dental student

  1. L

    Ortho residency prep feedback

    Hey everyone! I came on here b/c I'm looking for some honest opinions on things I can do to improve my chances of matching at an ortho residency. I am a new D2, and let's just say that the D1 year was not what I expected in many different aspects. I feel like I have a handle on things now and...
  2. L

    Ortho residency feedback request

    Hey everyone! I came on here b/c I'm looking for some honest opinions on things I can do to improve my chances of matching at an ortho residency. I am a new D2, and let's just say that the D1 year was not what I expected in many different aspects. I feel like I have a handle on things now and...
  3. P

    Perio specialty advise for a D1

    I am a current D1 and I am thinking about pursuing a Perio residency. I am not to sure how to approach this, how important is research and in what topics? Also what are some of the better residencies for implant placement and private practice, not looking to get into academia. Any advise is welcome
  4. IndifferentOsteoblast

    OMFS Program Insight

    Now that I have successfully completed the CBSE, I am starting to look into externships. Right now, I am mostly interested in 6 year programs for personal reasons. However, I am by no means disinterested in 4 year programs. I don't know what the future holds, but I would like to have a strong...
  5. IndifferentOsteoblast

    How to Interpret CBSE Equated Percent Correct Score? (OMFS Applicant)

    Historically, there's been an "ideal" CBSE score for OMFS applicants to shoot for, whether that was 70/200+ or 80/225+. My question is that, now that the scoring has gone to an equated percent correct, what is the new "ideal" score for a competitive applicant? Is there a conversion chart to...
  6. D

    Difficulties in creating a class I amalgam preparation

    Hello everyone, I'm a student and we just started working on class I amalgam preparations. I keep practicing but constantly get the same mediocre results. The floors and walls of my preparations are always bumpy and I can't seem to fix it without eventually making the preparation too deep or too...
  7. D

    Pediatric Dental Residencies

  8. L

    Why does it seem like majority of general dentist/dental students stay away from learning molar root canal?

    This question is coming from a DH that is pursuing dental school (hopefully starting dental school in 2021) so please excuse my ignorance when it comes to actually performing a molar root canal. I work with a GP who rarely refers root canals out and does molar rcts in ~30 mins. It’s taken him 25...
  9. D1Bound

    Dental student interaction with Medical student

    So it seems like in undergrad every pre med student I met said something along the lines of "I couldn't deal with mouths that's gross" or "dentistry is boring" whenever I stated I was interested in dentistry. Let's ignore the fact that medicine involves rectal exams and many "gross" things. It's...
  10. T

    Starting school with credit card debt

    Hi there! I am starting dental school this summer which is super exciting but unfortunately I have about $10k left in debt. This was a result of two cycles, dental assisting classes, and traveling for interviews. I know it was an investment. I was hoping my current job would have paid all of it...
  11. S

    Keeping Track of CE ?

    Hello, I was wondering if there was a centralized portal of some sort where you can keep track of CE you've done, whether its from the AGD, or from other similar associations? a related question would be in regards to how AGD keeps track of their own CE, but do they keep track of others' ?
  12. I

    Dental Schools with group interviews?

    Does anyone know which dental schools do group interviews over one on one or MMI?
  13. B

    Volunteering hours

    Hello, I am a dental student and want to be a volunteer abroad! When I am done with the volunteering, how can I recieve the volunteering hours and sign them to the application profile ??
  14. C

    Mission Trip or OMFS Externships?

    Hello, I am a third year dental student and I am interested in going into Oral Surgery. I have done two externships at programs and they were both hands off experiences. I am planning on doing more externships, but I am wondering if a mission trip is worth it for the experience? There is a...
  15. dPseh

    AMA: D4

    Hey all, I'm a D4, just 3 months away from graduation. I'm on break now mentally preparing for my licensing exam coming up real soon. Just wanted to find a place to de-stress while helping feed anyone's curiosity about my experience in D-school! Few things: 1. Will not disclose which school I...
  16. whosnisarg

    Shadowing Dental Speciality?

    Hey guys, I will be shadowing two general dentists this upcoming July (and I will continue shadowing one of them during winter break) and I will also shadow an OMFS in August (I am so excited). :) In total for this summer: General Dentist: 50-60 hours OMFS: 40-50 hours Total: At least 100...
  17. D

    OMFS Residency as an FTD?

    Being almost done my first year of Dental school and going to second year, I was lucky to get some exposure to a few of the dental specialties and OMFS caught my attention. It is to my understanding that in North America there are 4 and 6 year programs with the 6 year programs granting a MD. My...
  18. C

    Take a look at my book about Dental School....esp if you haven't started yet!

