personal statement

  1. W

    Advertisement Personal Statements are Hard. I Help You Find Your Voice.

    Hello SDN, this is my first post here, though I've been lurking for some time. Personal statements are hard because it's extremely difficult to capture your personality in words. Even if you have a great idea, or a fascinating experience, or a unique background, your essay will still look like...
  2. S


  3. I

    Med School Personal Statement

    I'll be applying to med school this year, and I am beginning to write my personal statement. Undergrad wasn't great, I spent 5 years getting my degree, and am currently enrolled in a Masters program. In my personal statement, I planned on talking about having a miscarriage freshman year in...
  4. V

    Personal Statement Brainstorm help!

    Hello fellow SDNers! I am a 2019 applicant (trying to get my PS written early) and I would really appreciate some help in brainstorming what I should write! This may be an odd thing to ask, as I do understand that PS can get very personal sometimes, but I was wondering if any past...
  5. P

    Atlantic Bridge Personal Statement

    Hello, I was hoping to get some advice on writing the personal statement for the Atlantic Bridge program. The topic is "Why I would be an asset to the medical school and the medical profession". I'm not sure how to respond to how I would be an asset to the school. Any ideas on what they're...
  6. SterlingMaloryArcher

    In an undergrad transfer application personal statement would you talk about med school aspirations?

    So I've seen a lot about personal statements for AMCAS, but that's slightly ahead of where I am now. Applying to universities from community college. I guess I don't want my personal statement to look/sound too much like it was written for med school.
  7. Z

    Is there anyway to make Mental illness work in a personal statement???

    I know it already that discussing mental illness of any kind you have is a huge red flag to adcoms that pretty much equals to automatic rejection as they see you as a liability and even a danger or maybe even a pathetic excuse. (which is messed up, but that's just the harsh reality of med school...
  8. G

    Organization in the Personal Statement?

    I'm applying next cycle, but writing a personal statement now to submit as an assignment in a course I am currently taking in undergrad. My intro focuses on one moment that initiated my interest in medicine, and then I was going to choose three most memorable experiences (pretty much two...
  9. P

    Personal Statement Help!

    I was wondering if anyone would be willing to read what I have for a personal statement so far and give feedback. I just want to make sure I'm moving in the right direction! Thank you in advance!
  10. 9

    PS review, anyone?

    After recieving a much needed 100+ comment thread deriding my entire personal statement concept yesterday on here, I have put together a draft following almost all of the advice given to me and would like to see if anyone would be willing to review it? This is for the 2019-2020 cycle so I have...
  11. 9

    Graphic personal statement?

    I am narrowing down my final draft of the personal statement and there is one segment of it I would like to elaborate but don't know if I should. *Background* I observed an autopsy and was fully enveloped in watching the pathology residents communicating with me and each other. My current...
  12. Kobethegoat24

    Recommendation letter help?

    So as the title says, I asked my professor for a recommendation letter but she says she wants to read my personal statement. The thing is I haven't written my personal statement yet because I dont plan on applying to dental school until June. I haven't shadowed a dentist yet and I only came up...
  13. DrHalsey

    Help with AACOMAS personal statement

    Below the line is exactly what is in my AACOMAS application. I am most concerned about the note at the bottom, is it acceptable? Or does it come across as pushy? I know that new MCAT date is late so that is my stealth way of asking them not to throw out my application before the scores are in...
  14. O

    General Admissions & OTCAS Personal Statement Question

    I feel silly asking this but should I include my name on the top of my personal statement for OTCAS? Also, should I write "Personal Statement" on it or just leave it without a title? I can't seem to find any formatting information about this paper on the OTCAS website or online anywhere.
  15. N

    Personal Statement - Should I put abuse/assault in there?

    So, I'm not often on SDN so I don't know if there's actually a part of the site to put this in. I have been told personal satements are supposed to come from the heart, real world experiences, etc. etc. I've been told not to put the cookie cutter "omg i want to help people that's why i need to...
  16. K

    Personal Statement tips

    For the personal statement, does anyone know if it would be of value to include an opening paragraph introducing myself at all?
  17. A

    optomcas personal statement question

    hi there!! does anyone know if we can recycle personal statements for each program? kind of a dumb question since (at least for the programs i'm applying to) the personal statement questions are either identical or wording is very similar. is there such a thing like you can't recycle what...
  18. Oxalis

    Other Pitfalls To Avoid In Personal Statement For Medical School Application?

