Dermatopathology Job Market looking good !!! ($450k, with 2 years partnership track)

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...I believe we are having fun? Not sure if that's an insult or a salutation...

Anyway, I have less beef with dermpath trained derms than i do derms in general...the latter attend a holiday inn express equivalent of 'pathology training' and are granted the ability to sign out the glass from the biopsies they perform. Maybe that provides good clinical-pathologic correlation for inflammatory stuff, but for the most part it's just low hanging fruit. BCCs and squams and SebKs are not hard, but neither are HPs and TAs, or most prostate cancers for that matter. The reason GIs and uros don't sign out their own stuff [aside from the lack of holiday inn express training] is two fold: time/money, and liability. And I suppose that's why most derms don't sign out their own stuff, or turf it to a dermpath. But plenty just cherry pick the easy stuff once a week or for an hour after work and pass the buck when the hamster falls off the track, and that's my problem.

There's a reason people spend years in a particular residency and fellowship. I'm sure there would be outcry if, as a product of some clinical & derm rotations in residency, pathologists routinely hired some PAs and set up skin clinics, just telling everyone to put some hydrocortisone/lotrimin/bacitracin/cream du jour on it and follow-up in 3-6 weeks, biopsing every suspicious lesion, and passing all the challenging cases off to real dermatologists. Sounds absurd, i know. Risky and lots of liability...and time consuming......which is why we don't do it [though I know 2 path trained dermpaths that do something similar]...and there's probably some reimbursement obstacles. Point being, there are easier ways to make money in path than skin/biopsy (or FNA) clinics.

For derms, the low hanging fruit of BCCs and SebKs is just easy money, and not very time consuming. I'd probably do it too if I was a dermatologist (which I always dreamed of becoming.....), but I'm not a dermatologist, and hence I stay in my lane and b**ch about other specialties not staying in theirs.
Sorry about the nightmare you always had that you referenced in your last paragraph.

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Practice should be called “Derm Lite”. If it’s wet, make it dry. If it’s dry, make it wet. If it itches give steroids. If it doesn’t itch, wait till it does and then give steroids.(from my one month derm rotation elective month in internship in 1978🤣)
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Ya know what, I'll give them a little credit. The name of their practice is pretty transparent.

And Derm12, don't let it get to you. But remember, you're in a forum where partly why people may have chosen to do what they do is to not see patients or have to deal with that part of medicine, so I’m not so sure dreaming of Derm is necessarily a thing.

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I wonder if the NP’s could cherry pick and s/o their seb ker, etc garbage? I don’t see why not. Maybe us old retired boomers should start Holiday Inn weekend seminars in that😱🤣. Big potential bucks.
Ya know what, I'll give them a little credit. The name of their practice is pretty transparent.

And Derm12, don't let it get to you. Remember, you're in a forum where partly (or maybe even mostly) why they chose to do what they do is to not see patients or have to deal with that part of medicine.
Shocking--pathologists choose career field in part due to limited patient interaction. Again, not sure if that's an insult or just a statement of fact.

Go troll elsewhere...if you want people to pat you on the back and brown nose your smug a$$, go to the derm forum. Better yet, the med student forum, I'm sure they'll be impressed by your "Staff member", "Volunteer Staff", "PhD" "Verified Expert" [whatever the eff that last one means] credentials.
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Shocking--pathologists choose career field in part due to limited patient interaction. Again, not sure if that's an insult or just a statement of fact.

Go troll elsewhere...if you want people to pat you on the back and brown nose your smug a$$, go to the derm forum. Better yet, the med student forum, I'm sure they'll be impressed by your "Staff member", "Volunteer Staff", "PhD" "Verified Expert" [whatever the eff that last one means] credentials.
It wasn’t meant to be an insult. My post was directed at the statement “…other specialities that they could've never dreamed of becoming”. Meaning that one should probably not assume folks dreamt of doing some other specialty since a reason why those folks do what they do is to avoid parts of that other specialty.

Most of what I do is Dermpath. I prefer just sitting in my office with my scope and slides.

Reading my post, I guess I can see how it could be taken as a cut or jab, but it wasn’t intended that way. So wow, chill out. The personal attack is unnecessary.
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Get in line you autistic freaks and respect dermatology. Don’t you fools know that the integumentary system is the largest orgam system? Of course you didn’t.

The only reason I went into pathology was because I knew derm would never accept a hideous ogre like myself. Why should a dermatologist waste their precious time handling my filthy ERAS application? I didn’t have a derm case report and I had never set foot at the American Academy of Dermatology until high school. I failed before I even began.

