Is this the Sample ADA OAT exam?


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Jun 22, 2016
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Can anyone confirm if this is the sample OAT from the ada? I've seen a lot of posts about people's actual OAT scores being very similar to the scores they got on their ada OAT practice tests. However, I'm not 100% sure if this file that I've attached is the ada OAT everyone is talking about. I was planning on taking this exam tomorrow, so I just wanted to make sure this was the ada OAT practice exam everyone was talking about on here. Also, does anyone know what the score conversion is for this ada OAT exam?

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yup this is the one... i posted the chart I used to gauge in another thread posted on the OAT discussions (but I'll upload it here too). These are the two conversion charts I gauged my scores on and they're pretty similar to each other. To my understanding, usually getting a few more than half of the questions correct in a section will put you around a 300. It definitely helps to get an idea of where you're at with the scores, but my advice is to focus more on understanding the questions and really the types of questions you'll be asked over the numbers you're getting while studying. Good luck!
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yup this is the one... i posted the chart I used to gauge in another thread posted on the OAT discussions (but I'll upload it here too). These are the two conversion charts I gauged my scores on and they're pretty similar to each other. To my understanding, usually getting a few more than half of the questions correct in a section will put you around a 300. It definitely helps to get an idea of where you're at with the scores, but my advice is to focus more on understanding the questions and really the types of questions you'll be asked over the numbers you're getting while studying. Good luck!

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Thank you so so so much!!!!!!
Also, do you happen to know if this is the way the real OAT is scored? I've taken the Kaplan course and their scoring seems to be a little lower than this one. For instance, the last Kaplan full length test I took I got 7 questions wrong in the biology section- which Kaplan scored as a 360; however, on this conversion chart, getting 7 questions incorrect in bio correlated to a 380.
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It doesn't tell you how many you get right on the actual OAT, but it seemed pretty accurate to this chart based on how I felt about the questions. That's an awesome score for kaplan (and in general), you seem to be in good shape! When are you taking it?
It doesn't tell you how many you get right on the actual OAT, but it seemed pretty accurate to this chart based on how I felt about the questions. That's an awesome score for kaplan (and in general), you seem to be in good shape! When are you taking it?

Thanks for your reply!! I'm taking it this Thursday! I'm super nervous; my goal score is a 350 -- I just scored a 330 AA & 350 TS on the last Kaplan test I took, which was a few days ago. I'm just worried that the real test will be nothing like Kaplan & I'll be completely thrown off & panic lol
Thanks for your reply!! I'm taking it this Thursday! I'm super nervous; my goal score is a 350 -- I just scored a 330 AA & 350 TS on the last Kaplan test I took, which was a few days ago. I'm just worried that the real test will be nothing like Kaplan & I'll be completely thrown off & panic lol

If you're comfortable with kaplan you'll be fine, kaplan is usually what makes people nervous going in but you're scoring well on those. Just remember to watch your time and know that the questions aren't meant to trick you - it was all straightforward, so don't second guess yourself. Use these last few days to brush up on your worst subject and get used to sitting and testing for the 4 hours (or however long it was). You got it!
If you're comfortable with kaplan you'll be fine, kaplan is usually what makes people nervous going in but you're scoring well on those. Just remember to watch your time and know that the questions aren't meant to trick you - it was all straightforward, so don't second guess yourself. Use these last few days to brush up on your worst subject and get used to sitting and testing for the 4 hours (or however long it was). You got it!

Thank you so much for all your help!!! I just took the ada OAT & scored a 360 AA & 350 TS (give or take a little I suppose- as the reading comprehension section on the ada test only had 15 questions instead of the actual 40); so I'm really hoping the actual OAT is similar to the ada's!!
Thank you so much for all your help!!! I just took the ada OAT & scored a 360 AA & 350 TS (give or take a little I suppose- as the reading comprehension section on the ada test only had 15 questions instead of the actual 40); so I'm really hoping the actual OAT is similar to the ada's!!

Hey just wondering, how did you find the actual OAT compared to the ADA? I just took the ADA practice one today and didn't find it too bad but I', worried it's much easier than the real thing. Thanks for the help!
Hey just wondering, how did you find the actual OAT compared to the ADA? I just took the ADA practice one today and didn't find it too bad but I', worried it's much easier than the real thing. Thanks for the help!

I took the OAT close to a year ago, but i remember my actual OAT being harder than the ADA practice test. I ended up scoring a 330 AA & 350 TS on the real OAT
For the people that are using the ADA practice, how are you guys administering the exam to yourselves? Are you guys printing it out on paper and taking it like a written exam or are you guys viewing it as a pdf on your computer and marking it up as you go? I'm just trying to see how I could mimic the testing environment based off Kaplan practice tests and the actual OAT.
I just started studying for the oat using the dat bootcamp and I don't know what to use for the physics section. I bought the oat gold standard physics book. Do you think its good or should I use another book?

I just started studying for the oat using the dat bootcamp and I don't know what to use for the physics section. I bought the oat gold standard physics book. Do you think its good or should I use another book?


I haven't heard too many reviews about the gold standard which is why I didn't purchase it myself. However, I am using the Princeton review which is pretty much just for physics and I like it. Haven't taken the test yet but seems like majority uses this book
I just took this practice test, is there a conversion for the Academic Average, I see the Total Science is there and individual sections but was wondering if I should just get the average from my individual scores themselves or if there was a written conversion. Thank you! :)