Seriously Looking at 700k-1M TC this year

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How does one become a clinical data scientist?
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Two verbal offers rn, possibly another one in the making...
With all the economic downturn and recession talk, I plan to take them all and work til late nights and maybe also weekends. I will just pretend I am still in school taking a full course load, but each week getting paid 10k after-tax for my effort. In 2-3 years, I will have ~1M cash saved & invested, then I can gradually phase out and get back to a new norm. I guess fat FIRE is achievable after all lol.
This is literally the kind of person I'm talking about in my thread
I'm saying that people who do this weird thing where your TC is your entire world have a bad vibe
Well, people who do this weird thing complaining your workplace is a ****show definitely have a bad vibe lol
Well, people who do this weird thing complaining your workplace is a ****show definitely have a bad vibe lol
Oof, you just missed that shot in the dark. Hahahha.
I've had p dope jobs since 2015.

I just don't get the need to come on here and flex your TC. I live in a city where literally everyone i know works in tech and makes 2-5 times what i do.
Do you know how often it comes up in conversation? Lol
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@letsquitpharm, how did you become data scientist? Did you get degree or do boot camp? TC that you throwing around doesn't happen quickly for data scientist. It requires years of experience even if you are in FAANG. I have knows senior engineers making this money at FAANG but they have at least 5 + years experience.
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Oof, you just missed that shot in the dark. Hahahha.
I've had p dope jobs since 2015.

I just don't get the need to come on here and flex your TC. I live in a city where literally everyone i know works in tech and makes 2-5 times what i do.
Do you know how often it comes up in conversation? Lol
I am not flexing, but to make a case.
A bunch of people here used to say the grass is not always greener, and it's hard for people in pharmacy to get out yada yada. Some even claim I was just bluffing, and I don't even work in tech, all that bs talk.

This thread is for them. I wonder where they are now? They are the ones who choose to live in la la land lol.
I have a bunch of very recent job offers to show if needed, and I paid more taxes last year than a typical pharmacist annual pretax salary. So is cs a legit career option for burnt-out pharmacists? I certainly believe so.
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@letsquitpharm, how did you become data scientist? Did you get degree or do boot camp? TC that you throwing around doesn't happen quickly for data scientist. It requires years of experience even if you are in FAANG. I have knows senior engineers making this money at FAANG but they have at least 5 + years experience.
FAANG isn't that attractive money-wise any more. There are a ton of startups that can handily match FAANG offers these days and allow perm remote . In fact, I don't even want to work for FAANG, unless they go 100% remote or pay me 100% more.
FAANG isn't that attractive money-wise any more. There are a ton of startups that can handily match FAANG offers these days and allow perm remote . In fact, I don't even want to work for FAANG, unless they go 100% remote or pay me 100% more.
lol what? Some of FAANG companies are still paying top dollar to candidates who deserve despite of lay offs. I have inner connection so that's how I know. Also, lot of those positions are remote indefinitely. Above all, your chances are getting into those position with pharmD background is very slim. These positions only takes people with 5-10 years of experience in the field or Ivy league CS graduate. Its very hard to pass their interview process with non CS background and my inner circles tells me that now interviews are getting even harder. So yeah tech is no longer easy to get into or easy money like you claim here.
lol what? Some of FAANG companies are still paying top dollar to candidates who deserve despite of lay offs. I have inner connection so that's how I know. Also, lot of those positions are remote indefinitely. Above all, your chances are getting into those position with pharmD background is very slim. These positions only takes people with 5-10 years of experience in the field or Ivy league CS graduate. Its very hard to pass their interview process with non CS background and my inner circles tells me that now interviews are getting even harder. So yeah tech is no longer easy to get into or easy money like you claim here.
I interviewed at Meta for a sr. ml engineer role last year, and they were trying to persuade me to RTO. I was like hell no, deal-breaker for me. Apple is doing soft layoff with the same RTO or quit ploy. I rather work 3-4 remote jobs and make 800k to 1M a year than trust any employer & put all my eggs in one basket. Yes, I get paid more than the reported Google L7 Senior Staff SWE TC on, with base salaries alone. If pharmacy has taught me anything important, it got to be "never trust others, especially an employer or school, to look out for my interests".

