start. Or maybe just don’t walk off the dais muttering to yourself if you get a question about Afghanistan?
Yep it looks bad. The last guy was so much worse though and the bar is so ****ing low that this is actually a palatable response. This is the issue with race to the bottom politics.
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With what has happened so far its honestly hard to say that Trump would have done a worse job than this. At least trump would defer to his generals and military officials when guided and informed. Joe Biden seems to have lost all accountability. He is not the leader this nation needs right now and appears weak and timid. Him leaving the conference room every time he reads off the teleprompter or reading from a "list of people to call on" that someone gave him is ridiculous. Leaders from around the world are laughing at us.
From what i've read and seen from both sides of the media they are giving Biden hell over his lack of leadership and incompetence on this issue. Nothing will be done about it but im sure republicans will waste time and money trying to get an impeachment on the table.
I have seen plenty of excuses made and blame shifting, but I agree there has been both sides. But no way it is the same response as if the party was flipped. Had it been the opposite party it would've been blame with blame shifting by one and roasting by the other while seeking impeachment (kind of the way it is now).

Growing up, I always assumed that Nixon was the worst President since he was impeached. Now impeachment means almost nothing to me. Agree. It will be a total waste and just allow for nothing to be done by our government except burn through money.
With what has happened so far its honestly hard to say that Trump would have done a worse job than this. At least trump would defer to his generals and military officials when guided and informed. Joe Biden seems to have lost all accountability. He is not the leader this nation needs right now and appears weak and timid. Him leaving the conference room every time he reads off the teleprompter or reading from a "list of people to call on" that someone gave him is ridiculous. Leaders from around the world are laughing at us.
Did Trumps generals endorse the Syrian abandonment? The world was laughing at us with trump too. Again the bar could not be lower.

It is a botched job no doubt but in the wider scheme of things it is still better than a trump presidency. Trump may have done better who knows but he definitely would never accept responsibility for any failures so the fact that Biden has even hinted at that makes him a better president in my book.
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I mean we didn't give a country more attack helicopters than 85% of the countries in the world have, thousands of ACOG scopes rifles, body armor, night vision, not to mention leave biometric data of all the participants (american and afghan). Also, give the names and information of those individuals to the taliban to facilitate an evacuation that should have taken place prior to pulling out. It's a real @#$% show. The two can't be compared IMO. The way this was carried out makes it one of the worst handled foreign policy blunders in the last 30-40 years.
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It’s not about Trump, it’s about Biden and the commanding Generals that completely dropped the ball, and didn’t acknowledge that the plan, whoever drafted and/or endorsed it, should not be executed. It wasn’t a surprise that they didn’t vet the civilians yet, it wasn’t a surprise that when they pulled out the Taliban would surge. It wasn’t even a surprise that the government would fall, just a surprise that it happened so quickly. Imagine that, people won’t die for the puppet government set up by the hated invaders.
Who gave the order to execute this plan?
I mean we didn't give a country more attack helicopters than 85% of the countries in the world have, thousands of ACOG scopes rifles, body armor, night vision, not to mention leave biometric data of all the participants (american and afghan). Also, give the names and information of those individuals to the taliban to facilitate an evacuation that should have taken place prior to pulling out. It's a real @#$% show. The two can't be compared IMO. The way this was carried out makes it one of the worst handled foreign policy blunders in the last 30-40 years.

Not to mention pallets of cash
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I mean we didn't give a country more attack helicopters than 85% of the countries in the world have, thousands of ACOG scopes rifles, body armor, night vision, not to mention leave biometric data of all the participants (american and afghan). Also, give the names and information of those individuals to the taliban to facilitate an evacuation that should have taken place prior to pulling out. It's a real @#$% show. The two can't be compared IMO. The way this was carried out makes it one of the worst handled foreign policy blunders in the last 30-40 years.
I’ll wait for those attack helicopters and scopes to actually be sourced to an American death before the outrage machine can churn to life. If a single one of them can get fuel, armaments, or the expertise needed to competently pilot one of those helicopters I would be absolutely shocked.
Foreign policy with what foreign entity exactly? The now extinct afghan government? The taliban? That place was going to go back to the taliban no matter what. It would have been nice to not give them free stuff but that is a drop in the bucket compared to the last 20 years.
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Honestly not sure Trump would’ve done any better as his 4 years set us back about a century in many ways, but this was absolutely bungled. And while I wish we didn’t hand the Taliban a treasure trove of weaponry and lose lives trying to evacuate civilians, the reality is we probably should’ve never been there to begin with.

Realize we invaded 20 years ago with Bush and Cheney thinking we could actually set up a puppet government and they’d institute some real democracy. That hellhole always seemed destined to fall into terrorist hands. 20 years of American lives lost didn’t change that one bit.
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I’ll wait for those attack helicopters and scopes to actually be sourced to an American death before the outrage machine can churn to life. If a single one of them can get fuel, armaments, or the expertise needed to competently pilot one of those helicopters I would be absolutely shocked.
Foreign policy with what foreign entity exactly? The now extinct afghan government? The taliban? That place was going to go back to the taliban no matter what. It would have been nice to not give them free stuff but that is a drop in the bucket compared to the last 20 years.
LMAO. You just can't face it.

Pretty common for the US to leave military weapons behind.

Last I heard, nobody was held “accountable” for the Iraq war or Vietnam either.
yes old crappy equipment vs state of the art stuff including drones that are among the most advanced in the world. don't forget about the biometric data of our troops and afghans who helped us. but whatever makes you feel better about this.
yes old crappy equipment vs state of the art stuff including drones that are among the most advanced in the world. don't forget about the biometric data of our troops and afghans who helped us. but whatever makes you feel better about this.
Ok in ten years, this will all be “old and crappy” also so I guess by that logic, this shouldn’t matter also.

Since we’re on the topic: Who is “accountable” for the civil war? I mean if you guys really want to go there.
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yes old crappy equipment vs state of the art stuff including drones that are among the most advanced in the world. don't forget about the biometric data of our troops and afghans who helped us. but whatever makes you feel better about this.

Just imagine what we’ll leave behind in the next failed war.
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Accountability has always been an illusion. It’s a quaint childish concept. Why the concern for it now?
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Wanna talk about accountability? Wonder if the marine in the videos checked with his wife and kids before he self imploded. If I’m his wife I’m telling him to take a big ole glass of STFU, sit on his thoughts for 3 years, collect the pension, and then spread the word. Accountability is a funny word because as we ask for it it may turn itself right back on us.
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You never go full ******. Stu went full ****** with the chess board, country club reference.
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Pretty sure Trump at one point said he was going to pull out during the 2016 elections, but then increased the military presence in Afghanistan. And also pretty sure that the peace deal he brokered had us release ~5,000 Afghani/Taliban prisoners, in additional to saying the US would withdraw by May 2021.
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Marines, seldom right never in doubt.
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