2023-2024 Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine (OSU-COM)

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The Real PG
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2023-2024 OSU-COM Secondary Essay Prompts:

1. Are you currently enrolled in classes? Yes/No >> (If not), please describe your current activities (300 words)

2. Please describe something you deserved but didn’t get and how you felt about it. (300 words)

3. (Optional): Is there any additional information you would like the college to know about you? (500 words)

Good luck to everyone applying!

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hey! this school fits my stats but I’m oos. Do you need really high stats to be competitive at this school?
hey! this school fits my stats but I’m oos. Do you need really high stats to be competitive at this school?
I wouldn't say SUPER high, but you need to definitely be at or above the average of the admitted class for the previous cycle. They're very IS heavy (something like 85-90% IS), so if the average is say, 3.7 GPA/502 MCAT, you probably want to be right at those metrics or close enough with a strong ties either to Oklahoma or to rural medicine. If you're from someplace like Boston or Chicago with no interest in primary care, and you're rocking like, 3.4 GPA/498 MCAT, it may be better to consider other schools and save your money.

I'm no expert, just decently familiar with the school and have been in several threads. Good luck!
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What is the prompt?
1. Please describe something you deserved but didn’t get and how you felt about it. (300 words)
2. Optional: Is there any additional information you would like the college to know about you? (500 words)

There is also another question prior to the essays portion that asks if you are currently enrolled in classes. If not, please describe your current activities. (300 words). If you are enrolled in classes, you do not have to write anything.
1. Please describe something you deserved but didn’t get and how you felt about it. (300 words)
2. Optional: Is there any additional information you would like the college to know about you? (500 words)

There is also another question prior to the essays portion that asks if you are currently enrolled in classes. If not, please describe your current activities. (300 words). If you are enrolled in classes, you do not have to write anything.
What are they looking for ofr that first one? family trauma? bad grade in a class? I',m a pretty laid back person so other than some stuff thats super personal and family related I dont really know what I should put
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What are they looking for ofr that first one? family trauma? bad grade in a class? I',m a pretty laid back person so other than some stuff thats super personal and family related I dont really know what I should put
It’s open enough for you to decide what to put imo. Nothing they’re specifically looking for!
For the current students or anyone who lives there. How safe do you feel in Tulsa¿ Google be saying it’s one of the most dangerous places in the country.
this isnt school-specific, but any advice on how to approach the optional essays? I got a 504 on my MCAT and struggled in my undergraduate so I've been using the space thus far to talk about the two. I've been explaining how I took my MCAT in the midst of my master's program and then how I've grown since my undergraduate and how it allowed me to do well in my master's program. However, I was recently told that I shouldn't be addressing either because I should be selling myself rather than bringing attention to my shortcomings. I'm not really sure what to do with the section moving forward.
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this isnt school-specific, but any advice on how to approach the optional essays? I got a 504 on my MCAT and struggled in my undergraduate so I've been using the space thus far to talk about the two. I've been explaining how I took my MCAT in the midst of my master's program and then how I've grown since my undergraduate and how it allowed me to do well in my master's program. However, I was recently told that I shouldn't be addressing either because I should be selling myself rather than bringing attention to my shortcomings. I'm not really sure what to do with the section moving forward.
Some schools have a prompt for you to talk about a weakness in your application. I’d talk about that stuff there or if they ask for a challenge you’ve overcome. But I am very positive and upbeat in selling despite having a less than perfect MCAT. I already have an II for this cycle and I think it’s from seeming like the type of person a school would like to have around for a few years. Nobody wants a pity pick! Don’t focus on your struggle focus on your triumph!
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this isnt school-specific, but any advice on how to approach the optional essays? I got a 504 on my MCAT and struggled in my undergraduate so I've been using the space thus far to talk about the two. I've been explaining how I took my MCAT in the midst of my master's program and then how I've grown since my undergraduate and how it allowed me to do well in my master's program. However, I was recently told that I shouldn't be addressing either because I should be selling myself rather than bringing attention to my shortcomings. I'm not really sure what to do with the section moving forward.
Discuss the prompts professionally, and do not use them as confessionals. You need to make sure you do not come across as making excuses, especially when it comes to highlighting blemishes on your metrics.
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For the current students or anyone who lives there. How safe do you feel in Tulsa¿ Google be saying it’s one of the most dangerous places in the country.
I've lived either in actual Tulsa or its suburbs my entire life! Just like any bigger city, there are more and less dangerous parts of town. Overall, I've never felt unsafe here.
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What are they looking for ofr that first one? family trauma? bad grade in a class? I',m a pretty laid back person so other than some stuff thats super personal and family related I dont really know what I should put
As someone who got an acceptance 3 days after my interview, my one advice is to be authentically you. The more walls you put up, the less authentic you appear and the less of a chance you have at getting an acceptance. It will show in your writing. If it’s too personal, it’s okay put it on there. Patients want providers with whom they can easily connect via life experiences. This improves patient care. That’s what makes you unique. That’s how you stand out. That’s how you show(not tell) admissions how resilient and determined you are. No one will share your story. Talk about the lessons you learned. When it comes to your future or your shot at med school, there’s no such thing as too personal.
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this isnt school-specific, but any advice on how to approach the optional essays? I got a 504 on my MCAT and struggled in my undergraduate so I've been using the space thus far to talk about the two. I've been explaining how I took my MCAT in the midst of my master's program and then how I've grown since my undergraduate and how it allowed me to do well in my master's program. However, I was recently told that I shouldn't be addressing either because I should be selling myself rather than bringing attention to my shortcomings. I'm not really sure what to do with the section moving forward.
I used my optional essay to communicate with admissions what I’ve learned in my life, why and what an admissions letter from OSUCOM would mean to me. And I was very genuine. Communicate your interests. It’s your chance to tell admissions what you’ve overcome to make the grades/MCAT score you made, how much your values align with the school, and also why OSUCOM. You could talk about a lot of things, but let your writing be reflective and introspective.
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Hi you guys I just got verified two hours ago, how long does it take to get a secondary after you are verified?
I used my optional essay to communicate with admissions what I’ve learned in my life, why and what an admissions letter from OSUCOM would mean to me. And I was very genuine. Communicate your interests. It’s your chance to tell admissions what you’ve overcome to make the grades/MCAT score you made, how much your values align with the school, and also why OSUCOM. You could talk about a lot of things, but let your writing be reflective and introspective.
I talked about how many med schools havent let me apply because i have a british degree, despite being an american and having an american postbacc. It was a massive slap n the face asfter spedning two years on a post bacc and taking the MCAT. We'll see how they take it. Hopefully, they wont decide to change their mind and bin me becasue of it lol
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1. Please describe something you deserved but didn’t get and how you felt about it. (300 words)
2. Optional: Is there any additional information you would like the college to know about you? (500 words)