Breaking into tech was not easy, and it is not getting easier anytime soon and never will be. But for the people who are determined and committed, it is definitely doable and highly lucrative. I left pharmacy for good just a few years back, and now I get offers like the one you saw. When I walked away from pharmacy and committed to the career pivot, people here were telling me the same thing you just repeated to me. They kept whining about this and that career switch is a bad idea and doomed to fail bs. I just ignored them all and never looked back. To me, they look like the same group of naysayer idiots who sold off tesla shares in late 2019! Over the years, I have not met ONE pharmacist in tech who regretted their decision, not even one!

I definitely don't have 5-10 years of experience or "Ivy League" cs degree (nobody cares about ivy league anyway in cs, and people actually look down on them & laugh if those names ever show up on resume lol). When I hit 5-10 years exp mark, I will probably make 1M+ per annum by then.
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Mods, can we move this to the delusional ex-pharmacists sub-forum so I don't have to keep reading it?
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Mods, can we move this to the delusional ex-pharmacists sub-forum so I don't have to keep reading it?
I have a certain couple of posters on ignore. I have no idea what the back and forth is about in this thread, because of the ignore button. Ignorance is bliss, and I am hugely blessed to be massively ignorant. Highly suggested.

Now I will go back to my miserable 40/hr pharmacist job, living in my 900 sqft home, driving my 12yo Hyundai. And this is after 38 years of working 1-2 pharmacist jobs! Nothing to show for it, just waiting for Social Security to kick in.
They say money doesn't bring happiness, but I am poor and miserable, so what gives?
Sadly, I have no clue what a "Data Scientist" does. Again back to ignorance is bliss.
Offer already signed haha.

I have different roles at different industry & company, and I pick up skills & experience several times faster than others this way. As long as deliverables are pushed on time, I actually get more skills and projects to put on my resume, which makes me more employable over time.
How did you go from pharmacy to this? What path/route did you take? Pretty cool, congrats!
In case you guys didn't know, OP has been banned several different times on the forum and goes by several different aliases. He's been making posts like this for several years, it's quite sad. I know him personally, he was in the class of 2T20 at UofT pharmacy. I wish him the best and hopefully, he realizes being a chronic online troll is not the best way to live.
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In case you guys didn't know, OP has been banned several different times on the forum and goes by several different aliases. He's been making posts like this for several years, it's quite sad. I know him personally, he was in the class of 2T20 at UofT pharmacy. I wish him the best and hopefully, he realizes being a chronic online troll is not the best way to live.

How would you know him personally if he’s fake?
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This sort of income isn’t unachievable by a busy independent owner or people who own multiple indies (there are quite a few where I live).

Many indies also made a bank from giving Covid shots when it came out. Remember that reimbursement per shot was $40 for first couple of years and many pharmacies gave away thousands.
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In case you guys didn't know, OP has been banned several different times on the forum and goes by several different aliases. He's been making posts like this for several years, it's quite sad. I know him personally, he was in the class of 2T20 at UofT pharmacy. I wish him the best and hopefully, he realizes being a chronic online troll is not the best way to live.
Lol if you indeed know me personally, then you should know how I am making banks rn. So you are more than welcome to be my witness here. My real friends must have seen my offers and paystubs posted on social media. I posted one here as well just to shut up some stubborn naysayers. One thing I can assure you is I make more than your school's president by a wide margin, and I can also ensure you that I won't hire someone with an attitude like yours as long as I am in charge (I wear many hats across multiple companies in multiple industries. Hope you never have to see me on the other side of the interview table when you try so hard next time to get a new comfy "dream" job...oh wait, I forgot you probably won't even pass the HR screen with your resume)

I smell your sour grape, but if you can't accept this as a fact, you've got a problem. I hope you figure out a better way to live, instead of sticking head in the sand.

BTW, I am invited by a colleague of mine to guest lecture to a bunch of pharmacy kids in the fall 2023 semester, for which I had to turn down due to conflict of schedule. Whether you like it or not, your thought leaders and school officials are obviously willing to pay me $$$ to just empty talk. Too bad, my hourly rate is now over $400/hr WFH.
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How would you know him personally if he’s fake?
Right on. The naysayers are running out of excuses. It's getting absurdly hilarious.

First, they say I am not a cs major, then they claim I don't have any real offers. Now they say I am not real, but somehow know me in person LOL.

I wonder what else they can come up after that. I am an AI?
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Right on. The naysayers are running out of excuses. It's getting absurdly hilarious.

