letter of rec

  1. M

    HPAC missed appointments

    Hey guys, I made a general advising appointment with my HPAC advisor and I missed the meeting. This happened once before in February too and I apologized for both times. Do y'all think that she will put this in her letter? I had my question answered already and forgot to cancel my meeting, but...
  2. N

    Help! My recommender wants a resume?

    I recently asked one of the veterinarians I work with for a letter of recommendation. She said she would be happy to and she thinks I would make a great vet, so I’m confident that her letter is going to be great, however she asked me to send her my resume. What am I supposed to put on this...
  3. LindaAccepted

    Medical The Best Medical School Letter of Recommendation Advice for 2024

    Based on the hundreds of letters of recommendation we’ve read, we’ve identified five key elements that make a recommendation stand out from the rest and help the applicant shine. If you’re writing a recommendation for someone, or you’re drafting your own recommendation for your recommender to...
  4. DaGingerbreadman

    Need help with next employment options

    I plan to apply to a few SMP programs in the first few months of 2024. I currently have 1300+ clinical hours as an MA in a GP office. My target specialty is dermatology. I have no volunteer hours (redflag) and no research experience. To remedy this I have a few options. I can 1. Work 4...
  5. LindaAccepted

    Medical Do’s and Don’ts of Medical School Recommendation Letters

    Your letters of recommendation for your medical school application are critical documents. Many premed students submit a letter of recommendation, called a committee letter, that is provided by a pre-health advisor (also called a health professions advisor) at their undergraduate school or...
  6. C

    PI won't give me letter of rec. What to do?

    Hi all, I have a situation I would like some advice on. I am planning on applying to graduate school this coming cycle (typically, applications open in September and close in December) for both Master’s and PHD programs in clinical psych (my end goal being a doctorate in clinical psychology). I...
  7. O

    Letter of Rec Advice

    Hey everybody, I shadowed two dentists that I had built great relationships with and I can't decide who to ask for a letter of rec. One dentist I feel like I had a better relationship with and he would write me a very strong letter of rec. The other dentist I shadowed I also had a great...
  8. S

    Writing my own LOR for a professor who doesn't know me

    I go to an extremely large public school and am having a hard time getting professors to agree to write a LOR. I reached out to a random professor I had, and surprisingly he said that he would be happy to edit/sign a draft that I write. I know that good letters are powerful, and that mediocre...
  9. O

    Missing one LoR

    Hi everyone, I recently submitted most of my secondaries. Unfortunately, my letters of recommendation are the only thing holding me back from being marked complete. My undergrad does not have a committee, but they send a letter packet once they have all of my letters. I have received back 3 out...
  10. A

    Proof for Shadowing?

    Hey guys! I've been shadowing a surgeon this entire summer and this is my last week. I wanted to know how we should document our shadowing hours as proof to show on our medical school apps. Should I ask the surgeon to write me a letter that acknowledges the amount of hours that I've shadowed at...
  11. stxrshxn3

    Can I get a LOR from a non-science instructor who is a PhD candidate but not yet a professor?

    For context- I developed a good relationship with one of my instructors in my philosophy class. We met up weekly outside of class to work on an independent project together. The class was medical in nature so I feel as though he would be able to speak to my ability to reason through medical...
  12. A

    Physician willing to write a letter of recommendation for 2022-2023 application cycle?

    I know this seems unorthadoxed, but I have really been struggling to find a physician to write me a letter of recommendaton. I am currently living in Japan and the idea of shadowing does not really exist here. I have some experience shadowing in the US but it was years ago and not enough to ask...
  13. C

    LOR Question.

    Hey all. I was planning on applying last cycle so I got all my LOR in order last spring. They are currently being held in the Interfolio interface waiting to be sent for this cycle. Two questions: (1) Do I need to ask my recommenders to update the letters with the correct date? (2) I assume most...
  14. stebgbby

    Professor getting cold feet about letter of rec...

    What do I do if a professor I am close to and made a letter of rec for me is suddenly getting cold feet? I have had a really great relationship with this professor, did research with him, presented at conferences, but I wasn't able to publish my work by the time I graduated. I was even offered...
  15. Dumplingz

    What qualifies as a "Science" Letter of Recommendation?

    How do we know whether or not an engineering course that is considered BCMP qualifies as a science course for the purposes of a letter of recommendation? After looking through several medical school LoR requirements, it doesn't seem like any really define what qualifies as "science". Harvard...
  16. M

    Letter of Recommendation Help

    Long story short, I am finding out now from schools that two of my LOR's did not use letterhead or at (least) put their signature on them. I am very flustered and feel like I am scrambling at the moment, as I am unsure of what to do. Is there a way to resubmit these letters through AMCAS...
  17. G

    (solved) thought I had 3 great LOR's but now it looks like I only have 1. PLEASE HELP!!

    Edit: problem solved, thanks for the help!
  18. V

    Letter of Rec from someone without college degree?

    I am currently doing a community service volunteering program where the director is a college drop out, but he is kind of successful now in terms of starting up this local organization that is in the works of expanding throughout California (got funds and approval from state gov already). I...
  19. Z

    Is having a letter of recommendation from a priest frowned upon by adcoms?

    I was wondering if asking for a letter of recommendation from a priest I have grown close with would be frowned upon by adcoms. Much of my ECs have come from serving at my church in various activities for many years. I believe he could write me a strong letter of recommendation because of how...
  20. L

    Letter of Recommendations? Non-science vs Science?

