Pharmacy I got an interview for PharmD at Midwestern but someone told me they are a struggling school. What should I do?

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Jun 11, 2010
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I recently got an interview with Midwestern PharmD. I originally applied for their PA program, but I didn't get in and they suggested that I try applying for the PharmD program. I decided to give it a try. Fast forward a few days later and I got an interview. Someone told me that they have been having trouble filling seats b/c their accreditation is set to be renewed in 2021 and they think the school won't get re-accredited for some reason. I have been looking into their accreditations and such since I was told this, but I also wanted a educated second opinion about this situation.
There are a lot of Pharm schools that are struggling now. The field is saturated, and apps are dropping. The demand for midlevels is not going away anytime soon, AFAIK.

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I never recommend Pharmacy to anyone who does not pick it as a major, please do not take it as a consolation prize. There are pharmacist jobs out there for those who are good, but it is no longer an easy job to get, nor is the cost justification there if you can also get into U of A. I actually have major moral qualms about Midwestern's recruiting technique right now, it not only is desperate, but it does not serve either the profession nor the school by admitting students that do not pick pharmacy as an initial major.

Now, if you do want to get into pharmacy, I do recommend trying out for U of A. It is a good school, but you still have uncertain prospects although the tuition cost to eventual salary is much more reasonable of a proposition. I also recommend the NAU PA program to try for though as the faculty are quite committed as well.
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