2020-2021 Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (Seton Hill)

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Interview Feedback:

Good luck to everyone applying!

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If you guys listed Seton Hill as your first choice, did you get an II? I haven't and I know they started sending them out so I am a little bit nervous :(
If you guys listed Seton Hill as your first choice, did you get an II? I haven't and I know they started sending them out so I am a little bit nervous :(
I'm in the same boat as well, but according to last years threads, people have been getting Erie Campus interviews really early, and Seton Hill takes quite a while to send them out. I think the earliest was August?

Hang in there friend, it's tough to see others get interviews and whatnot, but our time will come!
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HI! Did anyone else receive the video skills assessment interview invite? Is this a normal part of their process, or is that considered their interview?
HI! Did anyone else receive the video skills assessment interview invite? Is this a normal part of their process, or is that considered their interview?

I just got that too! I think it’s considered their interview!!!
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Just got the video interview invite! Super exciting (and daunting)!!
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I just got that too! I think it’s considered their interview!!!

AHHH I wanted to be excited, but I wasn't sure!! I logged in to my portal looking for some clarity and it gave me the ability to schedule an interview on a specific date. I haven't gotten any emails about a specific interview date, but I scheduled one anyway! A bit confusing, but I am excited!
AHHH I wanted to be excited, but I wasn't sure!! I logged in to my portal looking for some clarity and it gave me the ability to schedule an interview on a specific date. I haven't gotten any emails about a specific interview date, but I scheduled one anyway! A bit confusing, but I am excited!

Congrats! Where in the portal did you see where you can schedule an interview?
Thank you very much! I pressed the admissions tab at the top and then "Interview" on the panel on the left side :)

When did you submit your secondary? I submitted mine June 20 and still haven't heard back yet and it's killing me!
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Just got an II from LECOM Seton Hill! LM 63, OOS, submitted secondary on 6/22.
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Any interview invites for Accelerated Physician Assistant Pathway candidates yet?
Can anyone confirm that their are no secondary essays? I am prewriting while I wait for verification and want to have everything in line.
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what was so weird about it?
It just doesn’t seem like they can come up with any sort of finality about my character from less than 7.5 minutes. Plus no way to know if I’m good with socializing with humans rather than a reflection of myself.
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It just doesn’t seem like they can come up with any sort of finality about my character from less than 7.5 minutes. Plus no way to know if I’m good with socializing with humans rather than a reflection of myself.

Yeah, I can totally see that... All of this is weird! Hoping for the best :xf:
just an fyi- last year during my interview they said the actual interview was not heavily weighted by the committee for an admissions decision. So don't sweat it too much!
Wait then what is weighted LOL.
The interview was wild, but I have a zoom meeting in two weeks.

I am new to the SDN community. I also received the interview invite and I want to prepare for it as best I can...I just don't know how. Would you feel comfortable sharing some of the questions you were asked and what you did in preparation for it? Thank you!
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I am new to the SDN community. I also received the interview invite and I want to prepare for it as best I can...I just don't know how. Would you feel comfortable sharing some of the questions you were asked and what you did in preparation for it? Thank you!
DM me!
Good evening, I have my virtual interview at LECOM SH later this month and was wondering if anyone had any advice. I'm an older application (30 y/o) and this will be my first med school interview so I'm not entirely sure what to expect especially with it being virtual this year. Thanks!
Good evening, I have my virtual interview at LECOM SH later this month and was wondering if anyone had any advice. I'm an older application (30 y/o) and this will be my first med school interview so I'm not entirely sure what to expect especially with it being virtual this year. Thanks!
I'll PM you!
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Good evening, I have my virtual interview at LECOM SH later this month and was wondering if anyone had any advice. I'm an older application (30 y/o) and this will be my first med school interview so I'm not entirely sure what to expect especially with it being virtual this year. Thanks!
I’m in the same boat as you as a non-traditional (and older). Essentially just try to relax and don’t ramble. Get your point across and stop the recording if you can. I feel like that’s the best advice I could give for it. It’s pretty awkward. I practiced with my webcam for a few and that helped a little.
I’m in the same boat as you as a non-traditional (and older). Essentially just try to relax and don’t ramble. Get your point across and stop the recording if you can. I feel like that’s the best advice I could give for it. It’s pretty awkward. I practiced with my webcam for a few and that helped a little.

i definitely feel like i rambled :)
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Hey all! What was the video interview like? Were the questions more about talking about yourself or ethical questions?
Hey all! What was the video interview like? Were the questions more about talking about yourself or ethical questions?
Hey! They ask you why medicine, and then give you some ethical scenarios. There’s no right or wrong answers, they just want to see how you think and clearly explain how you would make decisions. Very similar to Casper, if you’ve taken that!
Hey! They ask you why medicine, and then give you some ethical scenarios. There’s no right or wrong answers, they just want to see how you think and clearly explain how you would make decisions. Very similar to Casper, if you’ve taken that!
Thank you so much! Did you prepare beforehand?
Thank you so much! Did you prepare beforehand?
Yes I jotted down answers to my why medicine, tell me about yourself. Then I turned on my camera and practiced my answers! That helped with seeing if I fidget, or use too many “ums”.
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My admissions portal shows that they made a decision! Now we wait for snail mail :)
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Did you guys write a thank you letter after your interview? I know it might be a little odd with this school since we did asynchronous online interviews
One more question - I'm torn between putting my preference for PBL or LDP. As for PBL I really like the idea of an actively engaging learning environment and think that may be more effective for my learning style. However, I was told PBL has a much heavier aspect of self-study than LDP does and I think that may put me at a disadvantage since I do better with structure. I was just wondering if someone could shed some more light on the positives or negatives of each path that I might be missing. Thanks.