Anatomy vs Physiology vs Anatomy & Physiology class? - How does the AAMC view all these courses?

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5+ Year Member
Jan 20, 2018
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Hello! I have a perplexing question:

In looking at classes I could take, there is an Anatomy course, Physiology course and a combined Anatomy & Physiology class. These are all Bio courses, but they're all considered different courses with different classification numbers.

How would the AAMC see these courses if, hypothetically, somebody were to take all these courses all at once? Will they be considered separate courses or will they pile on each if somebody was re-doing a course?

This can tie in with another set of odd courses: Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology and Cellular & Molecular Biology. Are they all technically different in the AAMC's eyes or will they just pile on top of each other grade-wise?


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Hello! I have a perplexing question:

In looking at classes I could take, there is an Anatomy course, Physiology course and a combined Anatomy & Physiology class. These are all Bio courses, but they're all considered different courses with different classification numbers.

How would the AAMC see these courses if, hypothetically, somebody were to take all these courses all at once? Will they be considered separate courses or will they pile on each if somebody was re-doing a course?

This can tie in with another set of odd courses: Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology and Cellular & Molecular Biology. Are they all technically different in the AAMC's eyes or will they just pile on top of each other grade-wise?

I am not sure how AAMC would view them, but you may want to check the admissions requirements for schools you are considering applying to. My state school does not accept the combined A & P class- I believe that is usually a 200 level class. They will accept the upper level classes in Anatomy or Physiology which at my institution are 400 level courses.

Hope this helps a little!
I am not sure how AAMC would view them, but you may want to check the admissions requirements for schools you are considering applying to. My state school does not accept the combined A & P class- I believe that is usually a 200 level class. They will accept the upper level classes in Anatomy or Physiology which at my institution are 400 level courses.

Hope this helps a little!

Oh! That definitely does help. Thanks!