First, they say I am not a cs major, then they claim I don't have any real offers. Now they say I am not real, but somehow know me in person LOL.

I wonder what else they can come up after that. I am an AI?

Posting paystubs on social media is cringe tho
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This sort of income isn’t unachievable by a busy independent owner or people who own multiple indies (there are quite a few where I live).

Many indies also made a bank from giving Covid shots when it came out. Remember that reimbursement per shot was $40 for first couple of years and many pharmacies gave away thousands.
I agree it's not unachievable being a business owner. They can bring in millions if doing well.

The key here is WFH and without multi-million dollar investments. All I need is stable wifi connection and a home office. Work is done in my living room, and I get to take a nap and cook a meal whenever time allows. Companies also have to reimburse me 100% for all travel (business class), lodging (4-star hotel), and other discretional business expenses, to either show up in the office for networking activities or attend conferences.
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Lol I was genuinely interested a nontrad path to double my income, but this thread turned into a cringey dick waving contest.
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Lol I was genuinely interested a nontrad path to double my income, but this thread turned into a cringey dick waving contest.
I would recommend starting out with an extra job, saving all cash, patiently waiting for a market dip, and investing in quality stocks.

tbh, the ship has already sailed. The way I was able to pull this off is getting more unrealistic for anyone to replicate day by day. My path was 100% reproducible starting out in 2020/2021, and maybe still doable in 2022. Now I doubt anyone can do what I am doing without at least 4-5 relevant yoe.

That being said, the entire pharmacy community is already waist-deep in useless certification arms-race and over-qualification dick-waving contest to a comical degree. Quite a few pharmacists with like 6-7 titles after PharmD and RPh maybe reached out to me on linkedin asking for career advice, and I just didn't feel like talking to anyone with such a huge ego on display that day so I blocked them lol.
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Lol if you indeed know me personally, then you should know how I am making banks rn. So you are more than welcome to be my witness here. My real friends must have seen my offers and paystubs posted on social media. I posted one here as well just to shut up some stubborn naysayers. One thing I can assure you is I make more than your school's president by a wide margin, and I can also ensure you that I won't hire someone with an attitude like yours as long as I am in charge (I wear many hats across multiple companies in multiple industries. Hope you never have to see me on the other side of the interview table when you try so hard next time to get a new comfy "dream" job...oh wait, I forgot you probably won't even pass the HR screen with your resume)

I smell your sour grape, but if you can't accept this as a fact, you've got a problem. I hope you figure out a better way to live, instead of sticking head in the sand.

BTW, I am invited by a colleague of mine to guest lecture to a bunch of pharmacy kids in the fall 2023 semester, for which I had to turn down due to conflict of schedule. Whether you like it or not, your thought leaders and school officials are obviously willing to pay me $$$ to just empty talk. Too bad, my hourly rate is now over $400/hr WFH.
3 words: Refill your lithium.
Lol if you indeed know me personally, then you should know how I am making banks rn. So you are more than welcome to be my witness here. My real friends must have seen my offers and paystubs posted on social media. I posted one here as well just to shut up some stubborn naysayers. One thing I can assure you is I make more than your school's president by a wide margin, and I can also ensure you that I won't hire someone with an attitude like yours as long as I am in charge (I wear many hats across multiple companies in multiple industries. Hope you never have to see me on the other side of the interview table when you try so hard next time to get a new comfy "dream" job...oh wait, I forgot you probably won't even pass the HR screen with your resume)

I smell your sour grape, but if you can't accept this as a fact, you've got a problem. I hope you figure out a better way to live, instead of sticking head in the sand.

BTW, I am invited by a colleague of mine to guest lecture to a bunch of pharmacy kids in the fall 2023 semester, for which I had to turn down due to conflict of schedule. Whether you like it or not, your thought leaders and school officials are obviously willing to pay me $$$ to just empty talk. Too bad, my hourly rate is now over $400/hr WFH.
This response basically confirms that they're telling the truth
Lol if you indeed know me personally, then you should know how I am making banks rn. So you are more than welcome to be my witness here. My real friends must have seen my offers and paystubs posted on social media. I posted one here as well just to shut up some stubborn naysayers. One thing I can assure you is I make more than your school's president by a wide margin, and I can also ensure you that I won't hire someone with an attitude like yours as long as I am in charge (I wear many hats across multiple companies in multiple industries. Hope you never have to see me on the other side of the interview table when you try so hard next time to get a new comfy "dream" job...oh wait, I forgot you probably won't even pass the HR screen with your resume)

I smell your sour grape, but if you can't accept this as a fact, you've got a problem. I hope you figure out a better way to live, instead of sticking head in the sand.