    Do math professors count for non-science letters? Or should I use a freshman seminar professor as a non-science letter he is also my pre-med advisor so I'm sure I will get a good letter from him.
  21. T

    How mandatory is a humanities letter of rec?

    I'm part of a full ride scholarship, and the scholarship director will write me a letter of rec. My research PI/taught me a bioengineering class will write me a letter of rec. My orgo 2 prof will write me a letter of rec. A doctor whom I shadow often will write me a letter of rec. I'll be...
  22. T

    Letters of Rec

    I wanted to ask for a letter of rec from my neuroanatomy professor. Unfortunately the class is listed under the psych department, despite the fact that it's 100% biology of the brain. Would this work as one of my 2 letters of rec from a science professor?
  23. M

    Co-Authors on Letter of Recommendation

    Is it a good practice to have two people write one LOR? I know you shouldn't have two letters from the same place/experience since it will be redundant but if those two people both have something valuable to say about you and that experience can you have them co-write one letter?
  24. J

    Other OT-Related Information Chances of getting into OT school

    Hello, everyone I am excited to be posting here for the first time. I've been looking over the forum for some time and wanted to share my stats. I'm applying for masters programs In OT for the upcoming year (2019). I wanted to know if I could get some feedback as to my chances of getting in and...
  25. J

    How did you get a letter of recommendation from a professor for a post-bacc?

    Hi SDN folks, I'd love to hear from people who applied to career changer post-baccs a few years after graduation. Who did you ask for your academic letters of recommendation? How did you go about doing it? I studied film and economics in undergrad. The 3 professors I was close with during my...
  26. SwimmerDentist95

    Do letters of recommendation from Engineering professors count as science letters?

    Hi everyone. I am almost ready to send off my application for the 2018-2019 cycle and I can't believe I'm asking this question now. Do letters of rec from engineering professors count as science letters of rec?? I majored in biomedical engineering for undergrad. Having spent majority of my...
  27. physiogirl2019

    letter of rec issue

    Hello everyone! So basically the story is I asked a professor for a letter of rec back in October. He agreed to it and asked for me to send my resume, explanation for why I chose to seek a career in medicine, and to schedule an appointment with him to interview. I sent back everything he...
  28. D

    Letters of Recommendation HELP !

    Hello everyone, If you guys read my last post, you know I feel insecure and worried about applying to optometry school because I don't have the strongest of grades. I am asking people for letters of recombination, but I am having a tough time. I asked my Developmental Psychology Professor...
  29. Z


  30. S

    LOR: would this count as a non-science letter?

    Hi All! I have a somewhat specific question about a letter of rec coming from a professor who taught me a non-science course that was listed in a science department. This professor knows me very well, so I definitely want to use this letter. The course is listed as in the department of...
  31. bigeman101

    Is a Clinical Letter of Rec Essential??

    Here's the situation: I worked as a CNA for a year and recently quit because the management was terrible and they all got fired. I was going to get a letter of rec from my boss there but that's not possible now. Now I have two choices: I can go to work another CNA job and get a letter of rec...
  32. M

    NECO incomplete application

    Hi everyone, I submitted my application to NECO yesterday and received an invitation for interview today. Faster than I thought! So I had missed a little detail when I applied to NECO. They said they require 2 letters from 2 different professors, but I only have from one prof, therefore, my...
  33. SigrunnPT

    UCF Letters of Rec Question

    I’m applying to PT school this fall and my top choice is UCF. I have asked one PT for a letter of rec already and am asking one of my favorite professors this week for my second letter of rec. Who would you suggest I ask for my third letter of rec? I could ask another PT, my supervisor at work...
  34. predental808

    Letter of Recs for Columbia - how strict?

    I am looking at the LOR requirements for Columbia and it says 3 science professors and 1 of your choice. I already have 4 letters submitted on my AADSAS and wanted to get a few opinions on if the following letters would satisfy the requirement or if anyone knows how strict Columbia is. I...
  35. ArtMajor

    Weird letter situation

    so I have a letter packet (containing 4 letters) which I am sending to all of the 20 schools that I am applying to. However I just received an additional letter I was not initially expecting. It's from a clinical work supervisor and I think it will be really strong. I'm thinking of sending...
  36. multiwell

    Quick question about secondaries

    Hello all, long time lurker on these forums. -I was just wondering where secondaries get sent to. Is it just our email that we used for AMCAS? I haven't been sent any emails from any schools or anything, I believe I clicked do not advertise to me on my MCAT. -When are secondaries getting sent...
  37. T

    Letters of Rec: Professors

    Hello! So obviously most schools recommend (or require) a letter of rec from a professor. I'm looking to apply to schools in California, and the three schools here only recommend a letter from a professor (though I do understand that it would be ideal to have a letter from a professor). My...
  38. ArtMajor

    AAMCAS Letter Packet

    My university is collecting all of my letters of recommendation for me, and sending them all to AAMCAS as a packet. Now, since I can't break up the packet into individual letters, I have to send the entire thing to every med school I apply to? What if the packet contains 4 letters, and the...
  39. predental808

    Submitting my AADSAS before taking DAT and submitting LOR

    Hello! I will be applying this cycle and will be submitting my application as early as possible (within the first week of June) However, I won't be taking my DAT until mid June. I know it takes a few weeks for my DAT score to be verified and most school won't really look at my application...
  40. ArtMajor

    Letter of Rec Advice?

    So I have 4 of my letters pretty nailed down at this point (got 3 professors that know me well.. 2 science 1 non, + a PI/doc) but for a last one I thinking of using the parent of the kid that I have been volunteering with through Big Brothers Big Sisters. She seemed to enthusiastic to write...