When they step down from heaven and grace our forum, it is our brief chance to momentarily bask in their reflected glory. Those hands that so gracefully lance pimples and only accept cash payment lift us from the pointless drudgery of our specialty diagnosing all the boring crap in the other worthless organs.

If only I had the inborn superiority to do well on step 1 and charm the obgyns in clerkships like the dermatologists did, perhaps my dreams of working in a dermatology clinic could have been a reality. Now ill die alone in the hospital basement with the formalin fumes preserving my failure for all eternity,
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I wonder if the NP’s could cherry pick and s/o their seb ker, etc garbage? I don’t see why not. Maybe us old retired boomers should start Holiday Inn weekend seminars in that😱🤣. Big potential bucks.

I would think insurance reimbursement could be a roadblock. If it was a relatively large office of just NPs and they wanted for some reason to do everything on site, they would need to get some other qualified person to oversee the lab, unless they come up with some type of advanced nursing lab science degree I guess.

Interesting read here:
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I love doing dermpath. But never would I ever have wanted to do clinical dermatology. I have no desire to do skin checks, treat acne, or check for atypical moles on old men's taints. No jealousy here for what dermatologists actually do on a daily basis.
Derm in my neck of the woods is now private equity owned practices staffed by less physicians than before. Lot more NP and PA working there. No more in-office labs as the specimens are going to the PE owned lab many states away. I don't envy their situations at all.
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We've been fairly resistant to that where I am, but it's likely just a matter of time.
If you have any say at all, don't sell to PE. Don't completely ruin your field like the past generation of pathologists ruined ours by selling to Ameripath and others. Create a brand, don't let others make decisions for you, be independent.
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If you have any say at all, don't sell to PE. Don't completely ruin your field like the past generation of pathologists ruined ours by selling to Ameripath and others. Create a brand, don't let others make decisions for you, be independent.
If someone offers you 6x EBITDA and that = $36M—- you sell. But unfortunately it ain’t 1996.
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I don't consider 36 million that much money and I refuse to be a drone.
36 mil isn’t a lot of money? Lol Webb how much you worth? Maybe I’ll pack my bags and go rural starting Monday morning to start my empire LOL!
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What are you trying to say? They are looking for a general surgical pathologist as well for the same salary. The dermpath makes as much as everyone else.
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I don't consider 36 million that much money and I refuse to be a drone.
What makes you think i was a “drone”? I remained the medical director of the same hospital that i was director of for 25 years. Nothing changed for me. Now, I will admit my/my groups situation was pretty unique.
Exactly. PE buys out the practices, pays derms decent money to continue practicing, and then pockets huge profits from the practice going forwards. PE is eating up small practices all over the country and forming huge derm conglomerates.
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Exactly. PE buys out the practices, pays derms decent money to continue practicing, and then pockets huge profits from the practice going forwards. PE is eating up small practices all over the country and forming huge derm conglomerates.
Yeah I understand lol but how are they doing that? How do they make money from it and why don’t the docs do the same without selling out
PE gets backing. Gobbles up profitable practices for 4-5X. Kills competition in area, slashes budgets (by bye cozy doc/employee relationship, benefits, etc) and raises rates over next 2 years (thus paying down 40% of their buy with cash flow). If market is frothy, packages and sells privately to bigger fish for 6-8X or IPOs it for 10-14X.

Super League Money GIF by Anderson .Paak

You need big boi dollars and operating experience. Little people get squashed, owner docs get their payday and can work a few more years coasting IDGAF attitude, PE wins. Its a time honored tale.
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PE is eating up small practices all over the country and forming huge derm conglomerates.
Aren't they doing this in other specialties as well, i.e. cards, rads, anesthesia, etc?
Or, are these "supergroups" with 50-100+ physicians all physician-owned.
Aren't they doing this in other specialties as well, i.e. cards, rads, anesthesia, etc?
Or, are these "supergroups" with 50-100+ physicians all physician-owned.
Urology too. Look up Solaris. GI too. Look up Gastrohealth.
I keep wondering how their central lab can work as a POL. Most of these in my area are out of state. Looks like feds have given up on Stark
We're really struggling with the word "why" here. Why do you all think that path trained more adept at handling the liability? Derm trained see the patients and apparently know the histopathology better. Why would they send it out to someone who's never seen the patient and statistically speaking, not as competent? My personal experience has been the complete opposite of what you're saying. Path trained generally hedge more and consult more.
Dude, I like you - Your personality sounds a perfect match for pathology!