There is also another question prior to the essays portion that asks if you are currently enrolled in classes. If not, please describe your current activities. (300 words). If you are enrolled in classes, you do not have to write anything.
Thanks @DrNobodySr
I talked about how many med schools havent let me apply because i have a british degree, despite being an american and having an american postbacc. It was a massive slap n the face asfter spedning two years on a post bacc and taking the MCAT. We'll see how they take it. Hopefully, they wont decide to change their mind and bin me becasue of it lol
While I understand your feelings about this, I think a lot of med schools post about this on their websites. The vast majority do emphasize that a baccalaureate from a regionally accredited US undergraduate institution is required. It is frustrating for those who completed their undergrad outside the US. My guess is that they’re doing this for accreditation purposes and transcript purposes since schools outside the US might evaluate you differently than the ones here. My recommendation is to look at each school’s requirement and curate your application to the needs of each school. But overall, I think your story is compelling. Hopefully Admissions sees your struggles and how hard you’ve worked to get here and extend an interview.
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While I understand your feelings about this, I think a lot of med schools post about this on their websites. The vast majority do emphasize that a baccalaureate from a regionally accredited US undergraduate institution is required. It is frustrating for those who completed their undergrad outside the US. My guess is that they’re doing this for accreditation purposes and transcript purposes since schools outside the US might evaluate you differently than the ones here. My recommendation is to look at each school’s requirement and curate your application to the needs of each school.

