Royal vs. Ross

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Jan 4, 2019
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Hey everyone, so I have been accepted to two programs this cycle, one being at Royal Veterinary College and the other at Ross. I am so grateful for being accepted to two different places, but I also have some concerns that I am worried about and was wondering what other peoples opinions were/ if their was anyone from RVC or Ross that could answer any of these questions. My major concerns regarding both schools are:

1. being far away from my family/friends/pets and not being able to come home often due to flight costs etc.
2. Not the same break schedule as US vet schools (miss thanksgiving, parts of summer etc.)
3. adjusting to a new country and all that goes along with it (food, location, transportation, culture etc)
4. Nervous about the program itself ( I was accepted into the 4 year accelerated program at RVC) and i'm nervous how fast paced it might be/ if their will be time for other things/life in general
5. People say going to RVC allows you to travel to other parts of Europe, but is there really any time for that while in Vet School?
6. The testing style specifically at RVC scares me a little, since you only have your exams at the end of the year and not throughout
7. For Royal you have to do at least 1/2 of your EMS and clinical placements in the UK, so during your summer/spring break you don't really have off since you should be doing placements during that time
8. I am interested in becoming a zoo/aquatic vet and Ross seems to have better options for that
9. nervous i'll be unhappy/depressed in an area so far away

With the deadline coming up, I am truly conflicted on what I should do, should I attend one of these programs or reapply and see if I get into a US vet school next cycle? I have always wanted to go to a U.S vet school and stay close to home & feel like I am in a tough position since I really do not want to go abroad. I originally thought I would be okay going oversees, but am now questioning it. I also don't know if people have any experience transferring from an international school to a US school but that would also be helpful to hear. If anyone could way in on their thoughts I would appreciate it!

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I am truly conflicted on what I should do, should I attend one of these programs or reapply and see if I get into a US vet school next cycle? I have always wanted to go to a U.S vet school and stay close to home & feel like I am in a tough position since I really do not want to go abroad. I originally thought I would be okay going oversees, but am now questioning it. I also don't know if people have any experience transferring from an international school to a US school but that would also be helpful to hear.
First, you have to decide for yourself if you would be willing to never get into vet school again if you turn down two acceptances and reapply. If you would be okay with never going to vet school if you turned these down and reapplied multiple times and never gained admission, would you be okay with that? With each cycle, there are more and more applicants to compete against. While I’m not saying you definitely will never get into a US school, you do need to take that into consideration before turning down your acceptances.

Second, do not bank on being able to transfer. The amount of seats any school has varies from year to year because it’s based on how many people, if any, have left the school for whatever reason. If no one has left the class, there are no seats. Then they have to make sure your curriculum lines up with theirs and that you wouldn’t be missing anything they’ve already taken if you transferred. Some schools also change their curriculum and no longer accept transfers. Michigan state is one of those schools. Because of how their new curriculum works, they will not accept transfers.
It can be possible to transfer, but do not go to a school assuming you will be able to transfer after a year.
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First, you have to decide for yourself if you would be willing to never get into vet school again if you turn down two acceptances and reapply. If you would be okay with never going to vet school if you turned these down and reapplied multiple times and never gained admission, would you be okay with that? With each cycle, there are more and more applicants to compete against. While I’m not saying you definitely will never get into a US school, you do need to take that into consideration before turning down your acceptances.

Second, do not bank on being able to transfer. The amount of seats any school has varies from year to year because it’s based on how many people, if any, have left the school for whatever reason. If no one has left the class, there are no seats. Then they have to make sure your curriculum lines up with theirs and that you wouldn’t be missing anything they’ve already taken if you transferred. Some schools also change their curriculum and no longer accept transfers. Michigan state is one of those schools. Because of how their new curriculum works, they will not accept transfers.
It can be possible to transfer, but do not go to a school assuming you will be able to transfer after a year.

Thank you for your advice, you made some great points and I really appreciate the input!