Residency/fellowship questions

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5+ Year Member
Sep 17, 2018
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I had a few question about the residencies & fellowship

I understand a fellowship is much more difficult to come by as opposed to residency. I was wondering if there were certain fellowships (MCPHS for example) that are looked at in a favorable light for hospital pharmacy. If down the line you changed your mind about working in the industry, would a hospital take the fellowship completion into consideration and hire you?

in terms of residency vs fellowship, If a person received a fellowship at a reputable place like MCPHS/Rutgers but also attained a residency at a hospital would it make more sense to complete the fellowship over the residency since it is at a reputable company?

My classmate informed me that certain fellowships hold more weight than others, is this true? Would a fellowship program partnered with a school seen in higher regard than one which isn't?

Currently I'm interested in Medical/regulatory affairs but what are the more popular industry pharmacy specialties.
During my time in pharmacy school I have been working at a grocery chain retail pharmacy. However, prior to pharmacy school I have extensive research/hospital experience. Will this be taken into consideration when applying? I have tried to apply to hospital pharmacy jobs in my area but there aren't many opportunities where I am currently going to school so I've applied to many APPE opportunities. I also have leadership positions in various clubs on campus. Would I have a good chance of landing one?

I completely understand the difference between the two career paths but I do plan on going for both.

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An industry fellowship does not prepare you for a hospital job at all. The only way to transition from industry to hospital is to either work part-time at a hospital throughout your industry career or maybe find some non-patient care position (i.e. drug information, maybe health outcomes or research position in a major research hospital or land a teaching position and get some hospital experience by virtue of being associated with the university hospital). The skill set is very different, and you absolutely do lose knowledge you don't use.

I absolutely cannot imagine a situation where one would benefit from doing both an industry fellowship and a residency. It just makes zero sense.
An industry fellowship does not prepare you for a hospital job at all. The only way to transition from industry to hospital is to either work part-time at a hospital throughout your industry career or maybe find some non-patient care position (i.e. drug information, maybe health outcomes or research position in a major research hospital or land a teaching position and get some hospital experience by virtue of being associated with the university hospital). The skill set is very different, and you absolutely do lose knowledge you don't use.

I absolutely cannot imagine a situation where one would benefit from doing both an industry fellowship and a residency. It just makes zero sense.
Thanks for the clarification!