Which is incredible given how different evaluations are in the US by college or even instructor.
Thanks man I already did all that. I literally started reaching out to schools in december to compile my list, it was very frustrating as some of my top choices including one state school said no :( but ive gotten this far!
While I understand your feelings about this, I think a lot of med schools post about this on their websites. The vast majority do emphasize that a baccalaureate from a regionally accredited US undergraduate institution is required. It is frustrating for those who completed their undergrad outside the US. My guess is that they’re doing this for accreditation purposes and transcript purposes since schools outside the US might evaluate you differently than the ones here. My recommendation is to look at each school’s requirement and curate your application to the needs of each school. But overall, I think your story is compelling. Hopefully Admissions sees your struggles and how hard you’ve worked to get here and extend an interview.
oh oh also - for some of the additional info things I've written an essay explaining the differences in assessment styles in the UK? They have a converter for it that you do through AACOMAS, but it doesnt really account for the differences in the education systems. I went to a top UK university, so I thought it was pretty weird the way the converter assessed my marks - is this seen as whining you think?
No worries LOL! Science GPA ~3.73, overall GPA 3.87, 501-> 499 (really bad testing anxiety eek), 700 hrs medical assistant, 80 hrs shadowing tho
CONGRATS!!!!!! first step to your journey...
I also had an mcat score drop :(, glad to see it eventually work out for you :)
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II Received!! OOS sGPA 3.83 cGPA 3.95 MCAT 511; No IIs last cycle so im losing my mind. Completed on 6/23
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II Received!! OOS sGPA 3.83 cGPA 3.95 MCAT 511; No IIs last cycle so im losing my mind. Completed on 6/23
Congrats!! I know this website has a bunch of past interview questions students had, so def will be preparing with that! Hope that can help you out too!
II Received!! OOS sGPA 3.83 cGPA 3.95 MCAT 511; No IIs last cycle so im losing my mind. Completed on 6/23
Congrats, well earned with those stats!! Can't believe you didn't even get any II's last cycle
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Congrats!! I know this website has a bunch of past interview questions students had, so def will be preparing with that! Hope that can help you out too!
Thank you! Congrats to you as well!! I will definitely be doing that
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Hey you guys! I submitted my secondary a week ago and this is what is happenings with my LORs. Should I be worried? All of my letters are from professors (which Im pretty sure is faculty)
Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 7.30.37 PM.png
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Hey you guys! I submitted my secondary a week ago and this is what is happenings with my LORs. Should I be worried? All of my letters are from professors (which Im pretty sure is faculty) View attachment 375430
It’s normal! At least it happened to me last year when I applied. It may take a few weeks for them to change it. No harm in reaching out to make sure everything is processed appropriately though!
Interview invite received 8/2 for 8/18.

IS, on the higher end of typically accepted academic stats, average (if not below) on the rest to be honest.

- secondary was received 7/8 turned in 7/9
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Did anyone hear back about final decisions yet? I know they had a second interview date on Aug 25 so they may just be busy looking through all of our apps together.
Did anyone hear back about final decisions yet? I know they had a second interview date on Aug 25 so they may just be busy looking through all of our apps together.

You must be in state, becuase I recognize you from the OU one also.

I interviewed 8-18 as well and have not heard anything yet.
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Last year they let us know within a few days of interviews but it was later in cycle. I received invite to interview for 9/11 last week.
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Just got offered a spot at the Tahlequah campus. I have family in Tulsa and that’s where I want to be so I turned the offer down and got on the WL for Tulsa.
Just got offered a spot at the Tahlequah campus. I have family in Tulsa and that’s where I want to be so I turned the offer down and got on the WL for Tulsa.
I don't blame you. I did undergrad in Tahlequah. A lot different atmosphere than Tulsa. I have interview there coming up soon. Goodluck!!
I don't blame you. I did undergrad in Tahlequah. A lot different atmosphere than Tulsa. I have interview there coming up soon. Goodluck!!

Thank you! A bit of a risk because with this I can’t go back and decide tahlequah- I’m fortunate enough to have one other acceptance though and decided the risk was worth it.
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Thank you! A bit of a risk because with this I can’t go back and decide tahlequah- I’m fortunate enough to have one other acceptance though and decided the risk was worth it.
I'm glad to hear of your other acceptance. I think we both received interviews with OU as well if I'm not mistaken.
I'm glad to hear of your other acceptance. I think we both received interviews with OU as well if I'm not mistaken.

Thank you! And yup mine is 9/17. When is yours? Since they’re starting a few weeks earlier this year hopefully we will hear back from OU before the end of December. I’m a reapplicant and it took like 10 weeks to hear from OU last time and I wasn’t even an early interview.
Thank you! And yup mine is 9/17. When is yours? Since they’re starting a few weeks earlier this year hopefully we will hear back from OU before the end of December. I’m a reapplicant and it took like 10 weeks to hear from OU last time and I wasn’t even an early interview.
Mine is the 17th as well. I'm going to be in anguish waiting lol!