Dental Is admissions possible with low science gpa?

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Oct 14, 2011
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Hi, I have a low science gpa of 2.73 right now and I am planning to apply this cycle to dental schools. I would love to talk about some schools where I would still have a chance of getting an interview and possibly get accepted if I do well on the interview. Any help would be much appreciated.
We need a DAT score, but IMO, the sGPA is too low for a viable dental school application unless it is offset with a very strong SMP GPA. You could be considered if you came up in a truly disadvantaged background from HBCU-oriented dental schools.

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I am taking my DAT on July 23. I also have an overall gpa of about a 2.9-3.0 due to some repeated classes I had to take. Do you think i could possibly get into Howard or Midwestern or LECOM or Nova or ATSU or OSU or CWRU or UDM or Temple or NYU or Tufts? I had a reason for the low GPA. It was because my grandma has nerve damage on her back and my dad travels a lot and so unfortunately i had to take my grandma each month for her nerve blocking shot at far away and specific hospitals and this has been since freshman year all the way till now which is my first semester as a senior. I also work 40 hours a week to help pay for my college while taking a 18-20 credit semester workload ever since I was a freshman.
No bets without a DAT score, but without an SMP, your chances are going to be very small. Have you reached out to admissions recruiters about your circumstances and application?

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Not yet as I do not know how to reach out to admission recruiters to get in contact with them and make sure that when I apply and send them my app, that it won't just get filtered out by a computer due to the low GPA or something. Any help in this will be very helpful and then after I do it, i can come back here and let you know how it goes and what they said.
There's no guarantee for this to not happen just by talking to admissions officers. Honestly, I think there's a high likelihood that this will happen and you'll be auto-rejected, because there are many more applicants with GPAs > 3.0 that you'll be competing against. There is usually a section on applications to explain circumstances like these, but your app may be screened out before admission officers can even get to that part of your app. Also, you didn't list your state of residency, nor what else you have on your app (ECs, shadowing). In addition, AADSAS does not do grade replacement, so be sure you are counting both grades in your GPAs for the classes you retook. I would do an SMP first before applying, to help show you can handle a rigorous science curriculum.

All that aside, you can contact admission officers by simply going to a school's website and navigating to the "Contact Us" section. Every school will have their info available, and you can either call or email them to ask your questions.
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