    I always wanted to do something like this because it would have been nice to have back when I was in school. So I'm hoping it helps out all the new and prospective dental students. Let me know what you think!
  19. C

    Check out my book about Dental School

    This is just something I've always wanted to do and now that I've been out almost 20 years I feel I've "recovered" enough from the dental school experience to do so. I'm hoping it helps any new dental students and is enjoyable for our older and more established colleagues. Let me know what you...
  20. M

    California Dental School Applicants

    I'm an incoming D1, not from California or in a California school. However the schools I interviewed at and got accepted to had a very high amount of Californian applicants- there were always more Californians than people from any other place, especially at the east coast. A lot of these people...
  21. S


    Bought the books brand new for roughly $215 and have never touched it. Still in its shipped box. Will sell them as a pair at a discounted price of ($150) including shipping fee. Please contact me if you are interested at [email protected]
  22. sunrise16

    How to be successful after Dental School? NYU DENTAL

    Hey guys! I'm going to be an incoming D1 this Fall '17 at NYU. Besides maintaining a good GPA, I was wondering what specific things I can do to set myself up for success post grad for private practice? What ECs can I get involved in? and How can I network for success? Thanks for the tips
  23. LRJRDH2012

    Things to know before starting dental school

    Hey! I am starting dental school in July and was wondering if anyone had any advice. I'll take anything. Like, ways to study, ways to be organized, or information to study before hand. I want to be as prepared as possible. Thanks!
  24. I

    Am I fit for dentistry?

    Hello everyone. I am currently in my clinical years. Since Day 1 I am always worried about practical skills and hoping that I would survive this school. I managed to enter clinical years but I still feel that I am not good enough for dentistry. I am lacking of the skill and the artistic part of...
  25. #39

    What do you do during the summer in dental school?

    I wanted to ask around and find out what people generally do during their summers while in dental school. For my school I know our summer breaks are broken up like so: After D1: 2 months After D2: 1 month (which is entirely free since we take our boards in Winter of D2) After D3: 3 weeks So...
  26. TYoukhana

    Healthcare practitioner (current and new) opinions on leasing space

    Hello all, I am trying to help a few clients of mine in finding healthcare office space to lease or lease to own in the Chicagoland area and want to find a better way to streamline my searches based on what's the most important items you all typically look for in a space. If possible, please...
  27. P

    Do dental students play online game? (survey for health-sociology subject)

    What year in dental school? How long do you play per day? What kind of other activities that you prefer? Do the online games effect your study lifestyle ? Do you have any health problem ? Other things related to online game you can share to us Thank a lot for dental student community Hope you...
  28. Zentist007

    Can Dental Students write scholarly yet practical articles?

    Are you a dental student who also likes writing CREATIVE blogs/articles to current or trending issues in the dentistry? The web is full of boring messages that current dental patients have hard time connecting with...only new generation can change it. Some topics could be: Affordability...
  29. X

    Study Partners for NBDE Part 1 2017 and General Info!

    >> preferably an Indian Dental Student - As it will be easier to relate with someone who will be going through the same processes and procedures of application and examination as me! Email : [email protected] >> Dental students/dentists reading this who have answered or are going to answer...
  30. D

    Non-Traditional dental applicant. Pre-dental help. my odds?

    OK, so here are my stats... (One thing to know is that I am in no way stopping or giving up on this dream. I thrive on motivation an encouragement, however am a realist an appreciate any help in areas I need work on. Please feel free to leave any advice, comments, insight and experiences below...
  31. D

    Undergraduate courses that may help in dental school. Would appreciate any insight!

    Hello, I am about to receive a biology undergraduate degree this May, and haven't yet applied to dental school (will be doing that this summer). In order to stay on scholarship and an insurance plan I needed to stay enrolled full time at a university throughout next academic year. I figured I...
  32. P

    **Official Dental School Waitlists Class of 2020**

    Has anyone been waitlisted and currently updating their resumes and sending in letters of intent? What else can we do as waitlisters to schools that are our number one choice? Any tips from people who have been waitlisted in the past and got accepted or deferred to the next year's class? Can we...
  33. E

    Discouraged pre-dental student, Need opinions...

    Background story: I majored in bachelor of arts for 3 years, then switched to computer science for 1 year and now I'm currently in a dentistry program for 1 year now. Circumstance: My GPA is approximately 2.5 and I am lacking dentist shadow experience, research experience, etc. Things are...
  34. BioForLife

    NYU Dorm Question

    Hey, all. I was wondering: are dental students allowed to live in med student's dorms at NYU? I asked this question during my interview but the person I asked was unsure and did not know anyone in that situation.
  35. P

    Can anybody tell me the name of this equipment?

    Can anybody tell me the name of this equipment? And where can i get one? I've searched all eBay and amazon for this its used to mount extracted teeth to for an arch that fit on to the model patient. it will be a great help if you can tell me. thanks
  36. W

    Can a dentist become a neurologist

    I am a dental student and I realy like studying neurology. Is it possible to study further in neurology after I get my BDS? And is it possible to become a neurologist?