Acceptance Post!!!!!!!!!

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When you get accepted, submit the school and your email here. This way we can coordinate the efforts/ relay information to those who are interested in these schools from a 1st hand perspective. December 1st is right around the corner. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Originally posted by indamouth:
When you get accepted, submit the school and your email here. This way we can coordinate the efforts/ relay information to those who are interested in these schools from a 1st hand perspective. December 1st is right around the corner. Happy Thanksgiving!

I received an acceptance letter from the University of Alabama at Birmingham Dec. 1. Yeaaaaa!!! My email is [email protected]

Anyone else accepted? Good luck all!!


good news from University of Louisville and Temple
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I have been accepted by the University of Michigan Dec. 1st. Good luck!
I just received a letter from Boston University. I look forward to going there.
I got accepted at a couple of for the hard part-choosing! It'll probably be between BU and Tufts...but which?
I need some advice: What is a better school in your opinion, Tufts or University of Maryland? I really liked both... and am seriously considering Tufts...
I was accepted at CWRU in CLeveland on Dec. 1
I've been accepted to Tufts, Temple, and Case so far and will be putting down my deposit and attending Tufts, but if I get an interview and accepted at UOP that'll be were I'll end up for sure.

Congrats to everyone getting acceptances so far.
UT-Memphis is an accept.
no body nowhere livi'n no dream life
Acceptances to UCSF, U. of Conn and Michigan....YEAH!!! Any question about the interview process or general questions about these schools, please e-mail. Thanks!
Hi all - I got into all 3 texas schools plus oklahoma - I'm going with UT San Antonio - if you need info, I'll try to help!!
Hello All!

I was accepted to nine dental schools and a DDS/Ph.D. program. If anyone has any questions about the application process I can help. I've decided to attend SUNY-Stony Brook because it is close to home and not so expensive. I thought long and hard about Tufts and their $4000 scholarship they gave me. However, the tuition is about $34,000 and with the scholarship it is still high at $30,000. Lets here some more acceptances!


Congrats on getting into so many schools. May I ask about Stony Brook? I know the school has a good rep and low tuition (I'm a New Yorker also) and is very competitive. Are the students trained well clinically? If so, they will definitely be my number one choice when applying. Do you know how dental students are treated there?

I think my stats are pretty competitive so far (I have yet to take the DAT though - although my MCATs were pretty solid and give me reason to believe I should do well on the DAT) and I have solid research experience and extracurriculars. I do have some issues as an older student, such as not having taken a science class in over ten years. I think I can likely make my maturity work on my side though. Can you tell me what you believe clinched your acceptance at Stony Brook?

Thanks a million! Margaret

Hello Margaret,

Thank you for your response. I think what clinched my acceptance at Stony Brook was that I had a 21/18 DAT/PAT which comes to a 96.8% on the academic average, a 3.68 science GPA and 3.66 overall GPA. In addition, I had medical research experience, a Kaplan teaching position for the DAT, extensive volunteer and work experience in health-related areas and I was president of a biological honor society at my college. I chose dentistry because I want reasonable hours and a family life. MDs/DOs are always on-call and act as puppets under the hands of the HMOs. I love the thrill of using my hands to truly heal and manipulate. The independence and financial security are expecially appealing. If you have solid MCAT scores, why do you not want to enter medicine? Or the big question, why dentistry? Be prepared to answer this in a interview. I'm a percussionist in my free time and this is somewhat like dentistry. When your surrounded by a drumset, you must be well hand-coordinated to work in a small area and always thinking ahead for the next rhythm. Dentistry is similar. I will be the first dentist in my family. Actually, I'll be the first person with a doctorate in my whole extended family. My father is a barber and my mother is an assistant nurse. I have made a big step in life. I thank God for all his gifts-life, liberty and the pursuit of my happiness.

Thanks so much for your response!!

Our backgrounds sound very similar. I will be the first professional in my family as well(my mother is a secretary, my father was a construction worker) and I want to enter
dentistry for the very reasons that you do. I love science, have great manual dexterity (I?ve been a research technologist for more than ten years) and wish to be a professional with a good salary, but I also need time for family and the pursuit of hobbies. Additionally, I think I will make a phenomenal businessperson and feel that I will be well liked by my patients.
I need the MCAT under my belt in the event I decide to go to podiatry school, which is
seeming less and less likely as I read more and more about the prospects of the field. I?m not choosing an MD program for the very reason you did not - all the HMO nonsense and
no life. I?m also not getting any younger (pushing 33) and would still like to plan a family. Dentistry will be something I can do without a residency perhaps.
My stats are pretty good. I graduated in '90 with a degree in biology and a 3.67 overall
GPA (science is higher). I went back to school at night and got a second degree in '95 in psychology with a 4.0 GPA. This summer I will eradicate the only blemish I have on my record, a ?D? in an inorganic chem lab, by retaking the class. I have extensive research experience with a few publications. I?m also volunteering at a local hospital for terminally ill cancer patients (I myself battled the disease in 1999 which is part of what changed my
life and made me decide I wanted to go back to school and become a professional). I?ll
take the DAT in the late spring.
What may give me trouble according to the schools I?ve called is that all my academic
letters of reference are so old (even though my employers will give me great letters of
reference) and that I don?t have any more recent science coursework to prove that I can
still handle tough courses. I?m planning to apply this year anyway. I?ll take graduate
courses in biology this coming fall and next spring (don?t ask me how I?ll swing any
interviews at the same time) so that I have those under my belt in the event I end up
reapplying the following year. At that point I should definitely get in and I?d like to find myself in a great school like Stony Brook.

Thanks again for your answer- Margaret