2022-2023 University of Nevada - Reno

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The Real PG
Staff member
10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Hi is in state candidates interview invites still going out? my brother submitted the Secondary 2 weeks. Any turnover time for possible interview invite?
Hi is in state candidates interview invites still going out? my brother submitted the Secondary 2 weeks. Any turnover time for possible interview invite?
I know this is a delayed response, but yes, they are. I just got mine today. My secondary was submitted 08/09/] and verified 08/29 (because I took the Casper/Altus 08/11).
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Anyone know how long turn around time from ii to decision is? Also is there a day they make decisions/calls?
Anyone know how long turn around time from ii to decision is? Also is there a day they make decisions/calls?
They were upfront about decision days. Saw a chart somewhere but can't find it now (maybe it was in an info session). They are sent in batches, one per month around the 20th IIRC. Was told all OOS applicants will be notified of a decision on the February decision day.
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They were upfront about decision days. Saw a chart somewhere but can't find it now (maybe it was in an info session). They are sent in batches, one per month around the 20th IIRC. Was told all OOS applicants will be notified of a decision on the February decision day.
Oh good to know as I’m oos
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