Medical Turning down medical school acceptance for a spouse's health issue?

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Oct 14, 2011
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I've seen a lot of posts on SDN and reddit that give the same verdict on whether or not to turn down a medical school acceptance: do NOT turn an acceptance down. However, I think I'm in a unique situation where my spouse was diagnosed with a life-threatening disease that requires treatment at a specific medical center where they have a longstanding relationship with the hospital physicians and staff. Will I completely be barred from medical school in the future if I turn down an acceptance at a medical school that is across the country? I'm not sure that I can be happy if I commit to this school.

Ask the student affairs office. Get a student handbook. Find out what you need to do for a leave of absence. Figure out if you can request a deferral. NEVER turn down an acceptance, but let admissions and student affairs know early.

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Agree that I would first explore deferral or LOA. But failing that, you have a legitimate life circumstance that has changed that could not have been foreseen. You applied and committed to enroll in good faith. If you need to decline you have a good reason that should be seen reasonably well should you need to reapply.

but again. Try to get deferral/LOA
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A follow-up question: if my school were to accept my deferral, could I at the same time reapply to medical school to try to be closer to my spouse's hospital? Thank you all!

Most med schools require to sign a form stating that you will NOT apply to other med school in the interim if you defer.
A follow-up question: if my school were to accept my deferral, could I at the same time reapply to medical school to try to be closer to my spouse's hospital? Thank you all!

I mean, that's kinda messed up if the school is willing to work with you and then you bail on them.
A follow-up question: if my school were to accept my deferral, could I at the same time reapply to medical school to try to be closer to my spouse's hospital? Thank you all!

Don't do it. That's a great way to ruin your good faith request and puts your integrity immediately into question.
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