
  1. F

    Summer Research at Home Institution vs Away (SRTP)

    Hi everyone! Would love some advice! For context, I am an M1 at a top 50 medical school in the US. I am very interested in cardiology (so internal medicine). But I just recently developed an interest in dermatology too. I have been trying to decide what would be best for my upcoming summer so...
  2. C

    MGH SRTP-how likely is it to get off the waitlist?

    I was waitlisted for MGH SRTP a few days ago. Was wondering if anyone from previous years was waitlisted and got in? Or does anyone know how likely it is to make it off the waitlist?
  3. YaleBound

    NIDDK Medical Student Research Program in Diabetes or Vanderbilt SRTP 2017

    Anyone here waiting to hear back from the NIDDK Medical Student Research Program in Diabetes or Vanderbilt SRTP?