BTW, I am invited by a colleague of mine to guest lecture to a bunch of pharmacy kids in the fall 2023 semester, for which I had to turn down due to conflict of schedule. Whether you like it or not, your thought leaders and school officials are obviously willing to pay me $$$ to just empty talk. Too bad, my hourly rate is now over $400/hr WFH.
Bro given the time you’ve been at this online you could have gone outside, went to the gym, developed some interesting hobbies, heck even started a family. Instead you choose to spend your time as an online troll. Go touch some grass and maybe get some therapy, it’ll be good for you.
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Bro given the time you’ve been at this online you could have gone outside, went to the gym, developed some interesting hobbies, heck even started a family. Instead you choose to spend your time as an online troll. Go touch some grass and maybe get some therapy, it’ll be good for you.

Just came back home from the beach with my wife, and company pays my gym membership via thrivepass. Lately I've built a privateGPT that trains on my code base, and it's getting more efficient day by day. It might handle 50% of my work by next year. I rarely have to work 40 hrs a week to make 800k a year.

Online trolling? Give me a break. Reddit is way more fun, and who the hell cares to come here to see how miserable pharmacy has become. One of my jobs is to mine data and help corporates find ways to squeeze more value out of you guys. I don't have to troll here cuz I gotta troll tens of thousands of pharmacists working for a big chain day-in and day-out.
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This is gonna sound blasphemous coming from a Californian, but the beach (so-cal) is overrated and too hot.

Maybe if you like looking at raisin bags with neck tattoos overflowing their swimwear while downing bud light and listening to Sublime, then it’s fine.

I’ll stick to my summer and 55 degree/cloudy nor-cal beaches or Tahoe.
And please, those of you who are parents- give the attention your kids need. You see what happens when you don't.
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Who posts their paystubs and offer letters on social media? What an odd thread.
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Online trolling? Give me a break. Reddit is way more fun, and who the hell cares to come here to see how miserable pharmacy has become. One of my jobs is to mine data and help corporates find ways to squeeze more value out of you guys. I don't have to troll here cuz I gotta troll tens of thousands of pharmacists working for a big chain day-in and day-out.

Listen I’m gonna be honest, I read this thread again from the top. There’s basically nothing of value for anyone trying to get out. You’re basically doubling down on that here. It reads like a massive flex. Congrats on the money and success. Leave some pu**y for the rest of us bro.

But seriously, can you share how we should get to where you are?
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I would recommend starting out with an extra job, saving all cash, patiently waiting for a market dip, and investing in quality stocks.

tbh, the ship has already sailed. The way I was able to pull this off is getting more unrealistic for anyone to replicate day by day. My path was 100% reproducible starting out in 2020/2021, and maybe still doable in 2022. Now I doubt anyone can do what I am doing without at least 4-5 relevant yoe.

That being said, the entire pharmacy community is already waist-deep in useless certification arms-race and over-qualification dick-waving contest to a comical degree. Quite a few pharmacists with like 6-7 titles after PharmD and RPh maybe reached out to me on linkedin asking for career advice, and I just didn't feel like talking to anyone with such a huge ego on display that day so I blocked them lol.

Such a huge ego. Pot meet …
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Just came back home from the beach with my wife, and company pays my gym membership via thrivepass. Lately I've built a privateGPT that trains on my code base, and it's getting more efficient day by day. It might handle 50% of my work by next year. I rarely have to work 40 hrs a week to make 800k a year.

Online trolling? Give me a break. Reddit is way more fun, and who the hell cares to come here to see how miserable pharmacy has become. One of my jobs is to mine data and help corporates find ways to squeeze more value out of you guys. I don't have to troll here cuz I gotta troll tens of thousands of pharmacists working for a big chain day-in and day-out.

What’s you’re Reddit name. I’d love to see the paystubs
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This is gonna sound blasphemous coming from a Californian, but the beach (so-cal) is overrated and too hot.

Maybe if you like looking at raisin bags with neck tattoos overflowing their swimwear while downing bud light and listening to Sublime, then it’s fine.