    Hello! I'm in the process of writing and rewriting my personal statement and I wanted to reach out to see if anyone had extra advice on do's/don'ts in personal statements that aren't ones that are more widely known like "show don't tell". Any additional insight is much appreciated!
  19. D

    Des Moines University (DMU)

    Hey everyone! I wanted to reach out to current PT students and alumni who attended DMU. I would like to get your insight on the program. Any feedback helps!
  20. B

    Personal statement editing in ERAS

    Hello all! I have a question about how to enter the personal statement in ERAS. I have a Macbook Air, and I typed my statement in Microsoft Word, but when I try to copy-and-paste the statement from Word to a simple text editor (TextEdit), and then copy-and-paste the statement from TextEdit to...
  21. E

    Reviewing Personal Statement

    Hi guys, I've been working on my personal statement for a while now and am struggling with the difference between a good and great one. If anyone has a moment to look over mine, I would so appreciate it! I am open to any constructive criticism that would be available to me. For some additional...
  22. LindaAccepted

    Medical 4 Must-Haves in Residency Personal Statements

    To get into medical school, you explained why you wanted to be a physician. Now that you’re an MD/DO, you need to show them you’ve got what it takes to be a valuable addition to a medical team. To that end, your personal statement should give the residency committee a taste of what you’re all...
  23. chunkyfilms

    Personal Statement Readers? Trans Applicant

    I'm not applying until 2019-2020 cycle, but I have a personal statement written. My paper is largely about me being transgender and a few LGBT activities I participated in. My statement will most likely change over the next year, but I need a more refined version of it and a direction. Some of...
  24. D


  25. N

    Dental School Personal Statement Reveiw

    Hi guys, I have been working on my personal statement for my dental school application for awhile. I was hoping if any of you wouldn't mind reading it for grammatical errors and to give me feedback. I would greatly appreciate it. If you are interested, please send me a message. :)
  26. A

    Personal Statement Review Request!

    Hi everyone, I have begun working on my personal statement and I am seeking to apply this cycle. I was hoping if anyone could take a look at my personal statement and give me some good critique. I am guilty of losing my structure and overall theme when I'm writing and I think i need outside...
  27. D

    Personal statement too personal?

    Is my personal statement too personal? So, the only way I could convey the start of my interest in medicine was when I became pregnant as a teenager. I told a story of how I came to find out and the medical professionals that I encountered that sparked this interest. Then I wrote about...
  28. R

    2 questions - transcript entry and personal statement

    Transcript entry: How strict is the subject selection for each course? For example, should I put "Spt Sci 113: EMT Basic" under sports science or emergency medical? Does it matter? I have several courses where it could go either way like that. Personal Statement: I started taking prerequisite...
  29. R

    dental school personal statement style question

    What is recommended for writing the personal statement as far as flowery vs. straightforward? I wrote one draft with a little metaphor as to how I found dentistry as a good match for my career goals. I was given opposing advice for the style of the personal statement. I had a couple people...
  30. A

    Effective personal statement

    Hi everyone! I just received my MCAT's score and it's not high enough. Do you know how to impress admission counselor with an effective personal statement?
  31. L

    MD To apply now or later

    Hello I recently graduate from the University of Georgia with a 3.66 GPA and am debating applying this cycle. I am studying for the MCAT now and taking it early August. I have my letters of recommendation, a years worth of lab experience, volunteer hours (clinical and nonclinical), but only...
  32. R

    Personal Statement Question

    Hi all, I was wondering if it would be okay to write my PS in the second person ("you")? The entire PS is about me and my experiences described using 'you'. I know this is an unconventional approach given that first person is what is generally recommended, but I wanted to know if using the...
  33. Z

    Reapplicant submitted primaries but not secondaries, completely change PS?

    Hello, I am a reapplicant, however, I did not submit my secondaries and was wondering if I needed to completely change my personal statement. I have a strong overall Application, and I like my PS. Most forums have said to re-do PS for those who are reapplying. However, If I never Submitted my...
  34. hopeful_vet2026

    Working on VMCA app...looking for advice!

    Hello! I am currently working on my first cycle application to 2 different programs and have some questions, would love some advice, just to feel like I'm submitting the best application that I can. Here is some info about me: I'm a non-traditional student (a 32 year old mother of 2) who has...
  35. W

    Looking for personal statement readers

    Hi, I am looking for some people to help read my personal statement and give me feedback/ help edit. If you are available and think you can help, Please let me know. thank You
  36. H

    Reapplicant questions: Personal statement, activity description, & secondary apps

    Hello, I'm a re-applicant due to a low MCAT score as well as applying too late in the cycle (called some schools that rejected me and found this out). A school told me that my experiences were "good", and some other schools seemed to like my personal statement, but I'm reading on here and on...
  37. LindaAccepted

    Medical 4 More Elements to Telling an Attention-Grabbing Story

    In our last post, we illustrated 5 key story elements with these opening application essay lines: The moment I found the lump, I suspected my life was about to change – in a big way. It was mid-May 2011. I was a busy consultant in McKinsey’s Chicago office, the proud father of a boy about to...
  38. Avicenna144

    PS Help!

    Anyone willing to read my PS and tell me their opinion? Help is much needed and appreciated :)
  39. S

    Personal Statement / Essay

    Hi, I'm applying for schools this summer and having a lot of trouble writing my personal statement/essay for optomcas. Any tips for writing a personal statement? Should I focus only on my experiences in the field or should I talk about everything? Having major problems putting things into...
  40. jordij94

    Personal Statement Feedback

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone with experience in critiquing personal statements would be willing to read mine and give feedback on content/flow/grammar/etc. Thank you!