2020-2021 Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (Middletown Campus)

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Interview Feedback:

Good luck to everyone applying!

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Update: they sent out a welcome email and reiterated that they won't send secondaries until mid-August

Has anyone else gotten this? I havent yet. Submitted 5/11, Verified 5/12.
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Got my secondary today. I think I might stick with the middletown campus? I am not really sure whats the most common
any II's here? Been silent af on this thread
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Got the supplemental application acknowledgment email this morning
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So as far as the campus goes, I selected "Both-prefer Middletown" and I think I should have a decent chance at this school (if I may be arrogant...). I sent the secondary via email on 8/26/20, received secondary acknowledgement email 9/9/20, and still haven't heard anything :/ kinda feeling bummed out
Looking like it’s going to take 4-6 weeks to process application
Is anyone else confused with the e-application? So I answered all of the questions but then when I go on the PDF document at the end, some spaces are not filled out like the "institutions" and "emergency contact info" but the initial app never asked me for this?? Help
Is anyone else confused with the e-application? So I answered all of the questions but then when I go on the PDF document at the end, some spaces are not filled out like the "institutions" and "emergency contact info" but the initial app never asked me for this?? Help
I haven't noticed that on mine, you might wanna contact the Admissions Office.
Great! Thank you. Did anyone elses personal statement get pasted with the grey highlight box around all of the words? Im not sure how to take this off!
Just received an II! In state, ORM, sGPA 3.3, MCAT 511, marked complete on 09/23
Does anyone know what the average mcat score is for admitted applicants?
Just received an II! In state, ORM, sGPA 3.3, MCAT 511, marked complete on 09/23

When did you submit? I just emailed mine in and I’m hoping it doesn’t take the full 4-6 weeks to be confirmed complete.
Was reading on an earlier thread that the post-II acceptance rate is 30%... can anyone speak to this??
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Was reading on an earlier thread that the post-II acceptance rate is 30%... can anyone speak to this??
I found a spreadsheet on interview/ acceptance rates on reddit for 2018-2019. That year they had 6288 applicants, interviewed 955 and accepted 649 people. Not sure if the numbers were similar the past two cycles though. Hope this helps.
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Was reading on an earlier thread that the post-II acceptance rate is 30%... can anyone speak to this??
Based on the numbers I remember being given at my interview, a week and a half ago, they said it is about 30%. We were told that 500 applicants would get interviewed and 160 accepted...
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Based on the numbers I remember being given at my interview, a week and a half ago, they said it is about 30%. We were told that 500 applicants would get interviewed and 160 accepted...
Was this for harem or Middletown? I thought Middletown II didn’t go out until 9/14
Based on the numbers I remember being given at my interview, a week and a half ago, they said it is about 30%. We were told that 500 applicants would get interviewed and 160 accepted...
Perhaps the number of accepted vs. matriculated is different? So if the class size is 160, then that could mean that 160 matriculated. but maybe more people were actually accepted (some of which may have obviously deferred to other schools, allowing for further acceptances).
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Hi! For people who have interviewed already, how was the day? Any advice? Was the interview blind? Or did they have access to applications materials? What kind of questions were asked? My interview is coming up this Monday, I’m excited!! Thanks I’m advance!
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Hi! For people who have interviewed already, how was the day? Any advice? Was the interview blind? Or did they have access to applications materials? What kind of questions were asked? My interview is coming up this Monday, I’m excited!! Thanks I’m advance!
The interview is not blind, they have access to 80% of your app. You’ll be interviewed by two faculty members at the same time. Personally, I really liked the interviewers I had and thought it was really low stress. They asked the typical questions like why DO? Why Touro? Etc— you’ll do great!
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Perhaps the number of accepted vs. matriculated is different? So if the class size is 160, then that could mean that 160 matriculated. but maybe more people were actually accepted (some of which may have obviously deferred to other schools, allowing for further acceptances).
Number of accepted and matriculated is different but he said that they accept 160 with around 100 matriculating bec some students come from their masters program...
The interview is not blind, they have access to 80% of your app. You’ll be interviewed by two faculty members at the same time. Personally, I really liked the interviewers I had and thought it was really low stress. They asked the typical questions like why DO? Why Touro? Etc— you’ll do great!
Agree with this 100%. Just be calm, know your app, know the basic interview questions and you'll be fine. The interview itself was honestly kinda enjoyable. Good luck!!
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Number of accepted and matriculated is different but he said that they accept 160 with around 100 matriculating bec some students come from their masters program...

wow that’s super low the amount of accepted. Like some other schools I’ve heard are accepting like 3x class size