I’ll stick to my summer and 55 degree/cloudy nor-cal beaches or Tahoe.
This is the most ridiculous thing I've read on this thread. Maybe the most ridiculous thing I've read anywhere. Do you live in Long Beach, or something?
This is the most ridiculous thing I've read on this thread. Maybe the most ridiculous thing I've read anywhere. Do you live in Long Beach, or something?

lol no but I’m specifically referencing PB in SD

also, found the guy with the neck tattoo and a fridge full of bud light! hahah
This is the most ridiculous thing I've read on this thread. Maybe the most ridiculous thing I've read anywhere. Do you live in Long Beach, or something?

I also must say CA beaches are overrated. Not because they're hot but because the water is so damn cold. You can't even enjoy swimming in it. Brrrr.
I also must say CA beaches are overrated. Not because they're hot but because the water is so damn cold. You can't even enjoy swimming in it. Brrrr.

Hmmm, I am not keen on swimming in the ocean next to a megalopolis made up of 24M people. I know the fecal matter warnings only come up after the rain, but I’ll happily stay on the pier or ride my bike on the beach path.
I was really hoping that OP was BMBiology using a new account. But sadly, I don’t think it’s him…

the general BMBiology maybe?
Listen I’m gonna be honest, I read this thread again from the top. There’s basically nothing of value for anyone trying to get out. You’re basically doubling down on that here. It reads like a massive flex. Congrats on the money and success. Leave some pu**y for the rest of us bro.

But seriously, can you share how we should get to where you are?
I used to post a ton of value stuff here, including how I got out of pharmacy and how I worked my way up to where I am today. Now? I give up.

It doesn't matter what I say or how I can back it up with proof. The pharmacy ostriches will continue to circle jerk and claim this and that ain't possible. Great, I have absolutely no problem with that, and I am more than happy to keep my trade secrets to myself. Pharmacy schools have to pay me to guest lecture to the pharmacy kids, who will at least give me some respect. Just like you said, you don't feel there's not much value in this thread. I agree with you 100%. Reddit offers way better content, and people there actually do help each other out. I owe a lot of my success to those Redditors. Here? It's a dying forum, and I will continue to watch it sunset.
How is this thread not closed yet? Paging Dr. Owl!!!
I don't care if this thread is closed. The mod can ban me and remove all of my prior content too. Honestly, I don't feel people here deserve what I offered to the community, from which I barely got anything informative anyway.

Mod, plz lock this thread down if you like, and I promise you guys I won't post anything related to alternative careers, money, investment or FIRE.

Pharmacy used to be great, and I wish you guys the best of luck to make pharmacy great again lol.
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I used to post a ton of value stuff here, including how I got out of pharmacy and how I worked my way up to where I am today. Now? I give up.

It doesn't matter what I say or how I can back it up with proof. The pharmacy ostriches will continue to circle jerk and claim this and that ain't possible. Great, I have absolutely no problem with that, and I am more than happy to keep my trade secrets to myself. Pharmacy schools have to pay me to guest lecture to the pharmacy kids, who will at least give me some respect. Just like you said, you don't feel there's not much value in this thread. I agree with you 100%. Reddit offers way better content, and people there actually do help each other out. I owe a lot of my success to those Redditors. Here? It's a dying forum, and I will continue to watch it sunset.

So your response to no one caring is to post these empty platitudes and go off on users?

Yes, pharmacy is dead. So is basically every other profession in this country. The working man is a sucker. It’s only a matter of time before the bean counters go after your field too. At the end of the day, someone else is signing your paycheck. The real flex is starting your own and signing your own paychecks. I’d frankly be more impressed if you owned your own business and cleared 700k to 1 mil.

I thought about going down your path but in 10-20 years I’m going to end up in the same spot as pharmacists today. I’d much rather milk my own business for 10-20 years. Just my two cents.

I’ll assume everything you’ve said about TC in this thread is true. IF I was in your position, I’d look into being a silent partner in a business or something of the likes. Have you ever thought of that?
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I know a trap when I see one. I close this thread and people complain about how boring we are or how we over-moderate :p

Hoot? Hoot hoot hoot, hoot hoot, hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot. Hoot hoot, hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot. Hoot hoot hoooooooooot!
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I don't care if this thread is closed. The mod can ban me and remove all of my prior content too. Honestly, I don't feel people here deserve what I offered to the community, from which I barely got anything informative anyway...


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